Sample description

The Wi-Fi Radio test sample demonstrates how to configure the Wi-Fi® radio in a specific mode and then test its performance. The sample provides a set of predefined commands that allow you to configure the radio in the following modes:

  • Modulated carrier TX

  • Modulated carrier RX

  • Tone transmission

  • IQ sample capture at ADC output

The sample also shows how to program the user region of FICR parameters on the development kit using a set of predefined commands.


The sample supports the following development kits:

Hardware platforms


Board name

Build target







nRF9160 DK





nRF7002 DK (emulating nRF7001)




nRF7002 DK




nRF5340 DK




nrf7002ek nrf7002ek_nrf7001

nRF52840 DK




nrf7002ek nrf7002ek_nrf7001


To run the tests, connect to the development kit through the serial port and send shell commands. Zephyr’s Shell module is used to handle the commands.

You can start running wifi_radio_test subcommands to set up and control the radio. See Wi-Fi radio test subcommands for a list of available subcommands.

In the Modulated carrier RX mode, you can use the get_stats subcommand to display the statistics. See Wi-Fi radio test statistics for a list of available statistics.

You can use wifi_radio_ficr_prog subcommands to read or write OTP registers. See Wi-Fi radio FICR subcommands for a list of available subcommands.


All the FICR registers are stored in the one-time programmable (OTP) memory. Consequently, the write commands are destructive. Once written, the contents of the OTP registers cannot be reprogrammed.

Building and running

This sample can be found under samples/wifi/radio_test in the nRF Connect SDK folder structure.

To build the sample with Visual Studio Code, follow the steps listed on the How to build an application page in the nRF Connect for VS Code extension documentation. See Configuring and building an application for other building scenarios, Programming an application for programming steps, and Testing and optimization for general information about testing and debugging in the nRF Connect SDK.

Currently, the following configurations are supported:

  • nRF7002 DK + QSPI

  • nRF7002 EK + SPIM

To build for the nRF7002 DK, use the nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpuapp build target. The following is an example of the CLI command:

west build -b nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpuapp

To build for the nRF7002 EK and nRF5340 DK, use the nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp build target with the SHIELD CMake option set to nrf7002ek. The following is an example of the CLI command:

west build -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -- -DSHIELD=nrf7002ek

See also Providing CMake options for instructions on how to provide CMake options.


After programming the sample to your development kit, complete the following steps to test it:

  1. Connect the kit to the computer using a USB cable. The kit is assigned a COM port (Windows) or ttyACM device (Linux), which is visible in the Device Manager.

  2. Connect to the kit with a terminal emulator (for example, nRF Connect Serial Terminal). See Testing and optimization for the required settings and steps.

  3. Test the sample either by configuring the Wi-Fi radio or by programming the FICR parameters:

    • To display the current configuration, use the following command:

      wifi_radio_test show_config

      The sample shows the following output:

      ************* Configured Parameters ***********
      tx_pkt_tput_mode = 0
      tx_pkt_sgi = 0
      tx_pkt_preamble = 1
      tx_pkt_mcs = 0
      tx_pkt_rate = 6
      tx_pkt_gap = 0
      phy_calib_rxdc = 1
      phy_calib_txdc = 1
      phy_calib_txpow = 0
      phy_calib_rxiq = 1
      phy_calib_txiq = 1
      tx_pkt_num = -1
      tx_pkt_len = 1400
      tx_power = 0
      he_ltf = 2
      he_gi = 2
      xo_val = 42
      init = 1
      tx = 0
      rx = 0
      tx_tone_freq = 0
      rx_lna_gain = 0
      rx_lna_gain = 0
      rx_capture_length = 0
      wlan_ant_switch_ctrl = 0
      tx_pkt_cw = 15
      reg_domain = 00
      bypass_reg_domian = 0
    • To run a continuous Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) TX traffic sequence with the following configuration:

      • Channel: 11

      • Frame duration: 2708 µs

      • Inter-frame gap: 4200 µs

      Execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test init 11
      wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_rate 12
      wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_len 4000
      wifi_radio_test tx_power 4
      wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_gap 4200
      wifi_radio_test tx 1
    • To run a continuous OFDM TX traffic sequence with the following configuration:

      • Channel: 1

      • Frame duration: 2708 µs

      • Inter-frame gap: 4200 µs

      • Edge backoff: 3 dB

      • Antenna gain: 2 dB

      Execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test init 1
      wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_rate 12
      wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_len 4000
      wifi_radio_test tx_power 10
      wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_gap 4200
      wifi_radio_test set_edge_bo 3
      wifi_radio_test set_ant_gain 2
      wifi_radio_test tx 1


    Edge backoff and antenna gain are configured in the Kconfig file. To overwrite these backoffs with user-specified backoffs, use the``set_edge_bo`` and set_ant_gain commands. These backoffs are applied only when the bypass_reg_domain is set to 0.

    • To run a continuous Direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) TX traffic sequence with the following configuration:

      • Channel: 14

      • Frame duration: 8500 µs

      • Inter-frame gap: 8600 µs

      Execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test init 14
      wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_preamble 1
      wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_rate 1
      wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_len 1024
      wifi_radio_test tx_power 10
      wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_gap 8600
      wifi_radio_test tx 1

    See Wi-Fi radio test subcommands for a list of available subcommands.


