TI_HDC Sample


This sample application periodically takes Temperature and Humidity using the ti_hdc sensor driver. The result is written to the console.


This sample needs a compatible sensor like HDC1010 or HDC1080 connected to the target board’s I2C connector.

Example Breakout Boards:

  • Pmod HYGRO: Humidity and Temperature Sensor Breakout board


This sample is tested with the STM32L496ZG nucleo and the Pmod HYGRO Temp/RH breakout board.

The sensor operates at 3.3V and uses I2C to communicate with the board.

External Wires:

  • Breakout GND pin <–> Nucleo GND pin

  • Breakout VCC pin <–> Nucleo 3V3 pin

  • Breakout SDA pin <–> Nucleo CN7-D14 pin

  • Breakout SCL pin <–> Nucleo CN7-D15 pin

Building and Running

This sample builds one application for the HDC1080 sensor. Build/Flash Steps:

west build -b nucleo_l496zg samples/sensor/ti_hdc/
west flash

Sample Output

Running on arm!
Dev 0x20001160 name HDC1080 is ready!
Raw Temp = 25144, Temp = 23.305053 C, Raw RH = 32292, RH = 49.273681 %
Raw Temp = 25148, Temp = 23.315124 C, Raw RH = 32424, RH = 49.475097 %

Build Testing

$ZEPHYR_BASE/scripts/sanitycheck -T $ZEPHYR_BASE/samples/sensor/ti_hdc/ -p nucleo_l496zg --device-testing --device-serial /dev/ttyACM0 -t build

Target Testing

$ZEPHYR_BASE/scripts/sanitycheck -T $ZEPHYR_BASE/samples/sensor/ti_hdc/ -p nucleo_l496zg --device-testing --device-serial /dev/ttyACM0 -t target
