nrfxlib API 2.7.99
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nrf_modem_dect_phy_tx_params Struct Reference

TX operation. More...

#include <nrf_modem_dect_phy.h>

Data Fields

uint64_t start_time
 Operation start time as modem time.
uint32_t handle
 Handle for the TX operation.
uint32_t network_id
 Network ID for scrambling.
uint8_t phy_type
 Physical layer control field type.
int8_t lbt_rssi_threshold_max
 Listen before talk maximum RSSI threshold, in dBm.
uint16_t carrier
 The absolute channel frequency number for the transmission.
uint32_t lbt_period
 Listen before talk period in modem time units.
union nrf_modem_dect_phy_hdrphy_header
 Physical header corresponding to the physical layer control field type.
uint8_t bs_cqi
 Buffer status and channel quality indicator.
uint8_t * data
 The data to be sent.
uint32_t data_size
 Size of the data in bytes.

Detailed Description

TX operation.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: