Welcome to the nRF Connect SDK!

The nRF Connect SDK is where you begin building low power wireless applications with Nordic Semiconductor nRF52, nRF53, and nRF91 Series devices.

The SDK contains optimized cellular IoT (LTE-M and NB-IoT), Bluetooth Low Energy, Thread, Zigbee, and Bluetooth mesh stacks, a range of applications, samples, and reference implementations, as well as a full suite of drivers for Nordic Semiconductor’s devices. The nRF Connect SDK includes the Zephyr™ real-time operating system (RTOS), which is built for connected low power products.


nRF53 Series devices are now supported for production. Wireless protocol stacks and libraries may indicate support for development or support for production for different series of devices based on verification and certification status.

To access different versions of the nRF Connect SDK documentation, use the version drop-down in the top-left corner.

In addition to the nRF Connect SDK documentation, information is available in the following locations:
