Bluetooth: HCI low power UART

The HCI low power UART sample is based on the Bluetooth: HCI UART but is using the Low power UART driver for HCI UART communication.


The sample supports the following development kit:

Hardware platforms


Board name

Board target

nRF9160 DK





The sample implements the Bluetooth® HCI controller using the Low power UART driver for UART communication.

This sample is also supported on the Thingy:91. However, it must be programmed using a debugger and a 10-pin SWD cable. Firmware updates over serial using MCUboot are not supported for either of the MCUs on the Thingy:91 in this configuration.

Building and running

This sample can be found under samples/bluetooth/hci_lpuart in the nRF Connect SDK folder structure.

To build the sample, follow the instructions in Building an application for your preferred building environment. See also Programming an application for programming steps and Testing and optimization for general information about testing and debugging in the nRF Connect SDK.


When building repository applications in the SDK repositories, building with sysbuild is enabled by default. If you work with out-of-tree freestanding applications, you need to manually pass the --sysbuild parameter to every build command or configure west to always use it.

Programming the sample

To program the nRF9160 development kit with the sample:

  1. Set the SW10 switch, marked as debug/prog, in the NRF52 position. In nRF9160 DK v0.9.0 and earlier, the switch is called SW5

  2. Build the Bluetooth: HCI low power UART sample for the nrf9160dk/nrf52840 board target and program the development kit with it.


The methodology to use to test this sample depends on the host application.


This sample uses the following nRF Connect SDK driver: