2. Build instructions

Please make sure you have all required software installed as explained in the software requirements.

2.1. TF-M build steps

TF-M uses cmake to provide an out-of-source build environment. The instructions are below.

Cmake version 3.15.0 or higher is required.

2.1.1. Getting the source-code

cd <base folder>
git clone https://git.trustedfirmware.org/TF-M/trusted-firmware-m.git

To simplify documentation commands, the new created repository under trusted-firmware-m would be referenced as <TF-M base folder> and its parent, the <base folder>. Dependency management is now handled by cmake. If you wish to alter this behaviour, see Manual dependency management


2.1.2. Cmake configuration

All configuration options are provided by cmake variables, and their default values, with docstrings, can be found in config/config_default.cmake.

Configuration is provided in multiple stages. Each stage will not override any config that has already been set at any of the prior stages.

  1. Command-line variable settings are applied.

  2. If the TFM_EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH variable has been set, that file is loaded.

  3. If TEST_PSA_TEST is set, then PSA API test related config is applied from config/tests/config_test_psa_api.cmake.

  4. If it exists, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE specific config is applied from config/build_type/<build_type>.cmake.

  5. Target specific config from platform/ext/target/<target_platform>/config.cmake is applied.

  6. If CRYPTO_HW_ACCELERATOR is set, then a config specific to the accelerator type is applied if it exists.

  7. If it exists, TFM Profile specific config is applied from config/profile/<tfm_profile>.cmake.

  8. config/config_default.cmake is loaded.


This means that command-line settings are not applied when they conflict with required platform settings. If it is required to override platform settings (this is not usually a good idea) then TFM_EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH should be used. Required cmake parameters for building TF-M




The target platform as a path from the base directory /platform/ext/target, or as an absolute path.

By default release configuration builds. Alternate build types can be controlled by the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable. Build type

Build type is controlled by the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable. The possible types are:

  • Debug

  • Relwithdebinfo

  • Release

  • Minsizerel

Release is default.

Both Debug and Relwithdebinfo will include debug symbols in the output files. Relwithdebinfo, Release and Minsizerel have optimization turned on and hence will produce smaller, faster code. Minsizerel will produce the smallest code, and hence is often a good idea on RAM or flash constrained systems. Other cmake parameters

The full list of default options is in config/config_default.cmake. Several important options are listed below.



Default value


Build level 2 secure bootloader.



Build NS app. Required for test code.



Use PSA api (IPC mode) instead of secure library mode.



Set TFM isolation level.



Set TFM profile.


Build secure regression tests.



Build non-secure regression tests.



Build PSA API TESTS for the given suite. Takes a PSA api SUITE as an argument (CRYPTO etc). Regression test configuration

Regression test configuration is controlled entirely by the TEST_S and TEST_NS cmake variables.

If regression testing is enabled, it will then enable all tests for the enabled secure partitions. If IPC mode is enabled via TFM_PSA_API the IPC tests will be enabled. QCBOR and T_COSE tests are linked to the Initial Attestation partition, as they are only used there. Multicore tests will be enabled if TFM_MULTI_CORE_TOPOLOGY is enabled.

Some cryptographic tests can be enabled and disabled. This is done to prevent false failures from being reported when a smaller Mbed Crypto config is being used which does not support all features.



Default value


Test CBC cryptography mode



Test CCM cryptography mode



Test CFB cryptography mode



Test CTR cryptography mode



Test GCM cryptography mode



Test SHA-512 cryptography algorithm



Test SHA-512 cryptography algorithm

ON TF-M Profiles

TF-M Profiles are implemented as a single cmake configuration file, under the config/profile directory. A good understanding can be gained quickly by looking at the Profile configuration files, but the ultimate reference for Profiles are the design documents in the docs/technical_references/profiles/ directory. PSA test configuration

PSA tests are configured by using the TEST_PSA_API cmake variable. The variable should be set to the name of the test suite that is desired. It is _not_ supported to set both TEST_PSA_API and TEST_S or TEST_NS.

The Functional API tests are:





The Firmware Framework test suites are:
  • IPC

Note that these map directly to the SUITE cmake variable used in the psa-arch-tests documentation. Migration from legacy buildsystem

The previous (legacy) cmake buildsystem made use of separate configuration files, where now build options are controlled by variables. For ease of transition, a table below is provided that maps the legacy files to the current variables, in the format of cmake command line parameters.


