nRF Desktop: Application description

The nRF Desktop application supports common input hardware interfaces like motion sensors, rotation sensors, and buttons martixes. You can configure the firmware at runtime using a dedicated configuration channel established with the HID feature report. The same channel is used to transmit DFU packets.

The fwupd tools can communicate with devices running the nRF Desktop application with the Background Device Firmware Upgrade feature enabled. For more information on fwupd support in the nRF desktop application, see the nRF Desktop: fwupd support page.

Application overview

The nRF Desktop application design aims at high performance, while still providing configurability and extensibility.

The application architecture is modular, event-driven and build around Common Application Framework. This means that parts of the application functionality are separated into isolated modules that communicate with each other using application events that are handled by the Application Event Manager. Modules register themselves as listeners of events that they are configured to react to. An application event can be submitted by multiple modules and it can have multiple listeners.

Module and component overview

The following figure shows the nRF Desktop modules and how they relate to other components and the Application Event Manager. The figure does not present all the available modules. For example, the figure does not include the modules that are used as hotfixes or only for debug or profiling purposes.

nRF Desktop high-level design (overview)

Application high-level design overview

For more information about nRF Desktop modules, see the nRF Desktop: Application internal modules section.

Module event tables

The documentation page of each application module includes a table that shows the event-based communication for the module.

Source module

Input event

This module

Output event

Sink module

The module that submits eventA.


The module described by the table.

Other module that submits eventA.

The module that submits eventB.



The module that reacts on eventC.

Each module event table contains the following columns:

Source module

The module that submits a given application event. Some of these events can have many listeners or sources. These are listed on the Source and sink module lists page.

Input event

An application event that is received by the module described in the table.

This module

The module described in the table. This is the module that is the target of the input events and the source of output events directed to the sink modules.

Output event

An application event that is submitted by the module described in the table.

Sink module

The module that reacts on an application event. Some of these events can have many listeners or sources. These are listed on the Source and sink module lists page.


Some application modules can have multiple implementations (for example, Motion module). In such case, the table shows the Application Event Manager events received and submitted by all implementations of a given application module.

Module usage per hardware type

Since the application architecture is uniform and the code is shared, the set of modules in use depends on the selected device role. A different set of modules is enabled when the application is working as a mouse, keyboard, or dongle. In other words, not all of the nRF Desktop: Application internal modules need to be enabled for a given reference design.

Gaming mouse module set

The following figure shows the modules that are enabled when the application is working as a gaming mouse:

nRF Desktop high-level design (gaming mouse)

Application configured as a gaming mouse

Desktop mouse module set

The following figure shows the modules that are enabled when the application is working as a desktop mouse:

nRF Desktop high-level design (desktop mouse)

Application configured as a desktop mouse

Keyboard module set

The following figure shows the modules that are enabled when the application is working as a keyboard:

nRF Desktop high-level design (keyboard)

Application configured as a keyboard

Dongle module set

The following figure shows the modules that are enabled when the application is working as a dongle:

nRF Desktop high-level design (dongle)

Application configured as a dongle

Thread usage

The application limits the number of threads in use to the minimum and does not use the user-space threads.

The following threads are kept running in the application:

  • System-related threads
    • Idle thread

    • System workqueue thread

    • Logger thread (when Logging is enabled)

    • Shell thread (when Shell is enabled)

    • Threads related to Bluetooth® LE (the exact number depends on the selected Link Layer)

  • Application-related threads
    • Motion sensor thread (running only on mouse)

    • Settings loading thread (enabled by default only on keyboard)

    • QoS data sampling thread (running only if Bluetooth LE QoS feature is enabled)

Most of the application activity takes place in the context of the system work queue thread, either through scheduled work objects or through the Application Event Manager callbacks (executed from the system workqueue thread). Because of this, the application does not need to handle resource protection. The only exception are places where the interaction with interrupts or multiple threads cannot be avoided.

Memory allocation

Most of memory resources that are used by the application are allocated statically.

The application uses dynamic allocation to:

When configuring heap, make sure that the values for the following options match the typical event size and the system needs:


The nRF Desktop uses k_heap as the backend for dynamic allocation. This backend is used by default in Zephyr. For more information, refer to Zephyr’s documentation about Memory Heaps.

