nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0 Release Notes

nRF Connect SDK delivers reference software and supporting libraries for developing low-power wireless applications with Nordic Semiconductor products in the nRF52, nRF53, nRF54, nRF70, and nRF91 Series. The SDK includes open source projects (TF-M, MCUboot, OpenThread, Matter, and the Zephyr RTOS), which are continuously integrated and redistributed with the SDK.

Release notes might refer to “experimental” support for features, which indicates that the feature is incomplete in functionality or verification, and can be expected to change in future releases. To learn more, see Software maturity levels.


This release introduces significant, potentially breaking, changes to the SDK:

All samples and applications in the SDK have been migrated. Consult respective documentation as additional or changed parameters might be needed to build them successfully. Applications that are outside of the SDK and use custom-defined boards should not be affected by these changes. However, modifications might still be required as per the migration procedure described in Migration guide for nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0. nRF Connect for VS Code users migrating to the latest version of the SDK might be affected.

All samples and applications in the SDK are built with sysbuild by default. Applications that are outside the SDK are not built with sysbuild by default.

The deprecated methods are scheduled for removal after the next release. We recommend transitioning to the alternatives as soon as possible. Consult migration guides for Migrating to the current hardware model and Migrating from multi-image builds to sysbuild. Exercise caution when migrating production environments to the latest SDK.

Added the following features as supported:

Added the following features as experimental:

  • Support for nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0 in the nRF Connect for VS Code extension is experimental. The extension users that need v2.7.0 should switch to the pre-release version of the extension. See the IDE and tool support section for more information.

  • nRF54H and nRF54L Series:

    • Experimental support for next-generation devices. Hardware access is restricted to the participants in the limited sampling program. For more information, contact our sales.

  • Bluetooth® LE:

    • Path loss monitoring in the SoftDevice controller, which is part of LE Power Control. This feature does not yet have a host stack API, it requires access via HCI commands.

  • Wi-Fi:

    • Random MAC address generation at boot time in the nRF Wi-Fi driver.

    • Support for the nRF70 device in CSP package.

    • Support for nRF54H with nRF70 in Wi-Fi: Shell and Wi-Fi: Scan samples.

    • Support for nRF54L with nRF70 in Wi-Fi: Shell and Wi-Fi: Scan samples.

  • DECT NR+:

  • nRF Cloud:

    • The nRF Cloud CoAP library now uses the SO_KEEPOPEN socket option available on modem firmware 2.0.1 and above. This option keeps the UDP socket open during temporary network outages, avoiding unnecessary handshakes and saving power and data.

Sign up for the nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0 webinar to learn more about the new features.

See Changelog for the complete list of changes.

Release tag

The release tag for the nRF Connect SDK manifest repository ( is v2.7.0. Check the west.yml file for the corresponding tags in the project repositories.

To use this release, check out the tag in the manifest repository and run west update. See Get the nRF Connect SDK code and Updating the repositories for more information.

For information on the included repositories and revisions, see Repositories and revisions for v2.7.0.

IDE and tool support

nRF Connect extension for Visual Studio Code is the recommended IDE for nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0. See the Installation section for more information about supported operating systems and toolchain.

Supported modem firmware

See the following documentation for an overview of which modem firmware versions have been tested with this version of the nRF Connect SDK:

Use the latest version of the nRF Programmer app of nRF Connect for Desktop to update the modem firmware. See Updating the modem firmware for instructions.

Known issues

For the list of issues valid for this release, navigate to known issues page on the main branch and select v2.7.0 from the dropdown list.

Migration notes

See the Migration guide for nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0 for the changes required or recommended when migrating your application from nRF Connect SDK v2.6.0 to nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0.


The following sections provide detailed lists of changes by component.

Build and configuration system

  • Added:

  • Updated:

    • All board targets for Zephyr’s Hardware Model v2, with additional information added on the Board names page.

    • The use of Providing CMake options to specify the image when building with Sysbuild. If not specified, the option will be added to all images.

    • The format version of the files generated by the nRF Connect SDK build system.

      Introducing Zephyr’s Hardware Model v2 and building with Sysbuild for the nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0 release modified the content of the generated zip file. For example, binary file names and the board field were updated.

      To indicate the change in the zip format, the format-version property in the manifest.json file included in the mentioned zip archive was updated from 0 to 1.

