Details for the platform/ext folder

This folder has code that has been imported from other projects. This means the files in this folder and subfolders have Apache 2.0 license which is different to BSD 3.0 license applied to the parent TF-M project.


This folder is strictly Apache 2.0 with the exception of cmake files. Maintainers should be consulted if this needs to be revisited.



This folder contains cmake and code files to interact cryptographic accelerators.

In order to use a cryptographic accelerator, a platform must set CRYPTO_HW_ACCELERATOR_TYPE in preload.cmake. This option maps directly to the subdirectories of the accelerator directory. Currently available accelerators are : the CryptoCell cc312, the STMicroelectronics accelerator stm .

A minimal API is exposed to interact with accelerators, the details of this api are in accelerator/interface/crypto_hw.h. Implementation of the API is inside the subdirectory of the individual accelerator.

To configure a cryptographic accelerator at build time, two cmake options can be specified.

    • ON All possible mbedtls cryptographic operations will be offloaded to the accelerator. This mode is required for CRYPTO_HW_ACCELERATOR_OTP_STATE to have an effect.

    • OFF The cryptographic accelerator will be ignored and software cryptography will be used.

    • DISABLED The HW accelerator will not use any data from its onboard OTP (One Time Programmable) memory.

    • PROVISIONING This special mode is used to program cryptographic material into the OTP memory. When the flag is set TF-M will not boot, but will instead program the hardware unique key, the root of trust private key and the attestation private key into the OTP memory.

    • ENABLED The HW accelerator will use the previously programmed data as the hardware unique key, the root of trust private key and the attestation private key.


Provisioning can not be reversed, and data in the OTP memory can not be changed once set.


This folder contains core and compiler specific header files imported from the CMSIS_5 project.


armclang and gcc

These contain the linker scripts used to configure the memory regions in TF-M regions.


This directory contains platform-independent dummy implementations of the interfaces in platform/include. These implementations can be built directly for initial testing of a platform port, or used as a basic template for a real implementation for a particular target. They must not be used in production systems.


This folder contains the headers with CMSIS compliant driver definitions that that TF-M project expects a target to provide.


This file is expected to define the following macros respectively.

  • TFM_DRIVER_STDIO - This macro should expand to a structure of type ARM_DRIVER_USART. TFM redirects its standard input and output to this instance of USART.

  • NS_DRIVER_STDIO - This macro should expand to a structure of type ARM_DRIVER_USART. Non-Secure application redirects its standard input and output to this instance of USART.


This folder contains the files for individual target. For a buildable target, the directory path from the target directory to its CMakeLists.txt file is the argument that would be given to -DTFM_PLATFORM=.

The standard directory structure is as follows:

  • target
    • <Vendor name>
      • common

      • <buildable target 1>

      • <buildable target 2>

      • <buildable target 3>

Each buildable target must contain the cmake files mandated in the section below.

The common directory is not required, but can be used to contain code that is used by multiple targets.

There must not be any directories inside the vendor directory that is not either the common directory or a buildable platform, to avoid confusion about what directories are a valid TFM_PLATFORM.

Buildable target required cmake files

A buildable target must provide 3 mandatory cmake files. These files must all be placed in the root of the buildable target directory.


This file contains variable definitions that relate to the underlying hardware of the target.

  • TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR: The processor used by the target. The format is that same as the format used in the -mcpu= argument of GNUARM or ARMCLANG. The special +modifier syntax must not be used.

  • TFM_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE: The architecture used by the target. The format is that same as the format used in the -march= argument of GNUARM or ARMCLANG. The special +modifier syntax must not be used.

  • TFM_SYSTEM_DSP: Whether the target has the DSP feature of the given TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR

  • CRYPTO_HW_ACCELERATOR_TYPE: The type of cryptographic accelerator the target has, if it has one. This maps exactly to the subdirectories of platform/ext/accelerator

Other than these particular cmake variables, it is permissible for the preload.cmake file to contain add_definitions statements, in order for set compile definitions that are global for the hardware. This is commonly used to select a particular set of code from a vendor SDK.

It is not permissible to contains code other than the above in a preload.cmake file, any general cmake code should be placed in CMakeLists.txt and any configuration options should be contained in config.cmake


This file collects platform-specific overrides to the configuration options. This should only contain cmake options that are included in config_default.cmake. These options should be set as CACHE variables, as they are in config_default.cmake.


This file should contain all other required cmake code for the platform. This primarily consists of the following:

  • Adding an include directory to the target platform_region_defs, which contains the headers flash_layout.h and region_defs.h

  • Adding startup and scatter files to the tfm_s, tfm_ns and bl2 targets.