HID data handling

The nRF Desktop device and the host can exchange HID data using one of the following HID report types:

  • HID input report

  • HID output report

  • HID feature report

The nRF Desktop application uses all of these report types. See sections below for details about handling given HID report type.

HID input reports

The nRF Desktop application uses HID input reports to transmit information about user input from the nRF Desktop device to a host. The user input can be, for example, button press or mouse motion.

The nRF Desktop supports the following HID input reports:

  • HID mouse report

  • HID keyboard report

  • HID consumer control report

  • HID system control report

All of these reports use predefined report format and provide the given information. For example, the mouse motion is forwarded as HID mouse report.

An nRF Desktop device supports the selected subset of the HID input reports. For example, the nRF Desktop keyboard reference design (nrf52kbd_nrf52832) supports HID keyboard report, HID consumer control report and HID system control report.

As an example, the following section describes handling HID mouse report data.

HID mouse report handling

The nRF Desktop mouse sends HID input reports to the host after the host connects and subscribes for the HID reports.

The Motion module sensor sampling is synchronized with sending the HID mouse input reports to the host.

The Wheel module and CAF: Buttons module provide data to the HID state module when the mouse wheel is used or a button is pressed, respectively. These inputs are not synchronized with the HID report transmission to the host.

When the mouse is constantly in use, the motion module is kept in the fetching state. In this state, the nRF Desktop mouse forwards the data from the motion sensor to the host in the following way:

  1. USB state (or Bluetooth HIDS) sends a HID mouse report to the host and submits hid_report_sent_event.

  2. The event triggers sampling of the motion sensor.

  3. A dedicated thread is used to fetch the sample from the sensor.

  4. After the sample is fetched, the thread forwards it to the HID state module as motion_event.

  5. The HID state module updates the HID report data, generates new HID input report, and submits it as hid_report_event.

  6. The HID report data is forwarded to the host either by the USB state module or by the HID Service module. The USB state has precedence if the USB is connected.

  7. When the HID input report is sent to the host, hid_report_sent_event is submitted. The motion sensor sample is triggered and the sequence repeats.

If the device is connected through Bluetooth, the HID state module uses a pipeline that consists of two HID reports that it creates upon receiving the first motion_event. The HID state module submits two hid_report_event events. Sending the first event to the host triggers the motion sensor sample.

For the Bluetooth connections, submitting hid_report_sent_event is delayed by one Bluetooth connection interval. Because of this delay, the HID Service module requires a pipeline of two HID reports to make sure that data is sent on every connection event. Such solution is necessary to achieve high report rate.

If there is no motion data for the predefined number of samples, the Motion module goes to the idle state. This is done to reduce the power consumption. When a motion is detected, the module switches back to the fetching state.

The following diagram shows the data exchange between the application modules. To keep it simple, the diagram only shows data related to HID input reports that are sent after the host is connected and the HID subscriptions are enabled.

nRF Desktop mouse HID data sensing and transmission

nRF Desktop mouse HID data sensing and transmission

HID output reports

HID output reports are used to transmit data from host to an nRF Desktop device. The nRF Desktop supports the HID keyboard LED report. The report is used by the host to update the state of the keyboard LEDs, for example to indicate that the Caps Lock key is active.


Only the nrf52840dk_nrf52840 in keyboard configuration has hardware LEDs that can be used to display the Caps Lock and Num Lock state.

The following diagrams show the HID output report data exchange between the application modules.

  • Scenario 1: Peripheral connected directly to the host

    HID output report: Data handling and transmission between host and peripheral

    HID output report: Data handling and transmission between host and peripheral

    In this scenario, the HID output report is sent from the host to the peripheral either through Bluetooth or the USB connection. Depending on the connection, the HID report is received by the HID Service module or USB state module, respectively. The module then sends the HID output report as hid_report_event to the HID state module that keeps track of the HID output report states and updates state of the hardware LEDs by sending led_event to LEDs module.

  • Scenario 2: Dongle intermediates between the host and the peripheral

    HID output report: Data handling and transmission between host and peripheral through dongle

    HID output report: Data handling and transmission between host and peripheral through dongle

    In this scenario, the HID output report is sent from the host to the dongle using the USB connection and is received by the USB state module. The destination module then sends the HID output report as hid_report_event to the HID forward module that sends it to the peripheral using Bluetooth.