      Make sure that the used DFU host tools support the file with the new format version (1). If the used DFU host tools do not support the new format version and you cannot update them, you can manually align the content of the zip archive generated with format version 1 to format version 0.

      Detailed steps are described in Migration guide for nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0.

Working with nRF91 Series

Working with nRF70 Series

Working with nRF54H Series

Working with nRF54L Series

Working with nRF53 Series

Working with nRF52 Series

Working with PMIC

Working with RF front-end modules



This section provides detailed lists of changes by protocol. See Samples for lists of changes for the protocol-related samples.

Amazon Sidewalk

  • Added:

    • Experimental support for the Bluetooth LE and sub-GHz protocols on the nRF54L15 PDK.

    • Support for the DFU FUOTA.

  • Updated:

    • Moved the LED configuration for the state notifier to DTS.

    • Improved the responsiveness of the SID Device Under Test (DUT) shell.

  • Removed the support for child image builds (only sysbuild is supported).

Bluetooth Mesh



  • Added:

    • Support for merging the generated factory data HEX file with the firmware HEX file by using the devicetree configuration, when Partition Manager is not enabled in the project.

    • Support for the unified Persistent Storage API, including the implementation of the PSA Persistent Storage.

    • Watchdog timer implementation for creating multiple Matter watchdog sources and monitoring the time of executing specific parts of the code.

    • Clearing SRP host services on factory reset. This resolves the known issue related to the CONFIG_CHIP_LAST_FABRIC_REMOVED_ERASE_AND_PAIRING_START (KRKNWK-18916).

    • Diagnostic logs provider that collects the diagnostic logs and sends them to the Matter controller. To learn more about the diagnostic logs module, see Diagnostic logs.

    • Diagnostic logs snippet to add support for all features of the diagnostic log provider.

    • Matter west commands to simplify the process of editing the ZAP files and generated the C++ Matter data model files.

  • Updated:

    • Default MRP retry intervals for Thread devices to two seconds to reduce the number of spurious retransmissions in Thread networks.

    • The number of available packet buffers in the Matter stack has been increased to avoid packet allocation issues.

    • The Adding clusters to Matter application user guide to use west commands.

  • Removed the Kconfig.mcuboot.defaults, Kconfig.hci_ipc.defaults, and Kconfig.multiprotocol_rpmsg.defaults Kconfig files that stored the default configuration for the child images. This was done because of the Sysbuild integration and the child images deprecation. The configurations are now applied using the configuration files located in the sample’s or application’s directory. For information on how to migrate an application from the previous to the current approach, see the migration guide.

Matter fork

The Matter fork in the nRF Connect SDK (sdk-connectedhomeip) contains all commits from the upstream Matter repository up to, and including, the v1.3.0.0 tag.

The following list summarizes the most important changes inherited from the upstream Matter:

  • Added:

    • Support for the Scenes cluster. This enables users to control the state for devices, rooms, or their whole home, by performing multiple actions on the devices that can be triggered with a single command.

    • Support for command batching. This allows a controller to batch multiple commands into a single message, which minimizes the delay between execution of the subsequent commands.

    • Extended beaconing feature that allows an accessory device to advertise Matter service over Bluetooth LE for a period longer than maximum time of 15 minutes. This can be enabled using the CONFIG_CHIP_BLE_EXT_ADVERTISING Kconfig option.


    • New device types:

      • Device energy management

      • Microwave oven

      • Oven

      • Cooktop

      • Cook surface

      • Extractor hood

      • Laundry dryer

      • Electric vehicle supply equipment

      • Water valve

      • Water freeze detector

      • Water leak detector

      • Rain sensor

  • Updated the network commissioning to provide more information related to the used networking technologies. For Wi-Fi devices, they can now report which Wi-Fi band they support and they have to perform Wi-Fi directed scanning. For Thread devices, the Network Commissioning cluster now includes Thread version and supported Thread features attributes.



  • Updated:

  • Fixed:

    • An issue with Zigbee FOTA updates failing after a previous attempt was interrupted.

    • The RSSI level value reported to the MAC layer in the Zigbee stack.

Enhanced ShockBurst (ESB)

  • Added:

    • Support for the nRF54H20 DK and the nRF54L15 PDK.

    • Fast switching between radio states for the nRF54H20 SoC.

    • Fast radio channel switching for the nRF54H20 SoC.



This section provides detailed lists of changes by application.

