Wi-Fi: Thread coexistence

The Thread coexistence sample demonstrates coexistence between Wi-Fi® and OpenThread device radios in 2.4 GHz frequency.


The sample supports the following development kit:

Hardware platforms


Board name

Board target






nrf7002eb nrf7002eb_coex

nRF7002 DK (emulating nRF7001)




nRF7002 DK




nRF5340 DK




nrf7002ek_coex nrf7002ek_nrf7001 nrf7002ek nrf7002ek_nrf7001_coex

Running coexistence sample test cases require additional software such as the Wi-Fi iperf application. Use iperf version 2.0.5. For more details, see Network Traffic Generator.


The sample demonstrates how the coexistence mechanism is implemented, and how it can be enabled and disabled between Wi-Fi and Thread radios in the 2.4 GHz band. This is done by using the throughput of the Wi-Fi client and the Thread client, as well as the throughput of the Wi-Fi client and the Thread server.

Test setup

The following figure shows a reference test setup.

Wi-Fi Thread Coex test setup

Wi-Fi Thread coexistence reference test and evaluation setup

The reference test setup shows the connections between the following devices:

  • Device Under Test (DUT) (nRF7002 DK on which the coexistence sample runs)

  • Wi-Fi peer device (access point with test PC that runs iperf)

  • Thread peer device (nRF7002 DK on which Thread only throughput runs)

The following table provides more details on the sample or application that runs on DUT and peer devices:




nRF7002 DK (DUT)

Thread coexistence sample

The sample runs Wi-Fi throughput only, Thread throughput only, or a combination of both based on configuration selections in the prj.conf file.

Test PC

iperf application

Wi-Fi iperf UDP server is run on the test PC, and this acts as a peer device to the Wi-Fi UDP client.

nRF7002 DK (peer)

Thread only throughput using Thread coexistence sample

Case 1: Thread-only UDP throughput is run in server mode on the peer nRF7002 DK device if Thread role on DUT is a client. Case 2: Thread-only UDP throughput is run in client mode on the peer nRF7002 DK device if Thread role on DUT is a server.


See Configuring and building for information about how to permanently or temporarily change the configuration.

Configuration options

The following sample-specific Kconfig options are used in this sample (located in samples/wifi/thread_coex/Kconfig):


This option enables the Wi-Fi test type.


This option enables the Thread test type.


This option enables concurrent Wi-Fi and Thread tests.


This option sets the Wi-Fi, Thread, or both test duration in milliseconds.


This option specifies the SSID of the Wi-Fi access point to connect.


This option specifies the Wi-Fi passphrase (WPA2™) or password (WPA3™) to connect.

Additional configuration

To enable different test modes, set up the following configuration parameters in the prj.conf file:

  • Test modes: Use the following Kconfig options to select the required test case:

    • CONFIG_TEST_TYPE_WLAN_ONLY for Wi-Fi-only test.

    • CONFIG_TEST_TYPE_OT_ONLY for Thread-only test.

    • CONFIG_TEST_TYPE_WLAN_OT for concurrent Wi-Fi and Thread test.

  • Test duration: Use the CONFIG_COEX_TEST_DURATION Kconfig option to set the duration of the Wi-Fi-only test or Thread-only test or both. The units are in milliseconds. For example, to set the test for 20 seconds, set this value to 20000.

  • Wi-Fi connection: Configure the following Wi-Fi credentials in the prj.conf: appropriately as per the credentials of the access point used for this testing:

Wi-Fi static credential options

If you want to configure the credentials statically, set the CONFIG_WIFI_CREDENTIALS_STATIC Kconfig option to y.


Do not use static credentials in production environments.

Other options for statically configuring your Wi-Fi credentials:


menuconfig can also be used to configure Wi-Fi credentials

  • Wi-Fi throughput test: Set the CONFIG_NET_CONFIG_PEER_IPV4_ADDR Kconfig option appropriately as per the Wi-Fi interface IP address of the test PC on which iperf is run.

See Interactive Kconfig interfaces in the Zephyr documentation for instructions on how to run menuconfig.

Building and running

This sample can be found under samples/wifi/thread_coex in the nRF Connect SDK folder structure.