HID feature reports

HID feature reports are used to transmit data between the host and an nRF Desktop device (in both directions). The nRF Desktop uses only one HID feature report: the user config report. The report is used by the Configuration channel.


The nRF Desktop also uses a dedicated HID output report to forward the Configuration channel data through the nRF Desktop dongle. This report is handled using the configuration channel’s infrastructure and you can enable it using the CONFIG_DESKTOP_CONFIG_CHANNEL_OUT_REPORT Kconfig option. See the Kconfig option’s help for details about the report.

HID protocols

The following HID protocols are supported by nRF Desktop for HID input and output reports:

  • Report protocol - Most widely used in HID devices. When establishing a connection, the host reads a HID descriptor from the HID device. The HID descriptor describes the format of HID reports and is used by the host to interpret the data exchanged between the HID device and the host.

  • Boot protocol - Only available for mice and keyboards data. No HID descriptor is used for this HID protocol. Instead, fixed data packet formats must be used to send data between the HID device and the host.


The nRF Desktop application supports several development kits related to the following hardware reference designs. Depending on the development kit you use, you need to select the respective configuration file and build type.

nRF Desktop gaming mouse (top view)

Hardware platforms


Board name

Build target

nRF52840 Gaming Mouse




The application is designed to allow easy porting to new hardware. See nRF Desktop: Integrating your own hardware for details.

nRF Desktop build types

The nRF Desktop application does not use a single prj.conf file. Before you start testing the application, you can select one of the build types supported by the application. Not every board supports all of the mentioned build types.

See Custom build types and Configuring build types for more information about this feature of the nRF Connect SDK.

The application supports the following build types:

nRF Desktop build types

Build type

File name

Supported board


Debug (default)


All from Requirements

Debug version of the application; the same as the release build type, but with debug options enabled.



All from Requirements

Release version of the application with no debugging features.

Debug Fast Pair


nrf52840dk_nrf52840, nrf52840gmouse_nrf52840

Debug version of the application with Fast Pair support.

Release Fast Pair


nrf52kbd_nrf52832, nrf52840gmouse_nrf52840

Release version of the application with Fast Pair support.




Debug version of the application that lets you generate the application with the dongle role.




Debug version of the application that lets you generate the application with the keyboard role.




Debug version of the application that uses MCUboot with the secondary slot in the external QSPI FLASH.



nrf52840dk_nrf52840, nrf52840gmouse_nrf52840

Debug version of the application that enables MCUmgr with DFU support and offers support for the MCUboot DFU procedure over SMP.
See the Background Device Firmware Upgrade section for more information.




Debug version of the application with the support for the B0 bootloader enabled for Works With ChromeBook (WWCB).

Triple Bluetooth LE connection



Debug version of the application with the support for up to three simultaneous Bluetooth LE connections.

Quadruple LLPM connection



Debug version of the application with the support for up to four simultaneous Bluetooth LE connections, in Low Latency Packet Mode.

Release quadruple LLPM connection



Release version of the application with the support for up to four simultaneous Bluetooth LE connections, in Low Latency Packet Mode.


Bootloader-enabled configurations with support for serial recovery DFU or background DFU are set as default if they fit in the non-volatile memory. See nRF Desktop board configuration files for details about which boards have bootloader included in their default configuration.

See nRF Desktop: Integrating your own hardware for detailed information about the application configuration and how to create build type files for your hardware.

User interface

The nRF Desktop configuration files have a set of preprogrammed options bound to different parts of the hardware. These options are related to the functionalities discussed in this section.

Turning devices on and off

The nRF Desktop hardware reference designs are equipped with hardware switches to turn the device on and off. See the following figures for the exact location of these switches:

nRF Desktop gaming mouse (bottom view)

The switch is located at the bottom of the gaming mouse, close to the optical sensor. The mouse uses this switch also for changing dongle and Bluetooth LE peers, as described in the Bluetooth LE peer control section.


The nRF Desktop devices provide user input to the host in the same way as other mice and keyboards, using connection through USB or Bluetooth LE.