Applications that used Bluetooth: HCI IPC, nRF IEEE 802.15.4: Serialization RPMsg, or nRF5340: Multiprotocol RPMsg radio core firmware, now use the IPC radio firmware.

Asset Tracker v2

  • Added support for Thingy:91 X.

  • Updated:

    • The MQTT topic name for A-GNSS requests is changed to agnss for AWS and Azure backends.

    • GNSS heading is only sent to the cloud when it is considered accurate enough.

Serial LTE modem

  • Added:

    • Support for Thingy:91 X.

    • New behavior for when a connection is closed unexpectedly while SLM is in data mode. SLM now sends the CONFIG_SLM_DATAMODE_TERMINATOR string when this happens.

    • Sending of GNSS data to carrier library when the library is enabled.

    • New CONFIG_SLM_CARRIER_AUTO_STARTUP Kconfig option to enable automatic startup of the carrier library on device boot.

    • New custom carrier library commands: AT#XCARRIER="app_data_create", AT#XCARRIER="dereg", AT#XCARRIER="regup" and AT#XCARRIERCFG="auto_register".

  • Updated:

    • AT command parsing to utilize the Custom AT commands library.

    • The AT#XCARRIER="app_data_set" and AT#XCARRIER="log_data" commands to accept hexadecimal strings as input parameters.

    • The #XCARRIEREVT: 12 unsolicited notification to indicate the type of event and to use hexadecimal data format.

    • The format of the #XCARRIEREVT: 7 and #XCARRIEREVT: 20 notifications.

  • Removed:

    • Mention of Termite and Teraterm terminal emulators from the documentation. The recommended approach is to use one of the emulators listed on the Testing and optimization page.

    • Sending GNSS UI service info to nRF Cloud. This is no longer required by the cloud.

    • The AT#XCARRIERCFG="server_enable" command.

Connectivity Bridge

  • Added support for Thingy:91 X.

  • Updated to make the Bluetooth LE feature work for Thingy:91 X by using the load switch.

nRF5340 Audio

  • Added:

    • CAP initiator for the unicast client, including Coordinated Set Identification Profile (CSIP).

    • Support for any context type, not just media.

    • Rejection of connection if unicast client or broadcast source (or both) tries to use an unsupported sample rate.

    • Debug prints of discovered endpoints.

    • Support for multiple unicast servers in unicast client, regardless of location.

  • Updated:

    • Low latency configuration to be used as default setting for the nRF5340 Audio application.

    • ACL interval for service discovery to reduce setup time.

    • Default settings to be lower latency end-to-end.

    • API for creating a broadcast source, to be more flexible.

    • Migrated build system to support Sysbuild. This means that the old Kconfig used to enable FOTA updates no longer exists, and the file suffix fota must be used instead.

  • Fixed:

    • Missing data in the advertising packet after the directed advertising has timed out.

    • Connection procedure so that a central does not try to connect to the same device twice.

    • PAC record creation in unicast server so that it does not expose source records if only the sink direction is supported.

    • Presentation delay calculation so that it is railed between min and max values of the unicast server.

  • Removed the LE Audio controller for nRF5340 library. The only supported controller for LE Audio is SoftDevice Controller. This enables use of standard tools for building, configuring, and DFU.

nRF Machine Learning (Edge Impulse)

  • Added:

  • Updated:

    • The ml_runner application module to allow running a machine learning model without anomaly support.

    • The application documentation by splitting it into several pages.

nRF Desktop

  • Added:

    • Support for the nRF54L15 PDK with the nrf54l15pdk/nrf54l15/cpuapp board target.

      The PDK can act as a sample mouse or keyboard. It supports the Bluetooth LE HID data transport and uses SoftDevice Link Layer with Low Latency Packet Mode (LLPM) enabled. The PDK uses MCUboot bootloader built in the direct-xip mode (MCUBOOT+XIP) and supports firmware updates using the Device Firmware Upgrade module.

    • Support for the nRF54H20 DK with the nrf54h20dk/nrf54h20/cpuapp board target.

      The DK can act as a sample mouse. It supports the Bluetooth LE and USB HID data transports. The Bluetooth LE transport uses the SoftDevice Link Layer with Low Latency Packet Mode (LLPM) enabled.

      The USB transport uses new USB stack “USB-next” (CONFIG_USB_DEVICE_STACK_NEXT). It allows using USB High-Speed with HID report rate up to 8000 Hz.

