Firmware upgrade with external memory

The Secure Domain firmware is unable to access the external memory by itself. However, the application domain can implement an IPC service, which allows the Secure Domain firmware to access the external memory through application domain serving as a proxy. This guide explains how to prepare the application domain firmware and the SUIT envelope to perform SUIT firmware upgrade using external memory.


The prerequisite to this guide is the How to fetch payloads user guide, as this guide assumes that the application uses the fetch model to obtain the candidate images. See the How to fetch payloads for more details on how to migrate from push to fetch model.

The following terms are used in this guide:

  • External memory (extmem) service - IPC service allowing the Secure Domain to use the application domain as a proxy when accessing external memory.

  • Companion image - Application domain firmware implementing the extmem service and external memory driver. The IPC service allows the Secure Domain to access the external memory.

Overview of external memory in SUIT firmware updates

To use external memory with SUIT, the fetch model-based firmware upgrade is required. The SUIT envelope must always be stored in the non-volatile memory in the MCU. The SUIT manifests stored in the envelope contain instructions that the device must perform to fetch other required payloads. To store payloads in the external memory, a Device Firmware Update (DFU) cache partition must be defined in the external memory’s devicetree node. In the SUIT manifest, you can define a component representing the cache partition in the external memory. Within the suit-payload-fetch sequence, you can then store fetched payload(s) into a CACHE_POOL component.

When the Secure Domain processes the suit-install sequence, issuing suit-directive-fetch on any non-integrated payload will instruct the Secure Domain firmware to search for a given URI in all cache partitions in the system. However, when such a cache partition is located in the external memory, the Secure Domain is unable to access the data directly. Before any suit-directive-fetch directive is issued that accesses a payload stored on the external memory, a companion image that implements an external memory device driver must be booted.

The companion image consists of two main parts:

  • Device driver adequate for the external memory device

  • IPC service exposed towards the Secure Domain

When the companion image is booted and a directive that accesses the data on the external memory is issued, such as the suit-directive-fetch or suit-directive-copy directives, the Secure Domain firmware uses the IPC service provided by the companion image to access the contents of the external memory. Beyond the booting of the companion image, the update process does not differ from regular fetch model-based update.

Enabling external flash support in SUIT DFU

The SUIT: Device firmware update on the nRF54H20 SoC sample contains a premade configuration enabling the external memory in SUIT DFU. To enable the external memory, you must add the -DFILE_SUFFIX="extflash" argument to the build, or complete the following steps:

  1. Turn on the external flash chip on the nRF54H20 DK using the nRF Connect Board Configurator app within nRF Connect for Desktop .


    This step is needed only on nRF54H20 DK. Skip this step if you are using different hardware.

  2. Enable the SB_CONFIG_SUIT_BUILD_FLASH_COMPANION sysbuild Kconfig option, which enables the build of the reference companion image. See the SUIT: Flash companion user guide for instructions on how to configure the companion image using sysbuild.

  3. Enable the CONFIG_SUIT_STREAM_SOURCE_FLASH Kconfig option, which enables SUIT processor on the application core to read and parse DFU cache partitions.

  4. Define a new DFU cache partition in the external memory in the DTS file:

    &mx25uw63 {
       status = "okay";
       partitions {
          compatible = "fixed-partitions";
          #address-cells = <1>;
          #size-cells = <1>;
          dfu_cache_partition_1: partition@0 {
             reg = <0x0 DT_SIZE_K(1024)>;

    Note that the name of the partition must follow the following format: dfu_cache_partition_<n>. The number at the end determines the CACHE_POOL ID, which will be used later in the SUIT manifest. This number must be greater than 0 and less than the value of CONFIG_SUIT_CACHE_MAX_CACHES. The Secure Domain firmware supports up to eight DFU cache partitions.

  5. Modify the application manifest file app_envelope.yaml.jinja2 by completing the following steps:

    1. Modify the CACHE_POOL identifier in the SUIT manifest:

      - - CACHE_POOL
        - 1

      The CACHE_POOL identifier must match the identifier of the cache partition defined in the DTS file.

    2. Append the MEM type component that represents the companion image in the same SUIT manifest file:

      - - MEM
        - {{ flash_companion['dt'].label2node['cpu'].unit_addr }}
        - {{ get_absolute_address(flash_companion['dt'].chosen_nodes['zephyr,code-partition']) }}
        - {{ flash_companion['dt'].chosen_nodes['zephyr,code-partition'].regs[0].size }}

      In this example, the component index is 3. In the following steps, the companion image component is selected with suit-directive-set-component-index: 3.

    3. Modify the suit-install sequence to boot the companion image before accessing the candidate images, which are stored in the external memory:

      - suit-directive-set-component-index: 3
      - suit-directive-invoke:
         - suit-send-record-failure

      The companion image can be optionally upgraded and have its integrity checked.

  6. Start the toolchain environment in a terminal window.

  7. Build and flash the application by completing the following commands:

    west build -b nrf54h20dk/nrf54h20/cpuapp
    west flash

    The build system will automatically use Sysbuild and generate a build/zephyr/ archive, which contains the SUIT envelope and candidate images.

  8. Build a new version of the application with the incremented CONFIG_N_BLINKS value.

  9. Download the new archive to your mobile device.

  10. Use the nRF Connect Device Manager mobile app to update your device with the new firmware by completing the following steps:

    1. Ensure that you can access the archive from your phone or tablet.

    2. In the mobile app, scan and select the device to update.

    3. Switch to the Image tab.

    4. Press the SELECT FILE button and select the archive.

    5. Press the START button. This initiates the DFU process of transferring the image to the device.

      The Device Manager mobile application will unpack the file and upload the SUIT envelope to the device. The firmware images will be uploaded separately by the mobile application to the device, if the device requests it.

    6. Wait for the DFU to finish and then verify that the application works properly.

Create custom companion images

Nordic Semiconductor provides a reference companion image in the samples/suit/flash_companion directory, which can serve as a base for developing a customized companion image.


  • The Secure Domain, System Controller and companion image update candidates must always be stored in the MRAM. Trying to store those candidates in external memory will result in a failure during the installation process.

  • The companion image needs a dedicated area in the executable region of the MRAM that is assigned to the application domain.