When built as firmware image for a board target with the */ns variant, the sample has Cortex-M Security Extensions (CMSE) enabled and separates the firmware between Non-Secure Processing Environment (NSPE) and Secure Processing Environment (SPE). Because of this, it automatically includes the Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M). To read more about CMSE, see Processing environments.

To build the sample, follow the instructions in Building an application for your preferred building environment. See also Programming an application for programming steps and Testing and optimization for general information about testing and debugging in the nRF Connect SDK.


When building repository applications in the SDK repositories, building with sysbuild is enabled by default. If you work with out-of-tree freestanding applications, you need to manually pass the --sysbuild parameter to every build command or configure west to always use it.

You can build the sample for the following configurations:

  • Wi-Fi throughput only

  • Thread throughput only

  • Concurrent Wi-Fi and Thread throughput (with coexistence enabled and disabled modes)

To build for the nRF7002 DK, use the nrf7002dk/nrf5340/cpuapp board target. The following are examples of the CLI commands:

  • Build with coexistence disabled:

    west build -p -b nrf7002dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -- -DCONFIG_MPSL_CX=n -Dipc_radio_CONFIG_MPSL_CX=n

Use this command for Wi-Fi throughput only, Thread throughput only, or concurrent Wi-Fi and Thread throughput with coexistence disabled tests.

  • Build with coexistence enabled:

    west build -p -b nrf7002dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -- -DCONFIG_MPSL_CX=y -Dipc_radio_CONFIG_MPSL_CX=y

Use this command for concurrent Wi-Fi and Thread throughput with coexistence enabled test.

Change the board target as given below for the nRF7001 DK, nRF7002 EK, and nRF7001 EK.

  • Board target for nRF7001 DK:

  • Board target for nRF7002 EK and nRF7001 EK:


Add the following SHIELD options for the nRF7002 EK and nRF7001 EK.

  • For nRF7002 EK:

    -DSHIELD=nrf7002ek -Dipc_radio_SHIELD=nrf7002ek_coex
  • For nRF7001 EK:

    -DSHIELD=nrf7002ek_nrf7001 -Dipc_radio_SHIELD=nrf7002ek_nrf7001_coex
  • Overlay files

    • Use the overlay-wifi-udp-client-thread-udp-client.conf file to build for both Wi-Fi and Thread in client roles.

    • Use the overlay-wifi-udp-client-thread-udp-server.conf file to build for Wi-Fi in the client role and Thread in the server role.

The generated HEX file to be used is thread_coex/build/merged.hex.


After programming the sample to your development kit, complete the following steps to test it:

  1. Connect the kit to the computer using a USB cable. The kit is assigned a COM port (Windows) or ttyACM device (Linux), which is visible in the Device Manager.

  2. Connect to the kit with a terminal emulator (for example, nRF Connect Serial Terminal). See Testing and optimization for the required settings and steps.

  3. Use the following commands to check the available devices:

    $ nrfjprog --com
    1050779496         /dev/ttyACM0    VCOM0
    1050779496         /dev/ttyACM1    VCOM1
    1050759502         /dev/ttyACM2    VCOM0
    1050759502         /dev/ttyACM3    VCOM1
      In this example, ``1050779496`` is the device ID of the first nRF7002 DK and ``1050759502`` is the device ID of the second nRF7002 DK.
      While connecting to a particular board, use the ttyACMx corresponding to VCOM1.
      In the example, use ttyACM1 to connect to the board with device ID ``1050779496``.
      Similarly, use ttyACM3 to connect to the board with device ID ``1050759502``.
  4. Use the following commands to connect to the desired devices:

    $ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM1 -b 115200
    $ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM3 -b 115200
  5. Program the nRF7002 DK by completing the following steps:

    1. Start the toolchain environment in a terminal window.

    2. Navigate to the <ncs code>/nrf/samples/wifi/thread_coex/ folder.

    3. Run the following command:

      $ west flash --dev-id <device-id> --hex-file build/merged.hex

    When the sample runs Wi-Fi UDP throughput in client mode, a peer device (test PC) runs UDP throughput in server mode using the following command:

    $ iperf -s -i 1 -u
  6. Complete the following steps to run the Wi-Fi client and Thread client:

    Test case


    Test procedure

    Wi-Fi-only throughput


    Run Wi-Fi iperf in server mode on the test PC. Build the coexistence sample for Wi-Fi-only throughput in the client role and program the DUT nRF7002 DK.