The nRF Desktop devices support additional operations, like firmware upgrade or configuration change. The support is implemented through the Configuration channel. The host can use dedicated Python scripts to exchange the data with an nRF Desktop peripheral. For detailed information, see HID configurator for nRF Desktop.

The behavior of a device can change due to power saving measures. For more information, see the Power management section.

Connection through USB

The nRF Desktop devices use the USB HID class. No additional software or drivers are required.

nRF Desktop gaming mouse (top view)

The gaming mouse has the USB connector slot located below the scroll wheel. The connector should slide in the socket along the cut in the mouse base.

Gaming mouse, dongle, and DK support the HID data transmission through USB.

Gaming mouse USB

The gaming mouse can send HID data when connected through USB. When the device is connected both wirelessly and through USB at the same time, it provides input only through the USB connection. If the device is disconnected from USB, it automatically switches to sending the data wirelessly using Bluetooth LE.

The gaming mouse is a battery-powered device. When it is connected through USB, charging of the rechargeable batteries starts.

Dongle USB

The nRF Desktop dongle works as a bridge between the devices connected through standard Bluetooth LE or Low Latency Packet Mode and the host connected through USB. It receives data wirelessly from the connected peripherals and forwards the data to the host.

The nRF Desktop dongle is powered directly through USB.


The DK functionality depends on the application configuration. Depending on the selected configuration options, it can work as a mouse, keyboard, or a dongle.

Connection through Bluetooth LE

When turned on, the nRF Desktop peripherals are advertising until they go to the suspended state or connect through Bluetooth. The peripheral supports one wireless connection at a time, but it can be bonded with multiple peers.


To simplify pairing the nRF Desktop peripherals with Windows 10 hosts, the peripherals include Swift Pair payload in the Bluetooth LE advertising data. By default, the Swift Pair payload is included for all of the Bluetooth local identities, apart from the dedicated local identity used for connection with an nRF Desktop dongle.

Some of the nRF Desktop configurations also include Fast Pair payload in the Bluetooth LE advertising data to simplify pairing the nRF Desktop peripherals with Android hosts. These configurations apply further modifications that are needed to improve the user experience. See the Fast Pair section for details.

The nRF Desktop Bluetooth Central device scans for all bonded peripherals that are not connected. Right after entering the scanning state, the scanning operation is uninterruptible for a predefined time (CONFIG_DESKTOP_BLE_FORCED_SCAN_DURATION_S) to speed up connection establishment with Bluetooth Peripherals. After the timeout, the scanning is interrupted when any device connected to the dongle through Bluetooth becomes active. A connected peripheral is considered active when it provides HID input reports. Continuing the scanning in such scenario would cause report rate drop.

The scanning starts automatically when one of the bonded peers disconnects. It also takes place periodically when a known peer is not connected.

The peripheral connection can be based on standard Bluetooth LE connection parameters or on Bluetooth LE with Low Latency Packet Mode (LLPM).

LLPM is a proprietary Bluetooth extension from Nordic Semiconductor. It can be used only if it is supported by both connected devices (desktop mice do not support it). LLPM enables sending data with high report rate (up to 1000 reports per second), which is not supported by the standard Bluetooth LE.

Bluetooth LE peer control

A connected Bluetooth LE peer device can be controlled using predefined buttons or button combinations. There are several peer operations available.

The application distinguishes between the following button press types:

  • Short - Button pressed for less than 0.5 seconds.

  • Standard - Button pressed for more than 0.5 seconds, but less than 5 seconds.

  • Long - Button pressed for more than 5 seconds.

  • Double - Button pressed twice in quick succession.

The peer operation states provide visual feedback through LEDs (if the device has LEDs). Each of the states is represented by separate LED color and effect. The LED colors and effects are described in the led_state_def.h file located in the board-specific directory in the application configuration directory.

The assignments of hardware interface elements depend on the device type.

The following predefined hardware interface elements are assigned to peer control operations for the gaming mouse:

Hardware switch
  • The switch is located next to the optical sensor.

nRF Desktop gaming mouse - bottom view

nRF Desktop gaming mouse - bottom view

  • You can set the switch in the following positions:

    • Top position: Select the dongle peer.