Cmake command line


<No options>

























ConfigDefaultProfileM.cmake + profile_m_config_ext_ps_disabled.cmake


There has also been some changes to the PSA manifest file generation. The files are now generated into a seperate tree in the <tfm build dir>/generated directory. Therefore they have been removed from the source tree. Any changes should be made only to the template files.

The api for the tools/tfm_parse_manifest_list.py script has also changed slightly. It is no longer required to be run manually as it is run as part of cmake.

2.2. TF-M build examples


By default, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set to Release, for debug support change this to Debug. See below for an example.

2.2.1. Example: building TF-M for AN521 platform using GCC:

cd <TF-M base folder>
cmake -S . -B cmake_build -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521 -DTFM_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain_GNUARM.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build cmake_build -- install

Alternately using traditional cmake syntax

cd <TF-M base folder>
mkdir cmake_build
cd cmake_build
cmake .. -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521 -DTFM_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain_GNUARM.cmake
make install


Unix Makefiles is the default generator. Ninja is also supported by setting -GNinja


It is recommended to build each different build configuration in a separate build directory.

As seen above, the toolchain can be set using the -DTFM_TOOLCHAIN_FILE parameter. Without it, the build command takes the GNU ARM toolchain as default, so there is no need to explicitly include it. In case other toolchain is required, i.e. ARM Clang, simply specify in the command line

cd <TF-M base folder>
cmake -S . -B cmake_build -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521 -DTFM_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain_ARMCLANG.cmake -DTEST_S=ON -DTEST_NS=ON
cmake --build cmake_build -- install

2.2.2. Regression Tests for the AN521 target platform

Regression tests can be build by using the TEST_S and TEST_NS settings. Either can be used in isolation or both can be used to enable both suites. All tests for all enabled partitions are run, along with IPC and Multicore tests if those features are enabled.

cd <TF-M base folder>
cmake -S . -B cmake_build -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521 -DTEST_S=ON -DTEST_NS=ON
cmake --build cmake_build -- install

Alternately using traditional cmake syntax

cd <TF-M base folder>
mkdir cmake_build
cd cmake_build
cmake .. -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521 -DTEST_S=ON -DTEST_NS=ON
make install

2.2.3. Build for PSA Functional API compliance tests

The build system provides support for building and integrating the PSA API tests from https://github.com/ARM-software/psa-arch-tests. PSA API tests are controlled using the TEST_PSA_API variable. Enabling both regression tests and PSA API tests simultaneously is not supported.

The value of the TEST_PSA_API variable is the suite to be run.


Respectively for the corresponding service. For example, to enable the PSA API tests for the Crypto service:

cd <TF-M base folder>
cmake -S . -B cmake_build -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521 -DTEST_PSA_API=CRYPTO
cmake --build cmake_build -- install

Alternately using traditional cmake syntax

cd <TF-M base folder>
mkdir cmake_build
cd cmake_build
make install

2.2.4. Build for PSA FF (IPC) compliance tests

The build system provides support for building and integrating the PSA FF compliance test. This support is controlled by the TEST_PSA_API variable:

cd <TF-M base folder>
cmake -S . -B cmake_build -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521 -DTEST_PSA_API=IPC -DTFM_PSA_API=ON
cmake --build cmake_build -- install

Alternately using traditional cmake syntax

cd <TF-M base folder>
mkdir cmake_build
cd cmake_build
make install

2.2.5. Location of build artifacts

All build artifacts are provided in the <build_dir>/bin directory. It is not required to run make install to generate artifacts in this location.

For the purposes of maintaining compatibility with the legacy cmake build system, they are also provided in <build_dir>/install/outputs/<target_platform>/. In order to generate the artifacts in this location make install must be run.