      The nRF54H20 DK supports firmware update using Software Updates for Internet of Things (SUIT). The update image transfer can be handled either by the Device Firmware Upgrade module or Simple Management Protocol module.

    • Integrated Sysbuild (System build). The application defines the Sysbuild configuration file per board and build type.

    • The nrfdesktop-wheel-qdec DT alias support to Wheel module. You must use the alias to specify the QDEC instance used for scroll wheel, if your board supports multiple QDEC instances (for example nrf54l15pdk/nrf54l15/cpuapp). You do not need to define the alias if your board supports only one QDEC instance, because in that case, the wheel module can rely on the qdec DT label provided by the board.

    • A warning log for handling -EACCES error code returned by functions that send GATT notification with HID report in HID Service module. The error code might be returned if an HID report is sent right after a remote peer unsubscribes. The warning log prevents displaying an error log in a use case that does not indicate an error.

    • Experimental support for the USB next stack (CONFIG_USB_DEVICE_STACK_NEXT) to USB state module.

  • Updated:

    • The CONFIG_BT_ADV_PROV_TX_POWER_CORRECTION_VAL Kconfig option value in the nRF52840 Gaming Mouse configurations with the Fast Pair support. The value is now aligned with the Fast Pair requirements.

    • Enabled the CONFIG_DESKTOP_CONFIG_CHANNEL_OUT_REPORT Kconfig option for the nRF Desktop peripherals with Device Firmware Upgrade module. The option mitigates HID report rate drops during DFU image transfer through the nRF Desktop dongle. The output report is also enabled for the nrf52kbd/nrf52832 board target in the debug configuration to maintain consistency with the release configuration.

    • Replaced the CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_BUF_COUNT Kconfig option with CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_COUNT in nRF Desktop dongle configurations. This update is needed to align with the new approach introduced in sdk-zephyr by commit a05a47573a11ba8a78dadc5d3229659f24ddd32f.

    • The HID forward module no longer uses a separate HID report queue for a HID peripheral connected over Bluetooth LE. The module relies only on the HID report queue of a HID subscriber. This is done to simplify implementation, reduce memory consumption and speed up retrieving enqueued HID reports. You can modify the enqueued HID report limit through the CONFIG_DESKTOP_HID_FORWARD_MAX_ENQUEUED_REPORTS Kconfig option.

    • Error while sending report log level in HID state module from error to warning. The log might appear, for example, during the disconnection of a HID transport. In that case, it does not denote an actual error.

    • Updated the number of ATT buffers (CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_COUNT) for nRF Desktop peripherals. This adjustment allows peripherals to simultaneously send all supported HID notifications (including HID report pipeline support), the BAS notification, and an ATT response. ATT uses a dedicated net buffer pool.

    • Dependencies and documentation of the real-time QoS information printouts (CONFIG_DESKTOP_BLE_QOS_STATS_PRINTOUT_ENABLE) in Bluetooth LE Quality of Service module. The dependencies ensure that USB legacy stack integration in nRF Desktop is enabled (CONFIG_DESKTOP_USB_STACK_LEGACY) and that selected USB CDC ACM instance is enabled and specified in DTS.

    • Enabled CONFIG_BT_ATT_SENT_CB_AFTER_TX Kconfig option in nRF Desktop HID peripheral configurations. The option enables a temporary solution allowing to control flow of GATT notifications with HID reports.

      This is needed to ensure low latency of provided HID data. The feature is not available in Zephyr RTOS (it is specific to the sdk-zephyr fork). Enabling this option might require increasing CONFIG_BT_CONN_TX_MAX in configuration, because ATT would use additional TX contexts. See Kconfig help for details.

    • Configurations for boards that use either nRF52810 or nRF52820 SoC enable the CONFIG_BT_RECV_WORKQ_SYS Kconfig option to reuse system workqueue for Bluetooth RX. This is needed to decrease RAM usage.

Thingy:53: Matter weather station

Matter Bridge

  • Added:

  • Updated the implementation of the persistent storage to leverage NonSecure-prefixed methods from the common Persistent Storage module.

  • Changed data structure of information stored in the persistent storage to use fewer settings keys. The new structure uses approximately 40% of the memory used by the old structure, and provides a new field to store user-specific data. Backward compatibility is kept by using an internal dedicated method that automatically detects the older data format and performs data migration to the new representation.

IPC radio firmware


This section provides detailed lists of changes by sample.

