BridgedDeviceFactory & | GetBridgedDeviceFactory () |
BleDataProviderFactory & | GetDataProviderFactory () |
CHIP_ERROR | CreateDevice (int deviceType, bt_addr_le_t btAddress, const char *nodeLabel, uint8_t index, uint16_t endpointId) |
| Create a bridged device using a specific device type, index and endpoint ID.
CHIP_ERROR | CreateDevice (uint16_t uuid, bt_addr_le_t btAddress, const char *nodeLabel, Nrf::BLEConnectivityManager::ConnectionSecurityRequest *request=nullptr) |
| Create a bridged device using a specific Bluetooth LE service and leaving index and endpoint ID selection to the default algorithm.
CHIP_ERROR | RemoveDevice (int endpointId) |
| Remove bridged device.
const char * | GetUuidString (uint16_t uuid) |
| Get helper string containing Bluetooth LE service name.