Device Firmware Upgrade MCUmgr module

The Device Firmware Upgrade MCUmgr module is responsible for performing a Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) over Simple Management Protocol (SMP). The module supports both MCUboot bootloader and SUIT for performing DFU.

If you enable the Bluetooth LE as transport, you can perform DFU using, for example, the nRF Connect Device Manager application. See the Image transfer over SMP section for more details.


The Device Firmware Upgrade MCUmgr module implementation is currently marked as experimental because it uses internal MCUmgr API.

Module events

Source Module

Input Event

This Module

Output Event

Sink Module

Source modules for module_state_event



Device Firmware Upgrade MCUmgr module


Simple Management Protocol module


Bluetooth LE latency module

Device Firmware Upgrade MCUmgr module

Simple Management Protocol module


Sink modules for module_state_event


See the Application overview for more information about the event-based communication in the nRF Desktop application and about how to read this table.


To enable the module, set the CONFIG_DESKTOP_DFU_MCUMGR_ENABLE Kconfig option.

The module selects the following configurations:

You must also enable the preferred transport for the MCUmgr’s SMP protocol (for example, the CONFIG_MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_BT Kconfig option). With the CONFIG_MCUMGR_TRANSPORT_BT Kconfig option enabled, the module enables the CONFIG_CAF_BLE_SMP_TRANSFER_EVENTS event. The event can be used to lower Bluetooth connection latency during the DFU process.

The DFU module leverages the DFU lock utility to synchronize non-volatile memory access with other DFU methods (for example, the Device Firmware Upgrade module). Set the CONFIG_DESKTOP_DFU_LOCK Kconfig option to enable this feature. Make sure that the DFU lock utility is enabled if your nRF Desktop application configuration uses multiple DFU transports.

You cannot use this module with the CAF: Simple Management Protocol module. In other words, you cannot simultaneously enable the CONFIG_DESKTOP_DFU_MCUMGR_ENABLE option and the CONFIG_CAF_BLE_SMP Kconfig option.

You have to choose the backend for the DFU process by enabling one of the following options:

  • CONFIG_DESKTOP_DFU_BACKEND_MCUBOOT - This option depends on the MCUboot bootloader support for the DFU process. For details, see MCUboot in the Zephyr documentation.

  • CONFIG_DESKTOP_DFU_BACKEND_SUIT - This option depends on the SUIT support for the DFU process. For details, see Device Firmware Update using SUIT in the Zephyr documentation.


B0 bootloader is not integrated with MCUmgr.

MCUmgr configuration using MCUboot backend

The MCUboot backend configuration selects the following options:

To use the module with this backend, you must also enable the SB_CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT Kconfig option.

By default, the MCUmgr DFU module confirms the image using the boot_write_img_confirmed() function during the system boot. If the CONFIG_DESKTOP_DFU_MCUMGR_MCUBOOT_DIRECT_XIP option is enabled, the MCUmgr DFU module assumes that the bootloader simply boots the image with a higher version and does not confirm the newly updated image after a successful boot. Make sure that CONFIG_DESKTOP_DFU_MCUMGR_MCUBOOT_DIRECT_XIP Kconfig option is enabled, if devices use the MCUboot bootloader in direct-xip mode without revert. The option is enabled by default if CONFIG_MCUBOOT_BOOTLOADER_MODE_DIRECT_XIP is enabled.

MCUmgr configuration using SUIT backend

The SUIT backend configuration selects the following options:

To use the module with this backend, you must also enable the CONFIG_SUIT Kconfig option. See Device Firmware Update using SUIT for more information.

Implementation details

The module uses MCUmgr’s SMP command received callback for the following purposes:

  • To periodically submit a ble_smp_transfer_event while image upload over Bluetooth LE is in progress. The module registers itself as the final subscriber of the event to track the number of submitted events. If a ble_smp_transfer_event was already submitted, but was not yet processed, the module desists from submitting subsequent events.

  • To reject image upload or system reboot request if DFU lock utility is already taken by another DFU transport.

The DFU MCUmgr implementation uses the DFU lock utility. On each DFU attempt, the module attempts to claim ownership over the DFU non-volatile memory using the DFU lock utility API. It holds the DFU owner status until the DFU process is completed or timed out. The module assumes that DFU is timed out if the registered MCUmgr notification hooks are not called for 5 seconds. If the module is not the current DFU owner, it rejects the DFU commands that either write to the DFU non-volatile memory or reboot the device. The module also resets the MCUmgr DFU progress once the lock is claimed by a different owner.