Configuring sysbuild usage in west

The nRF Connect SDK has sysbuild enabled by default for for repository applications in the SDK repositories.

If you work with out-of-tree applications, such as workspace or freestanding applications, you can configure your project to use sysbuild by default whenever invoking west build. You can do this either per-workspace, using the local configuration option, or for all your workspaces, using the global configuration option:

Use the following command to configure west to use sysbuild by default for building all projects in the current workspace (including any freestanding applications that are built against it):

west config --local build.sysbuild True


The parameters and options passed in the command line always take precedence over west config settings. This means that you can pass --no-sysbuild to the build command to disable using sysbuild for a given build even if you configured west to always use sysbuild by default.