
The LED API provides access to Light Emitting Diodes, both in individual and stip form.

Configuration Options

Related configuration options:

API Reference


group led_interface

LED Interface.


Callback API for blinking an LED.


led_blink() for argument descriptions.

typedef int (*led_api_get_info)(const struct device *dev, uint32_t led, const struct led_info **info)

Optional API callback to get LED information.


led_get_info() for argument descriptions.

typedef int (*led_api_set_brightness)(const struct device *dev, uint32_t led, uint8_t value)

Callback API for setting brightness of an LED.


led_set_brightness() for argument descriptions.

typedef int (*led_api_set_color)(const struct device *dev, uint32_t led, uint8_t num_colors, const uint8_t *color)

Optional API callback to set the colors of a LED.


led_set_color() for argument descriptions.

typedef int (*led_api_on)(const struct device *dev, uint32_t led)

Callback API for turning on an LED.


led_on() for argument descriptions.

typedef int (*led_api_off)(const struct device *dev, uint32_t led)

Callback API for turning off an LED.


led_off() for argument descriptions.

typedef int (*led_api_write_channels)(const struct device *dev, uint32_t start_channel, uint32_t num_channels, const uint8_t *buf)

Callback API for writing a strip of LED channels.


led_api_write_channels() for arguments descriptions.


Blink an LED.

This optional routine starts blinking a LED forever with the given time period.


0 on success, negative on error

  • dev: LED device

  • led: LED number

  • delay_on: Time period (in milliseconds) an LED should be ON

  • delay_off: Time period (in milliseconds) an LED should be OFF

int led_get_info(const struct device *dev, uint32_t led, const struct led_info **info)

Get LED information.

This optional routine provides information about a LED.


0 on success, negative on error

  • dev: LED device

  • led: LED number

  • info: Pointer to a pointer filled with LED information

int led_set_brightness(const struct device *dev, uint32_t led, uint8_t value)

Set LED brightness.

This optional routine sets the brightness of a LED to the given value. Calling this function after led_blink() won’t affect blinking.


0 on success, negative on error

  • dev: LED device

  • led: LED number

  • value: Brightness value to set in percent

int led_write_channels(const struct device *dev, uint32_t start_channel, uint32_t num_channels, const uint8_t *buf)

Write/update a strip of LED channels.

This optional routine writes a strip of LED channels to the given array of levels. Therefore it can be used to configure several LEDs at the same time.

Calling this function after led_blink() won’t affect blinking.


0 on success, negative on error

  • dev: LED device

  • start_channel: Absolute number (i.e. not relative to a LED) of the first channel to update.

  • num_channels: The number of channels to write/update.

  • buf: array of values to configure the channels with. num_channels entries must be provided.

int led_set_channel(const struct device *dev, uint32_t channel, uint8_t value)

Set a single LED channel.

This optional routine sets a single LED channel to the given value.

Calling this function after led_blink() won’t affect blinking.


0 on success, negative on error

  • dev: LED device

  • channel: Absolute channel number (i.e. not relative to a LED)

  • value: Value to configure the channel with

int led_set_color(const struct device *dev, uint32_t led, uint8_t num_colors, const uint8_t *color)

Set LED color.

This routine configures all the color channels of a LED with the given color array.

Calling this function after led_blink() won’t affect blinking.


0 on success, negative on error

  • dev: LED device

  • led: LED number

  • num_colors: Number of colors in the array.

  • color: Array of colors. It must be ordered following the color mapping of the LED controller. See the the color_mapping member in struct led_info.

int led_on(const struct device *dev, uint32_t led)

Turn on an LED.

This routine turns on an LED


0 on success, negative on error

  • dev: LED device

  • led: LED number

int led_off(const struct device *dev, uint32_t led)

Turn off an LED.

This routine turns off an LED


0 on success, negative on error

  • dev: LED device

  • led: LED number

struct led_info
#include <led.h>

LED information structure.

This structure gathers useful information about LED controller.

  • label: LED label.

  • num_colors: Number of colors per LED.

  • index: Index of the LED on the controller.

  • color_mapping: Mapping of the LED colors.

struct led_driver_api
#include <led.h>

LED driver API.

LED Strip

group led_strip_interface

LED Strip Interface.


typedef int (*led_api_update_rgb)(const struct device *dev, struct led_rgb *pixels, size_t num_pixels)

Callback API for updating an RGB LED strip.


led_strip_update_rgb() for argument descriptions.

typedef int (*led_api_update_channels)(const struct device *dev, uint8_t *channels, size_t num_channels)

Callback API for updating channels without an RGB interpretation.


led_strip_update_channels() for argument descriptions.


static inline int led_strip_update_rgb(const struct device *dev, struct led_rgb *pixels, size_t num_pixels)

Update an LED strip made of RGB pixels.

Important: This routine may overwrite pixels.

This routine immediately updates the strip display according to the given pixels array.


0 on success, negative on error


May overwrite pixels

  • dev: LED strip device

  • pixels: Array of pixel data

  • num_pixels: Length of pixels array

static inline int led_strip_update_channels(const struct device *dev, uint8_t *channels, size_t num_channels)

Update an LED strip on a per-channel basis.

Important: This routine may overwrite channels.

This routine immediately updates the strip display according to the given channels array. Each channel byte corresponds to an individually addressable color channel or LED. Channels are updated linearly in strip order.


0 on success, negative on error


May overwrite channels

  • dev: LED strip device

  • channels: Array of per-channel data

  • num_channels: Length of channels array

struct led_rgb
#include <led_strip.h>

Color value for a single RGB LED.

Individual strip drivers may ignore lower-order bits if their resolution in any channel is less than a full byte.

struct led_strip_driver_api
#include <led_strip.h>

LED strip driver API.

This is the mandatory API any LED strip driver needs to expose.