Updating repositories and tools

After you install the nRF Connect SDK, regularly check for updates to repositories and tools. The west tool is updated regularly, like any other required Python dependency package.

You might also want to switch to a newer release or check out the latest state of development. However, if you work with a specific release of the nRF Connect SDK, you do not need to update your repositories, because the release will not change. For an overview of changes in the latest releases, see Release notes.

Updating the repositories

Use the method corresponding to the way you installed the nRF Connect SDK, as described in the following sections.

The nRF Connect for VS Code extension lets you update the associated nRF Connect SDK repositories within the Source Control View. For detailed instructions, see the west module management page in the extension’s documentation.

You can also change the SDK or toolchain in the nRF Connect for VS Code extension to a new one. Complete the steps listed on the How to change SDK and toolchain versions page in the extension’s documentation.

Updating nRF Connect for VS Code extension

Visual Studio Code checks for extension updates and automatically installs them when they are available. After an extension is updated, Visual Studio Code prompts you to reload the application.

If you disabled automatic updates:

  1. Open the Extensions tab and locate the nRF Connect for VS Code extension.

  2. The Update button appears when an update is available. Click the button to install the update.

Updating west from command line

To update west to the latest available version in the PyPi repository, run the following command in the command window:

pip3 install -U west

Updating in Toolchain Manager


Toolchain Manager is only recommended for the nRF Connect SDK v1.9.x and earlier. For newer releases, use the nRF Connect for VS Code extension or the command line tools to manage SDK and toolchain. See Installing the nRF Connect SDK for details. For migration instructions to the nRF Connect for VS Code extension, see How to install the extension in the extension documentation.

Updating toolchain in Toolchain Manager

If you installed the nRF Connect SDK automatically using the Toolchain Manager, complete the following steps to update the toolchain in Toolchain Manager:

  1. Open the Toolchain Manager application in nRF Connect for Desktop.

  2. Click the button with the arrow pointing down next to the installed nRF Connect SDK version to expand the drop-down menu with options.

    The Toolchain Manager dropdown menu for the installed nRF Connect SDK version, cropped

    The Toolchain Manager dropdown menu options

  3. In the drop-down menu, click Update toolchain.

Updating SDK in Toolchain Manager


The SDK versions available in Toolchain Manager are for specific releases. Updating the SDK repositories in Toolchain Manager might therefore be required only in exceptional situations.

If you installed the nRF Connect SDK automatically using the Toolchain Manager, complete the following steps to update the repositories in Toolchain Manager:

  1. Open the Toolchain Manager application in nRF Connect for Desktop.

  2. Click the button with the arrow pointing down next to the installed nRF Connect SDK version to expand the drop-down menu with options.

    The Toolchain Manager dropdown menu for the installed nRF Connect SDK version, cropped

    The Toolchain Manager dropdown menu options

  3. In the drop-down menu, click Update SDK.