Mask of 802.15.4 channels used by Zigbee
Type: hex
Bitwise “OR” mask of channels used by Zigbee. The default setting enables all channels.
- Available channels:
bits 31..27: UNUSED, should be cleared
bits 26..11: bit n enables its corresponding channel
bits 10..0: UNUSED, should be cleared
Direct dependencies¶
(Includes any dependencies from ifs and menus.)
Kconfig definition¶
At <nRF>/subsys/zigbee/Kconfig:54
Included via <Zephyr>/Kconfig:8
→ <Zephyr>/Kconfig.zephyr:23
→ <Zephyr>/modules/Kconfig:6
→ <BuildDir>/Kconfig/Kconfig.modules:2
→ <nRF>/Kconfig.nrf:25
→ <nRF>/subsys/Kconfig:40
Menu path: (Top) → Modules → nrf (/home/runner/work/sdk-nrf/sdk-nrf/ncs/nrf) → Nordic nRF Connect → Enable Zigbee stack
config ZIGBEE_CHANNEL_MASK hex "Mask of 802.15.4 channels used by Zigbee" range 0x800 0x7FFF800 default 0x7FFF800 depends onZIGBEE_CHANNEL_SELECTION_MODE_MULTI
help Bitwise "OR" mask of channels used by Zigbee. The default setting enables all channels. Available channels: - bits 31..27: UNUSED, should be cleared - bits 26..11: bit n enables its corresponding channel - bits 10..0: UNUSED, should be cleared
(The ‘depends on’ condition includes propagated dependencies from ifs and menus.)