2.2.6. Building the documentation

Please ensure the dependencies for building the documentation are installed as explained in the software requirements. The requirements to build the firmware, are only required when using the CMAKE method

There are currently two ways of building the documentation: - Using the CMake build system as custom targets - Manually using the appropriate tools (sphinx-build/ Doxygen) Using the CMake build-system

Building PDF output can be requested by invoking tfm_docs_userguide_pdf/ tfm_docs_userguide_pdf


For building the documentation all tools needed to build the firmware must be available. Building the Reference Manual
cd <TF-M base folder>
cmake -S . -B cmake_doc -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521
cmake --build cmake_doc -- tfm_docs_refman_html tfm_docs_refman_pdf

The documentation files will be available under the directory:

cmake_doc/docs/reference_manual Building the User Guide
cd <TF-M base folder>
cmake -S . -B cmake_doc -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521
cmake --build cmake_doc -- tfm_docs_userguide_html tfm_docs_userguide_pdf

The documentation files will be available under the directory:

cmake_doc/docs/user_guide Manually using documentation generation tools

Invoking Sphinx-build will build both user_guide and reference_manual targets.

# Build the documentation from build_docs directory
cd <TF-M base folder>
mkdir build_docs
cp docs/conf.py build_docs/conf.py
cd build_docs
sphinx-build ./ user_guide

# Build the documentation from a custom location
# setting the build_docs as input

# Note that using this method will still generate the reference manual
# to the  <TF-M base folder>/build_docs/reference_manual
cd <TF-M base folder>/OTHER_DIR/OTHER_DIR2
sphinx-build  <TF-M base folder>/build_docs/ DESIRED_OUTPUT_DIR

2.3. Manual dependency management

The TF-M build system will by default fetch all dependencies with appropriate versions and store them inside the build tree. In this case, the build tree location is <build_dir>/lib/ext, and the extra libraries can be cleaned by deleting that directory.

If you have local copies already, and wish to avoid having the libraries downloaded every time the build directory is deleted, then the following variables can be set to the path to the root directory of the local repo. This will disable the automatic downloading for that dependency.


Cmake variable

Git repo URL

Mbed Crypto












For required versions of the dependencies, refer to config/config_default.cmake.


  • Some patches are required to the mbedtls repo to allow building it as part of TF-M. While these patches are being upstreamed they are stored in lib/ext/mbedcrypo. In order to use a local copy of Mbed Crypto it is required to apply all patch files in this directory.


  • CMSIS 5 is provided by the TF-M tests repo. If you wish to use a different source for CMSIS 5, it can be configured using CMSIS_5_PATH.

2.3.1. TF-M Tests

Dependency auto downloading is used by default. The TF-M build system downloads the tf-m-tests repo with a fixed version specified by TFM_TEST_REPO_VERSION in config/config_default.cmake. The version can be a release tag or a commit hash.

Developers who want a different version of tf-m-tests can override TFM_TEST_REPO_PATH to a local copy with the desired version.

As the test repo is part of the TF-M project and coupled with TF-M repo a lot, The version should be updated when there are dependency changes between the TF-M repo and the test repo and when there is a complete change merged in test repo.

A complete change is one or more patches that are for the same purpose, for example a new test suite or enhancements on the test cases. Patches in one change can be merge individually provided they do not break anything or cause any regressions. But the version in the TF-M gets updated only when all the patches are merged.

2.3.2. Example: building TF-M for AN521 platform with local Mbed Crypto Prepare Mbed Crypto repository

This is only required to be done once. For dependencies that do not have any .patch files in their lib/ext directory the only required step is cloning the repo and checking out the correct branch.

cd <Mbed Crypto base folder>
git clone https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbedtls
cd mbedtls
git checkout <MBEDCRYPTO_VERSION from config_default.cmake>
git apply <TF-M base folder>/trusted-firmware-m/lib/ext/mbedcrypo/*.patch


  • <Mbed Crypto base folder> does not need to have any fixed posisition related to the TF-M repo. Build TF-M

With new cmake syntax

cd <TF-M base folder>
cmake -S . -B cmake_build -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521 -DMBEDCRYPTO_PATH=<Mbed Crypto base folder>/mbedtls
cmake --build cmake_build -- install

Alternately using traditional cmake syntax

cd <TF-M base folder>
mkdir cmake_build
cd cmake_build
cmake .. -DTFM_PLATFORM=mps2/an521 -DMBEDCRYPTO_PATH=<Mbed Crypto base folder>/mbedtls
make install

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