Bluetooth Mesh libraries

Bluetooth® Mesh is supported for development in the nRF Connect SDK, through the Zephyr Bluetooth Mesh Profile implementation. Nordic Semiconductor’s implementation of the Bluetooth Mesh protocol allows applications to use the features provided by the Bluetooth Mesh when running on supported Nordic devices.

The Bluetooth Mesh protocol specification is developed and published by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). See the Bluetooth Mesh user guide for an overview of the technology, like supported features, concepts and architecture.

The end-user applications (such as Luminaire control) are defined with the help of client-server Bluetooth Mesh models defined in the Bluetooth Mesh model specification. The Bluetooth Mesh libraries contain modules, including the Bluetooth Mesh models, provided by Nordic Semiconductor to aid in the development of Bluetooth Mesh-based applications. They implement default behavior of a Bluetooth Mesh device, and are used in Bluetooth Mesh samples.

For information on how to configure and use the supplied libraries for Bluetooth Mesh, see Configuring Bluetooth Mesh in nRF Connect SDK.

Information about the changes and known issues for Bluetooth Mesh in each release can be found in the nRF Connect SDK’s Release notes and on the Known issues page.