nrfxlib API 0.1.0
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fmac_api.h File Reference
#include "osal_api.h"
#include "host_rpu_umac_if.h"
#include "host_rpu_data_if.h"
#include "host_rpu_sys_if.h"
#include "fmac_structs.h"
#include "fmac_cmd.h"
#include "fmac_event.h"
#include "fmac_vif.h"
#include "fmac_bb.h"
#include "fmac_api_common.h"

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struct nrf_wifi_fmac_privnrf_wifi_fmac_init (struct nrf_wifi_data_config_params *data_config, struct rx_buf_pool_params *rx_buf_pools, struct nrf_wifi_fmac_callbk_fns *callbk_fns)
 Initialize the UMAC IF layer.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_scan (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, struct nrf_wifi_umac_scan_info *scan_info)
 Issue a scan request to the RPU firmware.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_scan_res_get (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, int scan_type)
 Issue a scan results request to the RPU firmware.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_abort_scan (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx)
 Issue abort of an ongoing scan to the RPU firmware.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_mac_addr (struct nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_ctx *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char *addr)
 Get unused MAC address from base mac address.
unsigned char nrf_wifi_fmac_vif_idx_get (struct nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_ctx *fmac_dev_ctx)
 Assign an index for a new VIF.
unsigned char nrf_wifi_fmac_add_vif (void *fmac_dev_ctx, void *os_vif_ctx, struct nrf_wifi_umac_add_vif_info *vif_info)
 Add a new virtual interface.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_del_vif (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx)
 Deletes a virtual interface.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_chg_vif (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, struct nrf_wifi_umac_chg_vif_attr_info *vif_info)
 Change the attributes of an interface.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_chg_vif_state (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, struct nrf_wifi_umac_chg_vif_state_info *vif_info)
 Change the state of a virtual interface.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_set_vif_macaddr (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, unsigned char *mac_addr)
 Set MAC address on interface.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_start_xmit (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, void *netbuf)
 Transmit a frame to the RPU.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_suspend (void *fmac_dev_ctx)
 Inform the RPU firmware that host is going to suspend state.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_resume (void *fmac_dev_ctx)
 Notify RPU firmware that host has resumed from a suspended state.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_get_tx_power (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned int if_idx)
 Get tx power.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_get_channel (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned int if_idx)
 Get channel definition.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_get_station (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned int if_idx, unsigned char *mac)
 Get station statistics.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_get_interface (void *dev_ctx, unsigned int if_idx)
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_set_power_save (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, bool state)
 Configure WLAN power management.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_set_uapsd_queue (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, unsigned int uapsd_queue)
 Configure WLAN U-APSD queue.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_set_power_save_timeout (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, int ps_timeout)
 Configure Power save timeout.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_set_qos_map (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, struct nrf_wifi_umac_qos_map_info *qos_info)
 Configure qos_map of for data.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_set_wowlan (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned int var)
 Configure WoWLAN.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_get_wiphy (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx)
 Get PHY configuration.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_register_frame (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, struct nrf_wifi_umac_mgmt_frame_info *frame_info)
 Register to get MGMT frames.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_set_wiphy_params (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, struct nrf_wifi_umac_set_wiphy_info *wiphy_info)
 Set wiphy parameters.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_twt_setup (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, struct nrf_wifi_umac_config_twt_info *twt_info)
 TWT setup command.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_twt_teardown (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, struct nrf_wifi_umac_config_twt_info *twt_info)
 TWT teardown command.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_get_conn_info (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx)
 Get connection info from RPU.
void nrf_wifi_fmac_deinit (struct nrf_wifi_fmac_priv *fpriv)
 De-initialize the UMAC IF layer.
void nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_rem (struct nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_ctx *fmac_dev_ctx)
 Removes a RPU instance.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_init (struct nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_ctx *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned int phy_calib, enum op_band op_band, bool beamforming, struct nrf_wifi_tx_pwr_ctrl_params *tx_pwr_ctrl_params, struct nrf_wifi_tx_pwr_ceil_params *tx_pwr_ceil_params, struct nrf_wifi_board_params *board_params)
 Initialize an RPU instance.
void nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_deinit (struct nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_ctx *fmac_dev_ctx)
 De-initialize a RPU instance.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_set_listen_interval (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, unsigned short listen_interval)
 Configure WLAN listen interval.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_fmac_set_ps_wakeup_mode (void *fmac_dev_ctx, unsigned char if_idx, bool ps_wakeup_mode)
 Configure WLAN PS wakeup mode to DTIM interval or listen interval.
enum nrf_wifi_status nrf_wifi_check_mode_validity (unsigned char mode)
 Check if a valid mode is being set.