    • Middle position: Select the Bluetooth LE peers.

    • Bottom position: Mouse turned off.

When the dongle peer is selected, the peer control is disabled until the switch is set to another position.

Peer control button
  • The button is located on the left side of the mouse, in the thumb area.

nRF Desktop gaming mouse - side view

nRF Desktop gaming mouse - side view

  • Short-press to initialize the peer selection. (The LED1 changes color and starts blinking.) During the peer selection:

    1. Short-press to toggle between available peers. The LED1 changes color for each peer and keeps blinking.

    2. Double-press to confirm the peer selection. The peer is changed after the confirmation. LED1 stops blinking.


      A breathing LED indicates that the device has entered either scanning or advertising mode. This happens when the device is looking for a peer to connect to.

  • Long-press to initialize the peer erase. When LED1 starts blinking rapidly, double-press to confirm the operation. After the confirmation, Bluetooth advertising using a new local identity is started. When a new Bluetooth Central device successfully connects and bonds, the old bond is removed and the new bond is used instead. If the new peer does not connect in the predefined period of time, the advertising ends and the application switches back to the old peer.

  • You can cancel the ongoing peer operation with a standard button press.

System state indication

When available, one of the LEDs is used to indicate the state of the device. This system state LED is kept lit when the device is active.

nRF Desktop gaming mouse (top view)

The system state LED of the gaming mouse is located under the transparent section of the cover. The color of the LED changes when the device’s battery is being charged.

In case of a system error, the system state LED will start to blink rapidly for some time before the device is reset.


Each of the nRF Desktop hardware reference designs has a slot for a dedicated debug board. See the following figures for the exact location of these slots.

nRF Desktop gaming mouse (top view)

The debug slot is located at the end of the gaming mouse, below the cover.

The boards that you can plug into these slots are shown below. You can use the debug board for programming the device (and powering it). The bypass boards are needed to make the device work when the debug board is not used. Their purpose is to close the circuits, which allows the device to be powered, for example during Testing.

nRF Desktop debug board

The device can be programmed using the J-Link. The J-Link connector slot is located on the top of the debug board.

Power management

Reducing power consumption is important for every battery-powered device.

The nRF Desktop peripherals are either suspended or powered off when they are not in use for a defined amount of time:

  • In the suspended state, the device maintains the active connection.

  • In the powered off state, the CPU is switched to the off mode.

In both cases, most of the functionalities are disabled. For example, LEDs are turned off and advertising is stopped.

Moving the mouse or pressing any button wakes up the device and turns on the disabled functionalities.

You can define the amount of time after which the peripherals are suspended or powered off using the CONFIG_CAF_POWER_MANAGER_TIMEOUT Kconfig option. By default, this period is set to 120 seconds.


When the gaming mouse is powered from USB, the power down timeout functionality is disabled.

If a nRF Desktop device supports remote wakeup, the USB connected device goes to suspended state when USB is suspended. The device can then trigger remote wakeup of the connected host on user input.


See Configuring and building an application for information about how to permanently or temporarily change the configuration.

This section also describes the configuration sources that are used for the default configuration.

Configuration sources

The nRF Desktop application uses the following files as configuration sources:

  • Devicetree Specification (DTS) files - These reflect the hardware configuration. See Devicetree Guide for more information about the DTS data structure.

  • _def files - These contain configuration arrays for the application modules and are specific to the nRF Desktop application.

  • Kconfig files - These reflect the software configuration. See Kconfig - Tips and Best Practices for information about how to configure them.

For information about differences between DTS and Kconfig, see Devicetree versus Kconfig.

The nRF Desktop introduces application-specific Kconfig options that can be used to simplify an application configuration. For more information, see the nRF Desktop: Application-specific Kconfig options page.

The nRF Desktop application can be used with various hardware boards. For more information about board support in the application, see nRF Desktop: Board configuration.

The nRF Desktop application can be used together with the nRF21540 EK shield to benefit from an RF front-end module (FEM) for the 2.4 GHz range extension. For more information, see nRF Desktop: Adding nRF21540 EK shield support.

You can also configure the following feature in the nRF Desktop application:

Building and running

The nRF Desktop application is built the same way to any other nRF Connect SDK application or sample.