    • For regulatory certification, it is advisable to run the TX streams in Legacy OFDM or DSSS modes only (wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_tput_mode 0).

    • The frame duration can be calculated using the formula:

      \[D = ((L * 8) / R ) + P\]

      where the following parameters are used:

      • D - Frame duration (µs)

      • L - Frame length (bytes)

      • R - Data rate (Mbps)

      • P - PHY overhead duration (µs) (values: 20 µs - Legacy OFDM, 192 µs - DSSS)

    • To run a RX test with the following configuration:

      • Channel: 11

      Execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test init 11
      wifi_radio_test rx 1


    After executing the above command sequence, start sending packets from a signal generator.

    • To stop receiving packets, use the following command:

      wifi_radio_test rx 0


    The above command should be executed only after the signal generator has completed transmitting packets.

    • To get rx stats, use the following command:

      wifi_radio_test get_stats

      The sample below shows the output obtained after feeding 1000 DSSS packets:

      ************* PHY STATS ***********
      rssi_avg = -45 dBm

      The sample below shows the output obtained after feeding 1000 OFDM packets:

      ************* PHY STATS ***********
      rssi_avg = -47 dBm
    • To transmit a continuous tone with the following configuration:

      • Channel: 144

      • TX power: 10 dBm

      • Tone frequency: 2 MHz

      Execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test init 144
      wifi_radio_test tx_power 10
      wifi_radio_test tx_tone_freq 2
      wifi_radio_test tx_tone 1
    • To stop ongoing transmission of a continuous tone, use the following command:

      wifi_radio_test tx_tone 0


      Use wifi_radio_test tx_tone 0 only if the command issued before this is wifi_radio_test tx_tone 1.

    • To enable DPD hardware block, use the following command:

      wifi_radio_test dpd 1
    • To disable DPD hardware block, use the following command:

      wifi_radio_test dpd 0


    DPD command can be used only during tone transmission. For TX packet transmission, control of DPD hardware is taken care by firmware.

    • To read chip temperature in degree Celsius, execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test get_temperature

      The sample shows the following output:

      wifi_nrf: Temperature reading success:
      wifi_nrf: The temperature is = 21 degree Celsius
    • To measure RF RSSI status with the following configuration:

      • Channel: 144

      Execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test init 144
      wifi_radio_test get_rf_rssi

      The sample shows the following output:

      wifi_nrf: RF RSSI value is = 0


    RF RSSI Status is a 3-bit indicator. The higher the value of RF RSSI is, the higher is the level of saturation (non-linearity) at the LNA output.

    • To compute the optimal XO value with the following configuration:

      • Channel: 64

      Execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test init 64
      wifi_radio_test compute_optimal_xo_val

      The sample shows the following output:

      wifi_nrf: Best XO value is = 43


    • This test requires a DUT to be connected with VSG using cabled setup. VSG should be continuously generating 0.5 MHz tone.

    • For channel 64, set the VSG frequency to 5320.5 MHz. Set the signal power level between -40 dBm and -50 dBm.

    • To capture ADC samples with fixed RX gain with the following configuration:

      • Channel: 144

      • LNA gain: 2

      • BB gain: 10

      • Capture length: 64

      Execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test init 144
      wifi_radio_test rx_lna_gain 2
      wifi_radio_test rx_bb_gain 10
      wifi_radio_test rx_capture_length 64
      wifi_radio_test rx_cap 0

      The sample shows the following output:

      ************* RX capture data ***********


    • This test requires a DUT to be connected with VSG using cabled setup. VSG should be continuously transmitting a tone or packets.

    • Set the signal power level between -35 dBm and -45 dBm to get non saturated samples. In the example, capture is taken for 64 samples. Each complex sample is of 24 bits.

    • The captured samples will vary from run to run.

    • To capture baseband samples with fixed RX gain with the following configuration:

      • Channel: 144

      • LNA gain: 2

      • BB gain: 10

      • Capture length: 64

      Execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test init 144
      wifi_radio_test rx_lna_gain 2
      wifi_radio_test rx_bb_gain 10
      wifi_radio_test rx_capture_length 64
      wifi_radio_test rx_cap 1

      The sample shows the following output:

      ************* RX capture data ***********


    • This test requires a DUT to be connected with VSG using cabled setup. VSG should be continuously transmitting a tone or packets.

    • Set the signal power level between -35 dBm and -45 dBm to get non saturated samples.

    • In the example, capture is taken for 64 samples. Each complex sample is of 24 bits.

    • The captured samples will vary from run to run.

    • To capture AGC adjusted baseband samples after WLAN packet detection with the following configuration:

      • Channel: 144

      • Capture length: 64

      Execute the following sequence of commands:

      wifi_radio_test init 144
      wifi_radio_test rx_capture_length 64
      wifi_radio_test rx_cap 2

      The sample shows the following output:

      ************* RX capture data ***********


    • This test requires a DUT to be connected with VSG using cabled setup. VSG should be continuously transmitting WLAN packets.

    • Set the desired signal power.

    • The capture is taken for 64 samples. Each complex sample is of 24 bits. The captured samples will vary from run to run.

    • The capture is taken after WLAN packet detection, so it will not have the first few samples in the first WLAN packet.

    • Smaller packets should be used so that multiple packets can be seen in the capture.


This sample uses the following Zephyr library:

  • Shell:

    • include/shell/shell.h