  • Added:

    • New categories of samples: DECT NR+ samples and SUIT samples.

    • Steps for nRF54 devices across all supported samples to reflect the new button and LED numbering on the nRF54H20 DK and the nRF54L15 PDK.

Bluetooth samples

Bluetooth Fast Pair samples

Bluetooth Mesh samples

Cellular samples

  • Cellular: AT Client sample:

    • Added support for Thingy:91 X.

  • Cellular: TLS cipher suites sample:

    • Updated the .pem certificate for

  • Cellular: Location sample:

    • Removed ESP8266 Wi-Fi DTC and Kconfig overlay files.

  • Cellular: Modem Shell sample:

    • Added:

      • Support for sending location data details into nRF Cloud with --cloud_details command-line option in the location command.

      • Support for Thingy:91 X Wi-Fi scanning.

    • Removed ESP8266 Wi-Fi DTC and Kconfig overlay files.

  • Cellular: nRF Cloud REST cellular location sample:

    • Added the CONFIG_REST_CELL_SEND_DEVICE_STATUS Kconfig option to control sending device status on initial connection.

    • Removed the button press interface for enabling the device location card on the nRF Cloud website. The card is now automatically displayed.

  • Cellular: Modem Shell sample:

    • Removed sending GNSS UI service info to nRF Cloud. This is no longer required by the cloud.

  • Cellular: nRF Cloud multi-service sample:

    • Added:

      • The ability to control the state of the test counter using the config section in the device shadow.

      • Handling of L4 disconnect where CoAP connection is paused and the socket is kept open, then resumed when L4 reconnects.

      • Checking in CoAP FOTA and shadow polling threads to improve recovery from communication failures.

      • Sysbuild overlays for Wi-Fi and external-flash builds.

    • Fixed:

      • An issue that prevented network connectivity when using Wi-Fi scanning with the nRF91 Series devices.

      • An issue that caused the CoAP shadow polling thread to run too often if no data was received.

  • Cellular: UDP sample:

    • Updated the sample to use the SO_RAI socket option with values RAI_LAST and RAI_ONGOING instead of the deprecated socket options SO_RAI_LAST and SO_RAI_ONGOING.

Cryptography samples

Common samples

Debug samples

  • Memfault sample:

    • Added support for Thingy:91 X.

DECT NR+ samples

Enhanced ShockBurst samples

Keys samples

Matter samples

  • Added:

    • Test event triggers to all Matter samples and enabled them by default. By utilizing the test event triggers, you can simulate various operational conditions and responses in your Matter device without the need for external setup. To get started with using test event triggers in your Matter samples and to understand the capabilities of this feature, refer to the Matter test event triggers page.

    • Support for the nRF54L15 PDK with the nrf54l15pdk/nrf54l15/cpuapp board target to the following Matter samples:

      DFU over Matter OTA and Bluetooth LE SMP are supported in all samples but require an external flash.

    • Support for Matter over Thread on the nRF54H20 DK with the nrf54h20dk/nrf54h20/cpuapp board target to the following Matter samples:

      DFU, factory data, and PSA Crypto API are not currently supported for the nRF54H20 DK.

    • Default support of Matter watchdog for release build type of all samples. The default watchdog timeout value is set to 10 minutes. The watchdog feeding interval time is set to 5 minutes.

  • Updated:

  • Removed:

    • The configuration directory that contained the Partition Manager configuration file. It has been replaced with pm_static_<BOARD> Partition Manager configuration files for all required target boards in the samples’ directories.

    • The prj_no_dfu.conf file.

    • Support for the no_dfu build type for the nRF5340 DK, the nRF52840 DK, and the nRF7002 DK.

  • Matter: Door lock sample:

    • Added:

      • Support for emulation of the nRF7001 Wi-Fi companion IC on the nRF7002 DK.

      • Door lock access manager module. The module is used to implement support for refined handling and persistent storage of PIN codes.

      • The Scheduled timed access feature.

  • Matter: Template sample:

    • Added experimental support for DFU using the internal ROM only. This option support requires the pm_static_nrf54l15pdk_nrf54l15_cpuapp_internal.yml pm static file and currently works with the release build type only.

Multicore samples

Networking samples

  • Updated the networking samples to support import of certificates in valid PEM formats.

  • Removed QEMU x86 emulation support and added support for the native simulator board.

  • MQTT sample:

    • Added support for Thingy:91 X.

