Generic Battery Client

The Generic Battery Client model can query the state of a Generic Battery Server model remotely, but does not have any ability to control the Battery state.

API documentation

Header file: include/bluetooth/mesh/gen_battery_cli.h
Source file: subsys/bluetooth/mesh/gen_battery_cli.c
group bt_mesh_battery_cli

API for the Generic Battery Client model.



Initialization parameters for a Generic Battery Client model instance.

  • [in] _status_handler: Optional status message handler.


Generic Battery Client model composition data entry.



int bt_mesh_battery_cli_get(struct bt_mesh_battery_cli *cli, struct bt_mesh_msg_ctx *ctx, struct bt_mesh_battery_status *rsp)

Get the status of the bound srv.

This call is blocking if the rsp buffer is non-NULL. Otherwise, this function will return, and the response will be passed to the bt_mesh_battery_cli::status_handler callback.

  • [in] cli: Client model to send on.

  • [in] ctx: Message context, or NULL to use the configured publish parameters.

  • [out] rsp: Status response buffer, or NULL to keep from blocking.

Return Value
  • 0: Successfully sent the message and populated the rsp buffer.

  • -EALREADY: A blocking request is already in progress.

  • -ENOTSUP: A message context was not provided and publishing is not supported.

  • -EADDRNOTAVAIL: A message context was not provided and publishing is not configured.

  • -EAGAIN: The device has not been provisioned.

  • -ETIMEDOUT: The request timed out without a response.

struct bt_mesh_battery_cli
#include <gen_battery_cli.h>

Generic Battery Client structure.

Should be initialized with the BT_MESH_BATTERY_CLI_INIT macro.

Public Members

void (*const status_handler)(struct bt_mesh_battery_cli *cli, struct bt_mesh_msg_ctx *ctx, const struct bt_mesh_battery_status *status)

Battery status message handler.

  • [in] cli: Client that received the status message.

  • [in] ctx: Context of the incoming message.

  • [in] status: Battery Status of the Generic Battery Server that published the message.

struct bt_mesh_model_ack_ctx ack_ctx

Response context for tracking acknowledged messages.

struct bt_mesh_model_pub pub

Publish parameters.

struct bt_mesh_model *model

Composition data model entry pointer.