  • linking CMSIS_5_tfm_ns to the correct version of the CMSIS RTX libraries, as defined in lib/ext/CMSIS_5/CMakeLists.txt

  • Adding required source files, include directories and compile definitions to the platform_s, platform_ns and platform_bl2 targets.


This optional 4th cmake file is required only if the target is utilising TFM_MULTI_CORE_TOPOLOGY. This file has the same format as preload.cmake, but instead details the hardware of the NS core that is not running the main TF-M secure code.

Flash layout header file

Target must provide a header file, called flash_layout.h, which defines the information explained in the follow subsections. The defines must be named as they are in the subsections.

BL2 bootloader

The BL2 bootloader requires the following definitions:

  • FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS - Defines the first valid address in the flash.

  • FLASH_AREA_BL2_OFFSET - Defines the offset from the flash base address where the BL2 - MCUBOOT area starts.

  • FLASH_AREA_BL2_SIZE - Defines the size of the BL2 area.

  • FLASH_AREA_SCRATCH_OFFSET - Defines the offset from the flash base address where the scratch area starts, which is used during image swapping.

  • FLASH_AREA_SCRATCH_SIZE - Defines the size of the scratch area. The minimal size must be as the biggest sector size in the flash.

  • FLASH_DEV_NAME - Specifies the flash device used by BL2.

The BL2 requires further definitions depending on the number of images, the meaning of these macros are also slightly different:

  • Required definitions in case of 1 image (S and NS images are concatenated and handled together as one binary blob):

    • FLASH_AREA_0_OFFSET - Defines the offset from the flash base address where the primary image area starts, which hosts the active firmware image.

    • FLASH_AREA_0_SIZE - Defines the size of the primary image area.

    • FLASH_AREA_2_OFFSET - Defines the offset from the flash base address where the secondary image area starts, which is a placeholder for new firmware images.

    • FLASH_AREA_2_SIZE - Defines the size of the secondary image area.

  • Required definitions in case of 2 images (S and NS images are handled and updated separately):

    • FLASH_AREA_0_OFFSET - Defines the offset from the flash base address where the primary image areas start, which host the active firmware images. It is also the offset of the primary (active) secure image area.

    • FLASH_AREA_0_SIZE - Defines the size of the primary secure image area.

    • FLASH_AREA_1_OFFSET - Defines the offset from the flash base address where the primary (active) non-secure image area starts.

    • FLASH_AREA_1_SIZE - Defines the size of the primary non-secure image area.

    • FLASH_AREA_2_OFFSET - Defines the offset from the flash base address where the secondary image areas start, which are placeholders for new firmware images. It is also the offset of the secondary secure image area.

    • FLASH_AREA_2_SIZE - Defines the size of the secondary secure image area.

    • FLASH_AREA_3_OFFSET - Defines the offset from the flash base address where the secondary non-secure image area starts.

    • FLASH_AREA_3_SIZE - Defines the size of the secondary non-secure image area.

The table below shows a fraction of the flash layout in case of 2 and 1 updatable images with the related flash areas that hold the firmware images:

Image number: 2

Image number: 1

Flash area


Flash area



Secure image
primary slot


Secure + Non-secure image
primary slot


Non-secure image
primary slot


Secure image
secondary slot


Secure + Non-secure image
secondary slot


Non-secure image
secondary slot


Scratch area


Scratch area

  • IMAGE_EXECUTABLE_RAM_START - Defines the start of the region to which images are allowed to be loaded. Only used if MCUBOOT_UPGRADE_STRATEGY is configured to be RAM_LOAD.

  • IMAGE_EXECUTABLE_RAM_SIZE - Defines the size of the region to which images are allowed to be loaded. Only used if MCUBOOT_UPGRADE_STRATEGY is configured to be RAM_LOAD.

Assemble tool

The tool is used to concatenate secure and non-secure binary to a single binary blob. It requires the following definitions:

  • SECURE_IMAGE_OFFSET - Defines the offset from the single binary blob base address, where the secure image starts.

  • SECURE_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE - Defines the maximum size of the secure image area.

  • NON_SECURE_IMAGE_OFFSET - Defines the offset from the single binary blob base address, where the non-secure image starts.

  • NON_SECURE_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE - Defines the maximum size of the non-secure image area.

Image tool

The tool is used to handle the tasks related to signing the binary. It requires the following definition:

  • IMAGE_LOAD_ADDRESS - Defines the address to where the image is loaded and is executed from. Only used if MCUBOOT_UPGRADE_STRATEGY is configured to be RAM_LOAD.

Expose target support for HW components

Services may require HW components to be supported by the target to enable some features (e.g. PS service with rollback protection, etc). The following definitions need to be set in the .cmake file if the target has the following HW components:

  • TARGET_NV_COUNTERS_ENABLE - Specifies that the target has non-volatile (NV) counters.

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