Developing with ZBOSS
zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req_s Struct Reference

Parameters of IEEE_addr_req primitive. More...

#include <zboss_api_zdo.h>

Data Fields

zb_uint16_t nwk_addr
zb_uint8_t request_type
zb_uint8_t start_index

Detailed Description

Parameters of IEEE_addr_req primitive.

To be put into buffer as data (means - after space alloc).

Field Documentation

◆ nwk_addr

zb_uint16_t zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req_s::nwk_addr

NWK address that is used for IEEE address mapping.

◆ request_type

zb_uint8_t zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req_s::request_type

Request type for this command: 0x00 Single device response 0x01 Extended response

◆ start_index

zb_uint8_t zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req_s::start_index

If the Request type for this command is Extended response, the StartIndex provides the starting index for the requested elements of the associated devices list

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: