Developing with ZBOSS
zb_zdo_simple_desc_req_s Struct Reference

Parameters of Simple_desc_req primitive. More...

#include <zboss_api_zdo.h>

Data Fields

zb_uint16_t nwk_addr
zb_uint8_t endpoint

Detailed Description

Parameters of Simple_desc_req primitive.

To be put into buffer as data (means - after space alloc).

Field Documentation

◆ endpoint

zb_uint8_t zb_zdo_simple_desc_req_s::endpoint

The endpoint on the destination

◆ nwk_addr

zb_uint16_t zb_zdo_simple_desc_req_s::nwk_addr

NWK address that is used for IEEE address mapping.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: