Developing with nRF7002 EK

The nRF7002 Evaluation Kit (EK) (PCA63556), part of the nRF70 Series Family, is an Arduino shield that features the nRF7002 companion IC. The kit is designed to provide Wi-Fi® connectivity and Wi-Fi (SSID) scanning capabilities through the nRF7002 companion IC to a compatible host development board. In addition, the shield may be used to emulate the nRF7001 and nRF7000 companion IC variants.

nRF7002 EK

nRF7002 EK

The nRF7002 EK features an Arduino shield form factor and interface connector that allows it to be used with Arduino compatible boards, such as the nRF52840 DK, nRF5340 DK, nRF9151 DK, nRF9161 DK, or nRF9160 DK. This interface is used to connect the nRF7002 companion device to a host System on Chip (SoC), Microprocessor Unit (MPU), or Microcontroller Unit (MCU). For the pin assignment of the interface connectors, see the nRF7002 companion IC page in the kit’s Hardware User Guide.


UART1 cannot be used and must be disabled on the nRF9160 DK, as UART1 RXD and TXD conflict with pins P0.00 and P0.01 (Arduino pins D0 and D1). These correspond to the IOVDD-CTRL-GPIOS and BUCKEN-GPIOS signals in the nRF7002 EK, respectively.

For an nRF7002 EK connected to an nRF9160 DK, you can find example overlays at the following paths:

  • sdk-nrf/boards/shields/nrf7002ek/boards/nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns.overlay

  • sdk-nrf/samples/cellular/lwm2m_client/boards/nrf9160dk_with_nrf7002ek.overlay

Building and programming with nRF7002 EK

To build for the nRF7002 EK, build for the compatible board target with the CMake SHIELD option set to nrf7002ek.

To add support for the nRF7002 EK on an application running on a compatible host development board, build for the compatible board target and specify the SHIELD CMake option:

  • To add support for the nRF7002 EK and the nRF7002 IC, set SHIELD to nrf7002ek.

  • To emulate support for the nRF7001 or nRF7000 ICs, set SHIELD to nrf7002ek_nrf7001 or nrf7002ek_nrf7000, respectively.

See Providing CMake options for instructions on how to provide CMake options.

For example, if you build for nRF5340 DK on the command line, you can use the following command:

west build -b nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -- -DSHIELD=nrf7002ek

If you use the nRF Connect for VS Code extension, specify -DSHIELD=nrf7002ek in the Extra Cmake arguments field when setting up a build configuration.

Alternatively, add the shield in the project’s CMakeLists.txt file, specifying the below settings, depending on which IC is to be used:

set(SHIELD nrf7002ek)
set(SHIELD nrf7002ek_nrf7001)
set(SHIELD nrf7002ek_nrf7000)