    Thread- only throughput


    Build the coexistence sample for Thread-only throughput in the server role and program the peer nRF7002 DK. Build the coexistence sample for Thread-only throughput in the client role and program the DUT nRF7002 DK after Run thread application on client is seen on the peer nRF7002 DK’s UART console window.

    Wi-Fi and Thread combined throughput

    Disabled/ Enabled

    Build the coexistence sample for Thread-only throughput in the server role and program the peer nRF7002 DK. Run Wi-Fi iperf in server mode on the test PC. Build the coexistence sample for concurrent Wi-Fi and Thread throughput with both Wi-Fi and Thread in client roles. Program the sample on the DUT nRF7002 DK after Run thread application on client is seen on the peer nRF7002 DK’s UART console window.

  7. Complete the following steps to run the Wi-Fi client and Thread server:

    Test case


    Test procedure

    Wi-Fi-only throughput


    Run Wi-Fi iperf in server mode on the test PC. Build the coexistence sample for Wi-Fi-only throughput in the client role and program the DUT nRF7002 DK.

    Thread- only throughput


    Build the coexistence sample for Thread-only throughput in the server role and program the DUT nRF7002 DK. Build the coexistence sample for Thread-only throughput in the client role and program the peer nRF7002 DK after Run thread application on client is seen on the DUT nRF7002 DK’s UART console window.

    Wi-Fi and Thread combined throughput

    Disabled/ Enabled

    Build the coexistence sample for concurrent Wi-Fi and Thread throughput with Wi-Fi in the client role and Thread in the server role, program this on the DUT nRF7002 DK. Run Wi-Fi iperf in server mode on the test PC. Build the coexistence sample for Thread-only throughput in the client role and program the peer nRF7002 DK after Run thread application on client is seen on the DUT nRF7002 DK’s UART console window.

  8. Observe that the Wi-Fi throughput result appears on the test PC terminal on which iperf server is run. The Thread throughput result appears on the minicom terminal connected to the nRF7002 DK, on which Thread is run in the client role.


The following tables summarize the results obtained from coexistence tests conducted in a clean RF environment for different Wi-Fi operating bands, with Wi-Fi and Thread data rates set to 10 Mbps and 65 kbps, respectively. These results are representative and might vary based on the RSSI and the level of external interference.

The Wi-Fi and Thread channels (both in the 2.4 GHz band) are selected to overlap, thereby maximizing interference. Tests are run using separate antenna configurations only, as Thread does not support shared antenna configurations due to being in idle listening mode when not active.

Wi-Fi (802.11n mode) in 2.4 GHz

Wi-Fi in client role (channel 11), Thread in client role (channel 22):

Test case

Wi-Fi UDP TX throughput in Mbps

Thread throughput in kbps







Wi-Fi and Thread, coexistence disabled



Wi-Fi and Thread, coexistence enabled



Wi-Fi in client role (channel 11), Thread in server role (channel 22):

Test case

Wi-Fi UDP TX throughput in Mbps

Thread throughput in kbps







Wi-Fi and Thread, coexistence disabled



Wi-Fi and Thread, coexistence enabled



Wi-Fi (802.11n mode) in 5 GHz

Wi-Fi in client role (channel 48), Thread in client role (channel 22):

Test case

Wi-Fi UDP TX throughput in Mbps

Thread throughput in kbps







Wi-Fi and Thread, coexistence disabled



Wi-Fi and Thread, coexistence enabled



Wi-Fi in client role (channel 48), Thread in server role (channel 22):

Test case

Wi-Fi UDP TX throughput in Mbps

Thread throughput in kbps







Wi-Fi and Thread, coexistence disabled



Wi-Fi and Thread, coexistence enabled



The results show that coexistence harmonizes airtime between Wi-Fi and Thread rather than resulting in a higher combined throughput. This is consistent with the design intent.


This sample uses the following library: