SiP Service communication protocol request format.
request header
- bits [15: 0] Arm SiP services command code
- bits [23:16] Transaction ID (Filled in by sip_svc service)
- bits [29:24] Unused. Reserved.
- bits [31:30] Arm SiP services communication protocol version
a0 - a7
- User input data to be filled into a0-a7 registers when trigger SMC/HVC
- This parameter only used by asynchronous command.
- Dynamic memory address for service to put the asynchronous response data. The service will free this memory space if the client has cancelled the transaction.
- This parameter only used by asynchronous command.
- Maximum memory size in bytes of resp_data_addr
- Memory address to client context. Service will pass this address back to client in response format via callback.