Migrate your application to nRF Connect SDK v2.6.99_cs2 (for v2.4.99-cs3 users)

This document describes the changes you should be aware of when migrating your application from nRF Connect SDK for the nRF54 customer sampling release v2.4.99-cs3 to nRF Connect SDK v2.6.99-cs2.


nRF Connect SDK v2.6.99-cs2 introduced a series of changes that might affect your existing applications. The following is a summary of the most important ones:

Updated nRF Connect SDK toolchain

The nRF Connect SDK toolchain has been updated. A bootstrap script specific to the nRF54H20 DK is now available to install and update the toolchain. See Update your development environment for nRF Connect SDK v2.6.99_cs2 (for v2.4.99-cs3 users) for more info on how to upgrade your current nRF Connect SDK installation based on version 2.4.99-cs3.


The Secure Domain Firmware (SDFW) and System Controller Firmware (SCFW) are no longer built from the source during the application build process, but they are installed as binaries from the provided firmware bundle and programmed when flashing the application to the device. For additional details, see nRF54H20 DK bring-up.

nRF Util has now replaced nRF Command Line Tools.

nRF Util is now the main command line backend utility.

Updated boards

SOC1-based boards have been removed and FP1-based board have been added. The board names for the Application, Radio, and PPR core have been updated. For Additional details, see migration_cs3_to_2_6_99_cs2_app_general

DTS changes

The layout of DTS files and the names of DTS nodes related to the updated board names have been also updated, also affecting overlay files from applications and samples. If your application required a specific custom board, you must update the custom board files to match the changes done to the nRF54H20 SoC DTS files.

Lifecycle State changes

To correctly operate the nRF54H20 DK, it must be set in LCS RoT. For additional details, see Transitioning the nRF54H20 SoC to RoT. Also, it is no longer possible to perform an unauthenticated backward LCS transitions. This means that once set to RoT, it is no longer possible to revert to LCS state EMPTY.


Not all the features supported in nRF Connect SDK v2.4.99-cs3 have been ported to v2.6.99-cs2 (for example, the nRF54H20 support for the nRF Desktop and nRF Machine Learning applications). Additional features will be provided in future releases.

Required changes

The following changes are mandatory to make your application work in the same way as in previous releases.

This section describes the changes related to samples and applications.

Samples and applications


  • The nRF54H20 DK samples and applications are now using the following FP1-based board names:

    • Application core: nrf54h20dk_nrf54h20_cpuapp (Previously nrf54h20pdk_nrf54h20_cpuapp@soc1)

    • Radio core: nrf54h20dk_nrf54h20_cpurad (Previously nrf54h20pdk_nrf54h20_cpurad@soc1)

    • PPR core: nrf54h20dk_nrf54h20_cpuppr (Previously nrf54h20pdk_nrf54h20_cpuppr@soc1)

    The previously used SOC1-based board files have been removed.


  • For samples using CONFIG_NRF_SECURITY:

    • RSA keys are no longer enabled by default. This reduces the code size by 30 kB if not using RSA keys. This also breaks the configuration if using the RSA keys without explicitly enabling an RSA key size. Enable the required key size to fix the configuration, for example by setting the Kconfig option CONFIG_PSA_WANT_RSA_KEY_SIZE_2048 if 2048-bit RSA keys are required.

    • The PSA config is now validated by the ncs/nrf/ext/oberon/psa/core/library/check_crypto_config.h file. Users with invalid configurations must update their PSA configuration according to the error messages that the check_crypto_config.h file provides.

  • For the Crypto: Persistent key storage sample:

    • The Kconfig option CONFIG_PSA_NATIVE_ITS is replaced by the Kconfig option CONFIG_TRUSTED_STORAGE, which enables the new Trusted storage library. The Trusted storage library provides the PSA Internal Trusted Storage (ITS) API for build targets without TF-M. It is not backward compatible with the previous PSA ITS implementation. Migrating from the PSA ITS implementation, enabled by the CONFIG_PSA_NATIVE_ITS option, to the new Trusted storage library requires manual data migration.

  • For Wi-Fi credentials library and Wi-Fi samples:

    • CONFIG_WIFI_CREDENTIALS_BACKEND_PSA_UID_OFFSET has been removed because it was specific to the previous solution that used PSA Protected Storage instead of PSA Internal Trusted Storage (ITS). Use CONFIG_WIFI_CREDENTIALS_BACKEND_PSA_OFFSET to specify the key offset for PSA ITS. Be aware that Wi-Fi credentials stored in Protected Storage will not appear in ITS when switching. To avoid re-provisioning Wi-Fi credentials, manually read out the old credentials from Protected Storage in the previously used UID and store to ITS.


  • If you have zcbor-generated code that relies on the zcbor libraries through Zephyr, you must regenerate the files using zcbor 0.8.1. Note that the names of generated types and members has been overhauled, so the code using the generated code must likely be changed.

    For example:

    • Leading single underscores and all double underscores are largely gone.

    • Names sometimes gain suffixes like _m or _l for disambiguation.

    • All enum (choice) names have now gained a _c suffix, so the enum name no longer matches the corresponding member name exactly (because this previously broke the C++ namespace rules).

  • The functions zcbor_new_state(), zcbor_new_decode_state() and the macro ZCBOR_STATE_D have gained new parameters related to the decoding of unordered maps. If you are not using this functionality, you can set the functions and the macro to NULL or 0.

  • The functions zcbor_bstr_put_term() and zcbor_tstr_put_term() have gained a new parameter maxlen, referring to the maximum length of the parameter str. This parameter is passed directly to strnlen() under the hood.

  • The function zcbor_tag_encode() has been renamed to zcbor_tag_put().

  • Printing has been changed significantly, for example, zcbor_print() is now called zcbor_log(), and zcbor_trace() with no parameters is gone, and in its place are zcbor_trace_file() and zcbor_trace(), both of which take a state parameter.