Log message drop timeout (in milliseconds)

Type: int


If queue with pending log messages is full, oldest log message is dropped if queue is still full after requested time (-1 is forever). Logger thread is blocked for that period, thus long timeout impacts other logger backends and must be used with care.

Direct dependencies


(Includes any dependencies from ifs and menus.)


  • 100

Kconfig definition

At <Zephyr>/subsys/shell/Kconfig.template.shell_log_queue_timeout:3

Included via <Zephyr>/Kconfig:8<Zephyr>/Kconfig.zephyr:23<Zephyr>/modules/Kconfig:6<BuildDir>/Kconfig/Kconfig.modules:2<nRF>/Kconfig.nrf:25<nRF>/subsys/Kconfig:32<nRF>/subsys/shell/Kconfig:24

Menu path: (Top) → Modules → nrf (/home/runner/work/sdk-nrf/sdk-nrf/ncs/nrf) → Nordic nRF Connect → Shell Bluetooth NUS transport

    int "Log message drop timeout (in milliseconds)"
    range -1 10000
    default 100
    depends on SHELL_BT_NUS
      If queue with pending log messages is full, oldest log message is
      dropped if queue is still full after requested time (-1 is forever).
      Logger thread is blocked for that period, thus long timeout impacts
      other logger  backends and must be used with care.

(The ‘depends on’ condition includes propagated dependencies from ifs and menus.)