Wait for “NOP” Command Complete event during init

Type: bool


Emit a Command Complete event from the Controller (and wait for it from the Host) for the NOP opcode to indicate that the Controller is ready to receive commands.

Direct dependencies

BOARD_NRF9160DK_NRF52840 || BOARD_NRF9160DK_NRF9160 || BOARD_NRF9160DK_NRF9160NS || (BT_HCI && BT)

(Includes any dependencies from ifs and menus.)


Kconfig definitions

At <Zephyr>/boards/arm/nrf9160dk_nrf52840/Kconfig.defconfig:14

Included via <Zephyr>/Kconfig:8<Zephyr>/Kconfig.zephyr:18

Menu path: (Top)

config BT_WAIT_NOP
    default BT && n
    depends on BOARD_NRF9160DK_NRF52840

At <Zephyr>/boards/arm/nrf9160dk_nrf9160/Kconfig.defconfig:38

Included via <Zephyr>/Kconfig:8<Zephyr>/Kconfig.zephyr:18

Menu path: (Top)

config BT_WAIT_NOP
    default BT && n
    depends on BOARD_NRF9160DK_NRF9160 || BOARD_NRF9160DK_NRF9160NS

At <Zephyr>/subsys/bluetooth/common/Kconfig:47

Included via <Zephyr>/Kconfig:8<Zephyr>/Kconfig.zephyr:34<Zephyr>/subsys/Kconfig:9<Zephyr>/subsys/bluetooth/Kconfig:238

Menu path: (Top) → Sub Systems and OS Services → Bluetooth

config BT_WAIT_NOP
    bool "Wait for "NOP" Command Complete event during init"
    depends on BT_HCI && BT
      Emit a Command Complete event from the Controller (and wait for it
      from the Host) for the NOP opcode to indicate that the Controller is
      ready to receive commands.

(The ‘depends on’ condition includes propagated dependencies from ifs and menus.)