Corstone-300 Ethos-U55 FPGA and FVP

Building TF-M

Follow the instructions in Building instructions. Build instructions with platform name: mps3/an547 (-DTFM_PLATFORM=mps3/an547).


This platform support does not provide software for Ethos-U55 IP, only contains base address and interrupt number for it.


The built binaries can be run on both the Corstone-300 Ethos-U55 Ecosystem FVP (FVP_SSE300_MPS3) and Corstone SSE-300 with Ethos-U55 Example Subsystem for MPS3 (AN547).

To run the example code on Corstone SSE-300 with Ethos-U55 Example Subsystem for MPS3 (AN547)

FPGA image is available to download here

To run BL2 bootloader and TF-M example application and tests in the MPS3 board, it is required to have AN547 image in the MPS3 board SD card. The image should be located in <MPS3 device name>/MB/HBI<BoardNumberBoardrevision>/AN547

The MPS3 board tested is HBI0309C.

  1. Copy bl2.bin and tfm_s_ns_signed.bin files from build dir to <MPS3 device name>/SOFTWARE/

  2. Rename tfm_s_ns_signed.bin to tfm.bin (Filename should not be longer than 8 charachters.)

  3. Open <MPS3 device name>/MB/HBI0309C/AN547/images.txt

  4. Update the images.txt file as follows:

    TITLE: Arm MPS3 FPGA prototyping board Images Configuration File
    TOTALIMAGES: 2                     ;Number of Images (Max: 32)
    IMAGE0UPDATE: AUTO                 ;Image Update:NONE/AUTO/FORCE
    IMAGE0ADDRESS: 0x00000000          ;Please select the required executable program
    IMAGE1ADDRESS: 0x02000000
  5. Close <MPS3 device name>/MB/HBI0309C/AN547/images.txt

  6. Unmount/eject the <MPS3 device name> unit

  7. Reset the board to execute the TF-M example application

  8. After completing the procedure you should be able to visualize on the serial port (baud 115200 8n1) the following messages:

    [INF] Swap type: none
    [INF] Swap type: none
    [INF] Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x0
    [INF] Jumping to the first image slot
    [Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
    TF-M isolation level is: 0x00000001
    Booting TFM v1.2.0
    Jumping to non-secure code...
    Non-Secure system starting...

To run the example code on Corstone-300 Ethos-U55 Ecosystem FVP

FVP is available to download here

  1. Install the FVP

  2. Copy bl2.axf and tfm_s_ns_signed.bin files from build dir to <FVP installation path>/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/

  3. Navigate to the same directory and execute the following command to start FVP:

    ./FVP_MPS3_Corstone_SSE-300 -a cpu0*=”bl2.axf” –data “tfm_s_ns_signed.bin”@0x01000000

  4. After completing the procedure you should be able to visualize on the serial port the following messages:

    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    [INF] Starting bootloader
    [INF] Swap type: none
    [INF] Swap type: none
    [INF] Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x0
    [INF] Jumping to the first image slot
    [Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
    TF-M isolation level is: 0x00000001
    Booting TFM v1.2.0
    Jumping to non-secure code...
    Non-Secure system starting...

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