This sample can be found under applications/nrf_desktop in the nRF Connect SDK folder structure.

To build the sample with Visual Studio Code, follow the steps listed on the How to build an application page in the nRF Connect for VS Code extension documentation. See Configuring and building an application for other building scenarios, Programming an application for programming steps, and Testing and optimization for general information about testing and debugging in the nRF Connect SDK.


Information about the known issues in nRF Desktop can be found in nRF Connect SDK’s Release notes and on the Known issues page.

Selecting a build type

Before you start testing the application, you can select one of the nRF Desktop build types, depending on your development kit. See Configuring build types for detailed steps how to select a build type.


If nRF Desktop is built with Fast Pair support, you must provide Fast Pair Model ID and Anti Spoofing private key as CMake options. You can use either your own provisioning data or the provisioning data obtained by Nordic Semiconductor for development purposes. The following debug devices are meant to be used with the nRF Desktop and have been registered:

  • NCS keyboard - The Fast Pair Provider meant to be used with keyboards:

    • Device Name: NCS keyboard

    • Model ID: 0x52FF02

    • Anti-Spoofing Private Key (base64, uncompressed): 8E8ulwhSIp/skZeg27xmWv2SxRxTOagypHrf2OdrhGY=

    • Device Type: Input Device

    • Notification Type: Fast Pair

    • Data-Only connection: true

    • No Personalized Name: false

  • NCS gaming mouse - Fast Pair Provider meant to be used with gaming mice:

    • Device Name: NCS gaming mouse

    • Model ID: 0x8E717D

    • Anti-Spoofing Private Key (base64, uncompressed): dZxFzP7X9CcfLPC0apyRkmgsh3n2EbWo9NFNXfVuxAM=

    • Device Type: Input Device

    • Notification Type: Fast Pair

    • Data-Only connection: true

    • No Personalized Name: false

See Provisioning the device documentation for the following information:

  • Registering a Fast Pair Provider

  • Provisioning a Fast Pair Provider in nRF Connect SDK


This is the debug Fast Pair provisioning data obtained by Nordic for the development purposes. Do not use it in production.

To test with the debug mode Model ID, you must configure the Android device to include the debug results while displaying the nearby Fast Pair Providers. For details, see Verifying Fast Pair in the GFPS documentation.


You can build and test the application in various configurations. The following procedure refers to the scenario where the gaming mouse (nRF52840 Gaming Mouse) and the keyboard (nRF52832 Desktop Keyboard) are connected simultaneously to the dongle (nRF52840 USB Dongle).

After building the application with or without specifying the build type, test the nRF Desktop application by performing the following steps:

  1. Program the required firmware to each device.

  2. Insert the debug board or bypass board into the mouse to make sure it is powered.

  3. Turn on both mouse and keyboard. LED1 on the keyboard and LED1 on the mouse start breathing.

  4. Plug the dongle to the USB port. The blue LED2 on the dongle starts breathing. This indicates that the dongle is scanning for peripherals.

  5. Wait for the establishment of the Bluetooth connection, which happens automatically. After the Bluetooth connection is established, the LEDs stop breathing and remain turned on. You can now use the devices simultaneously.


    You can manually start the scanning for new peripheral devices by pressing the SW1 button on the dongle for a short time. This might be needed if the dongle does not connect with all the peripherals before scanning is interrupted by a timeout.

  6. Move the mouse and press any key on the keyboard. The input is reflected on the host.


    When a configuration with debug features is enabled, for example logger and assertions, the gaming mouse report rate can be significantly lower.

    Make sure that you use the release``configurations before testing the mouse report rate. For the ``release configurations, you should observe a 500-Hz report rate when both the mouse and the keyboard are connected and a 1000-Hz rate when only the mouse is connected.

  7. Switch the Bluetooth peer on the gaming mouse by pressing the Precise Aim button (see User interface). The color of LED1 changes from red to green and the LED starts blinking rapidly.

  8. Press the Precise Aim button twice quickly to confirm the selection. After the confirmation, LED1 starts breathing and the mouse starts the Bluetooth advertising.

