Zigbee toolsΒΆ

When working with Zigbee in nRF Connect SDK, you can use the following tools during Zigbee application development:

  • nRF Sniffer for 802.15.4 based on nRF52840 with Wireshark - Tool for analyzing network traffic during development.

  • ZBOSS NCP Host - ZBOSS-based tool for running the host side of the Network Co-Processor (NCP) design, distributed as a standalone zip package. It contains the full development-ready source code for host and evaluation-ready firmware for the nRF52840 DK and the nRF52840 Dongle (nRF SoC; not subject to modification), which is not yet feature-complete. The package comes with prebuilt libraries compatible with 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04 Linux. For information about how to recompile the library for different host architecture or operating system, see the README.rst in the host package. For information about how to use NCP Host for Zigbee in nRF Connect SDK, see the NCP sample.

Using Zigbee tools is optional.