BME280 Humidity and Pressure Sensor


This sample application periodically reads temperature, pressure and humidity data from the first available device that implements SENSOR_CHAN_AMBIENT_TEMP, SENSOR_CHAN_PRESS, and SENSOR_CHAN_HUMIDITY. This sample checks the sensor in polling mode (without interrupt trigger).

Building and Running

This sample application uses an BME280 sensor connected to a board via I2C. Connect the sensor pins according to the connection diagram given in the bme280 datasheet at page 38.

west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 samples/sensor/bme280
west flash

Sample Output

To check output of this sample , any serial console program can be used. This example uses picocom on the serial port /dev/ttyACM0:

$ sudo picocom -D /dev/ttyUSB0
temp: 27.950000; press: 100.571027; humidity: 61.014648
temp: 27.940000; press: 100.570269; humidity: 61.012695
temp: 27.950000; press: 100.570695; humidity: 61.002929