  9. Connect to the mouse with an Android phone, a laptop, or any other Bluetooth Central.

After the connection is established and the device is bonded, you can use the mouse with the connected device.

Measuring HID report rate

You can measure a HID report rate of your application to assess the performance of your HID device. This measurement allows you to check how often the host computer can get user’s input from the HID device.


The HID report rate can be measured by using either browser-based or platform-specific tools. You can use any preferred HID report rate tool.


The host computer controls polling a HID peripheral for HID reports. The HID peripheral cannot trigger sending a HID report even if the report is prepared in time. Polling inaccuracies and missing polls on the host side can negatively affect the measured report rate. Make sure to close all unnecessary PC applications to mitigate negative impact of these applications on polling HID devices. If you are using a browser-based tool, leave open only the tab with HID report rate measurement tool to ensure that no other tab influences the measurement.

Building information

Use the prj_release.conf configuration for the HID report rate measurement. Debug features, such as logging or assertions, decrease the application performance.

Use the nRF Desktop configuration that acts as a HID mouse reference design for the report rate measurement, as the motion data polling is synchronized with sending HID reports.

Make sure your chosen motion data source will generate movement in each poll interval. Without a need for user’s input, you can generate HID reports that contain mouse movement data. Use the Motion simulated module for this.

To build an application for evaluating HID report rate, run the following command:

west build -p -b build_target -- -DCONF_FILE=prj_release.conf -DCONFIG_DESKTOP_MOTION_SIMULATED_ENABLE=y 
Report rate measuring tips

See the following list of possible scenarios and best practices:

  • If two or more peripherals are connected through the dongle, and all of the devices support LLPM, the Bluetooth LE LLPM connection events split evenly among all of the peripherals connected through that dongle. It results in decreased HID report rate. For example, you should observe a 500 Hz HID report rate when both mouse and keyboard are connected through the dongle and a 1000 Hz rate when only the mouse is connected.

  • If a HID peripheral is connected through a dongle, the dongle’s performance must be taken into account when measuring the report rate. Delays related to data forwarding on the dongle also result in reduced report rate.

  • If the device is connected through Bluetooth LE directly to the HID host, the host sets the Bluetooth LE connection interval. A Bluetooth LE peripheral can suggest the preferred connection parameters. You can set the suggested connection interval using the CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MIN_INT and CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL_PREF_MAX_INT Kconfig options. Set parameters are not enforced, meaning that the HID host may still eventually use a value greater than the maximum connection interval requested by a peripheral.

  • Radio frequency (RF) noise can negatively affect the HID report rate for wireless connections. If a HID report fails to be delivered in a given Bluetooth LE LLPM connection event, it is retransmitted in the subsequent connection event, which effectively reduces the report rate. By avoiding congested RF channels, the Bluetooth LE Quality of Service module helps to achieve better connection quality and a higher report rate.

  • For the USB device connected directly, you can configure your preferred USB HID poll interval using the CONFIG_USB_HID_POLL_INTERVAL_MS Kconfig option. By default, the CONFIG_USB_HID_POLL_INTERVAL_MS Kconfig option is set to 1 to request the lowest possible poll interval. Set parameters are not enforced, meaning that the HID host may still eventually use a value greater than the USB polling interval requested by a peripheral.

Testing steps

After building the application, test the nRF Desktop by performing the following steps:

  1. Program the device with the built firmware.

  2. Connect the device to the computer using a preferred transport (Bluetooth LE, USB, dongle).

  3. Turn on the device. If you use the motion simulated module to generate the mouse movement, the device should automatically start to draw an octagon shape on the screen. Otherwise, you need to constantly keep generating motion manually, for example, by moving your mouse.

  4. Turn off the device to finalize test preparations.

  5. Launch selected HID report rate measurement tool.

  6. Turn back on the device.

  7. Run measurement.

  8. Verify the average HID report rate reported by tool.

Windows Hardware Lab Kit tests

The nRF Desktop devices have passed the tests from official playlist required for compatibility with Windows 10 by Windows Hardware Compatibility Program (HLK Version 1903 CompatPlaylist x86 x64 ARM64.xml). The tests were conducted using Windows Hardware Lab Kit.


This application uses the following nRF Connect SDK libraries and drivers: