Release Cadence and Process

Project Release Cadence

The project currently aims to do a release once every 4 months which will be tagged on the master branch. There will be a code freeze (stop merging non-essential changes) up to 3 weeks prior to the target release date. The release candidates will start appearing after this and only bug fixes or updates required for the release will be merged. The maintainers are free to use their judgement on what changes are essential for the release.

The release testing will be performed on release candidates and depending on issues found, additional release candidates may be created to fix the issues.

                         |<------------4 months----------->|
      |<--upto 3 weeks-->|              |<--upto 3 weeks-->|
+----------------------------------------------------- ----------> time
      |                  |              |                  |
    code freeze        ver w.x        code freeze        ver y.z

Although this document specifies the release cadence, this does not preclude an adhoc release for specific project requirements.

Release Version Scheme

Trusted Firmware-M uses a semantic versioning scheme. A version number is compiled as a dot separated set of numbers:


  • <MAJOR>: Major release version for significant feature and API changes.

  • <MINOR>: Minor release version for incremental features and API changes.

  • <HOTFIX>: Used only for backporting critical bug fix/security patches.

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