Developing with the nRF21540 EK

The nRF21540 Evaluation Kit (EK) is an RF Front-End Module (FEM) for Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth Mesh, 2.4 GHz proprietary, Thread, and Zigbee range extension. When combined with an nRF52 or nRF53 Series SoC, the nRF21540 RF FEM’s +21 dBm TX output power and 13 dB RX gain ensure a superior link budget for up to 16x range extension.


nRF21540 EK shield

You can learn more about the nRF21540 EK in the nRF21540 Front-End Module (including its pin layout) and nRF21540 EK User Guide hardware documentation.

Building and programming with nRF21540 EK

To build for the nRF21540 EK, build for the compatible nRF52 or nRF53 board target with the CMake SHIELD option set to nrf21540ek. See Providing CMake options for instructions on how to provide CMake options.

For example, if you build for nRF52840 DK on the command line, you can use the following command:

west build -b nrf52840dk/nrf52840 -- -DSHIELD=nrf21540ek

If you use the nRF Connect for VS Code extension, specify -DSHIELD=nrf21540ek in the Extra Cmake arguments field when setting up a build configuration.

Alternatively, add the shield in the project’s CMakeLists.txt file:

set(SHIELD nrf21540ek)

Building for a multicore board

When building for a board with an additional network core, like the nRF5340, add the -DSHIELD variable with the childImageName_ parameter between -D and SHIELD to build for the network core. In this case, the application core is only responsible for forwarding to the network core the pins needed to control the nRF21540 EK. The application core can be set up to forward the needed pins using the -DSHIELD=nrf21540ek_fwd setting. For example:

west build -b nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -- -DSHIELD=nrf21540ek_fwd -Dmultiprotocol_rpmsg_SHIELD=nrf21540ek

In this command, the childImageName_ parameter has the multiprotocol_rpmsg_ value and builds a multiprotocol application with support for 802.15.4 and Bluetooth. The childImageName_ parameter can take the following values:

  • multiprotocol_rpmsg_ for multiprotocol applications with support for 802.15.4 and Bluetooth

  • 802154_rpmsg_ for applications with support for 802.15.4, but without support for Bluetooth

  • hci_ipc_ for application with support for Bluetooth, but without support for 802.15.4


On nRF53 devices, SPIM0 and UARTE0 are mutually exclusive AHB bus masters on the network core as described in the Product Specification, Section, Table 22. As a result, they cannot be used simultaneously. For the SPI part of the nRF21540 interface to be functional, you must disable the UARTE0 node in the network core’s devicetree file.

&uart0 {
   status = "disabled";