Simultaneous multi-image DFU with nRF5340 DK

The simultaneous update of multiple images is available for testing since nRF Connect SDK v1.7.0. It allows the updating of both the application core and the network core in one go.

To enable the simultaneous update of multiple images in the MCUboot, set the following options:

  • CONFIG_BOOT_UPGRADE_ONLY - The simultaneous update of multiple images does not support network core image reversion, so you need to disable application image reversion.

  • CONFIG_PCD_APP - Enable commands exchange with the network core.

  • CONFIG_UPDATEABLE_IMAGE_NUMBER - Enable support for multiple update partitions by setting this option to 2.

As described in multi-image build guide, make sure to add the child image prefix to the name of Kconfig options that are used when building MCUboot as a child image (for example, child_image_CONFIG_PCD_APP). If not changed, then the default child image prefix for MCUboot is mcuboot_ (for example, mcuboot_CONFIG_PCD_APP).


The application core can be reverted, but doing so breaks the network core upon reversal, as the reversion process fills the network core with the content currently in the RAM that PCD uses. To enable this, define the CONFIG_USE_NRF53_MULTI_IMAGE_WITHOUT_UPGRADE_ONLY Kconfig option in the project-level Kconfig file. When this option is defined, you can enable it by setting CONFIG_USE_NRF53_MULTI_IMAGE_WITHOUT_UPGRADE_ONLY.

The CONFIG_NRF53_MULTI_IMAGE_UPDATE option selects this feature by default if these options and all its other dependencies are asserted.

To enable the simultaneous update of multiple images in the application, in addition to enabling the MCUboot support, set the following options:

Additionally, the memory partitions must be defined and include:

  • mcuboot_primary and mcuboot_secondary partitions for the application core image slots.

  • mcuboot_primary_1 and mcuboot_secondary_1 partitions for the network core image slots.

  • pcd_sram partition used for command exchange between the application core and the network core (see CONFIG_PCD_APP).


The application core does not have direct access to the network core flash memory. The update image is passed indirectly using RAM. Because of this, the mcuboot_primary_1 must be stored in ram_flash region. To enable providing such region on the device, see CONFIG_FLASH_SIMULATOR.

Samples and applications built for Thingy:53 enable simultaneous update of multiple images by default. To learn more about Thingy:53, see Developing with nRF53 Series.