  • HTTP Server sample:

    • Added DNS_SD_REGISTER_TCP_SERVICE so that mDNS services can locate and address the server using its host name.

    • Updated:

NFC samples

Peripheral samples

SUIT samples

Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) samples

Thread samples

Zigbee samples

Wi-Fi samples

Other samples

  • Added the CoreMark sample that demonstrates how to easily measure a performance of the supported SoCs by running the Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium (EEMBC) CoreMark benchmark.

  • nRF Secure Immutable Bootloader sample:

    • Added support for the nRF9151 DK and the nRF9161 DK boards.

    • Updated the key revocation handling process to remove a security weakness found in the previous design. It is recommended to switch to the improved revocation handling in the newly manufactured devices.

  • IPC service sample:


This section provides detailed lists of changes by driver.

Wi-Fi drivers

  • Added support for random MAC address generation at boot using the CONFIG_WIFI_RANDOM_MAC_ADDRESS Kconfig option.

  • Removed support for setting RTS threshold through the wifi_util command.


This section provides detailed lists of changes by library.

Binary libraries

Bluetooth libraries and services

Debug libraries

  • Memfault library:

    • Fixed an issue where the library resets the LTE connectivity statistics after each read. This could lead to an accumulated error over time because of the byte counter resolution. The connectivity statistics are now only reset when the library is initialized and will be cumulative after that.

Modem libraries

Libraries for networking

Security libraries


  • Added:

    • Experimental support for SUIT DFU for nRF54H20. SUIT is now the only way to boot local domains of the nRF54H20 SoC.

    • Experimental support for DFU from external flash for nRF54H20.

    • Experimental support for recovery image for application and radio cores for nRF54H20.

Other libraries


See the changelog for each library in the nrfxlib documentation for additional information.


This section provides detailed lists of changes by script.

  • Added:

    • The script in the scripts/west_commands folder. The script adds the west commands west thingy91x-dfu and west thingy91x-reset for convenient use of the serial recovery functionality.

    • Support for format version 1 of the file to HID configurator for nRF Desktop Python script. From nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0 onwards, the script supports both format version 0 and 1 of the zip archive. Older versions of the script do not support format version 1 of the zip archive.


This section provides detailed lists of changes by integration.

Google Fast Pair integration

  • Updated the Google Fast Pair integration guide to document integration steps for the FMDN extension, the locator tag use case, and aligned the page with the sysbuild migration.

CoreMark integration

DULT integration


The MCUboot fork in nRF Connect SDK (sdk-mcuboot) contains all commits from the upstream MCUboot repository up to and including a4eda30f5b0cfd0cf15512be9dcd559239dbfc91, with some nRF Connect SDK specific additions.

The code for integrating MCUboot into nRF Connect SDK is located in the ncs/nrf/modules/mcuboot folder.

The following list summarizes both the main changes inherited from upstream MCUboot and the main changes applied to the nRF Connect SDK specific additions:

  • Added:

    • Skipping of the MCUboot downgrade prevention for updating the S0/S1 image (MCUboot self update).

      This applies to both the software semantic version based and security counter based downgrade prevention. Thanks to this change, the MCUboot’s downgrade prevention does not prevent updating of the S0/S1 image while using a swap algorithm. S0/S1 image version management is under the control of the nRF Secure Immutable Bootloader anyway.

  • Example DTS configuration for building MCUboot on the nRF54L15 PDK with external flash support.


The Zephyr fork in nRF Connect SDK (sdk-zephyr) contains all commits from the upstream Zephyr repository up to and including ea02b93eea35afef32ebb31f49f8e79932e7deee, with some nRF Connect SDK specific additions.

For the list of upstream Zephyr commits (not including cherry-picked commits) incorporated into nRF Connect SDK since the most recent release, run the following command from the ncs/zephyr repository (after running west update):

git log --oneline ea02b93eea ^23cf38934c

For the list of nRF Connect SDK specific commits, including commits cherry-picked from upstream, run:

git log --oneline manifest-rev ^ea02b93eea

The current nRF Connect SDK main branch is based on revision ea02b93eea of Zephyr.


For possible breaking changes and changes between the latest Zephyr release and the current Zephyr version, refer to the Zephyr release notes.

Trusted Firmware-M

  • Added:

    • Support for PSA PAKE APIs from the PSA Crypto API specification 1.2.

    • Support for PBKDF2 algorithms as of nRF Connect SDK v2.6.0.
