Google Fast Pair integration

Google Fast Pair is a standard for pairing Bluetooth® and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) devices with as little user interaction required as possible. Google also provides additional features built upon the Fast Pair standard. For detailed information about supported functionalities, see the official Fast Pair documentation.


The Fast Pair support in the nRF Connect SDK is experimental. The implementation is not yet ready for production and extensions are not fully supported.

The implementation passes tests of Fast Pair Validator app (beta version). The procedure triggered in Android settings is successful (tested with Android 11).

Integration prerequisites

Before you start the nRF Connect SDK integration with Fast Pair, make sure that the following prerequisites are fulfilled:

  • Install the nRF Connect SDK.

  • Set up a supported Development Kit (DK). See Device configuration guides for more information on setting up the DK you are using.

  • Install the requirements mentioned in the Fast Pair provision script. The script is automatically invoked by the build system during application build to generate Fast Pair provisioning data hex file.

  • During the early stages of development, you can use the debug Model ID and Anti-Spoofing Public/Private Key pair obtained by Nordic Semiconductor for local tests. Later on, you need to register your own Fast Pair Provider device with Google. The Registering Fast Pair Provider section in this document explains how to register the device and obtain the Model ID and Anti-Spoofing Public/Private Key pair.

Solution architecture

The nRF Connect SDK integrates the Fast Pair Provider role, facilitating communication between the Fast Pair Seeker (typically a smartphone) and the Provider (your device). The integration involves following the instructions outlined in the Integration steps section. The SDK supports extensions such as Battery Notification and Personalized Name, which can be included based on the specific use case requirements.

Google Fast Pair extensions

The Fast Pair standard implementation in the nRF Connect SDK supports the following extensions:

  • Battery Notification extension

  • Personalized Name extension

Each supported extension is described in the following sections.


Extension-specific instructions are located under the extension section in each integration step of this guide. You can safely skip sections for extensions that you do not want to support in your application.

Battery Notification extension

The extension provides a mechanism to broadcast battery level information that is encoded in the Fast Pair not discoverable advertising payload. You can set up the battery information for up to three different components (required for the earbuds use case: left bud, right bud and case).

For more details on this extension, see the Fast Pair Battery Notification extension documentation.

Personalized Name extension

The extension allows the user to attach a personalized name to their Fast Pair accessories.

For more details on this extension, see the Fast Pair Personalized Name extension documentation.

Integration steps

The Fast Pair standard integration in the nRF Connect SDK consists of the following steps:

  1. Provisioning the device

  2. Performing prerequisite operations

  3. Setting up Bluetooth LE advertising

  4. Interacting with GATT service

  5. Managing factory resets

  6. Tailoring protocol for specific use case

These steps are described in the following sections.

The Fast Pair standard implementation in the nRF Connect SDK integrates Fast Pair Provider, one of the available Fast Pair roles. For an integration example, see the Bluetooth: Fast Pair input device sample.

Provisioning the device

A device model must be registered with Google to work as a Fast Pair Provider. The data is used for procedures defined by the Fast Pair standard.

Registering Fast Pair Provider

See the official Fast Pair Model Registration documentation for information on how to register the device and obtain the Model ID and Anti-Spoofing Public/Private Key pair. Alternatively, you can use the debug Model ID and Anti-Spoofing Public/Private Key pair obtained by Nordic Semiconductor for the development purposes. See the following samples and applications for details about the debug Fast Pair Providers registered by Nordic:

Device type

When registering the device in the Google Nearby Devices console, go to the Fast Pair protocol configuration panel, and in the Device Type field select an option that matches your application’s use case. The chosen device type also determines the optional feature set that you can support in your use case. You declare support for each feature by selecting the true option.


Ensure you make an informed decision when selecting the device type, as it has a significant impact on the Fast Pair Seeker behavior in relation to your Provider’s device.

The Fast Pair standard implementation in the nRF Connect SDK actively supports the following device types and use cases:

Provisioning registration data onto device

The Fast Pair standard requires provisioning the device with Model ID and Anti-Spoofing Private Key obtained during device model registration. In the nRF Connect SDK, the provisioning data is generated as a hexadecimal file using the Fast Pair provision script.

If Fast Pair is enabled with the CONFIG_BT_FAST_PAIR Kconfig option, the Fast Pair provision script is called automatically by the build system and the resulting hexadecimal file is automatically added to the firmware (that is, to the merged.hex file). You must provide the following CMake options:

  • FP_MODEL_ID - Fast Pair Model ID in format 0xXXXXXX,

  • FP_ANTI_SPOOFING_KEY - base64-encoded Fast Pair Anti-Spoofing Private Key.

The bt_fast_pair partition address is provided automatically by the build system.

For example, when building an application with the nRF Connect for VS Code extension, you need to add the following parameters in the Extra CMake arguments field on the Add Build Configuration view: -DFP_MODEL_ID=0xFFFFFF -DFP_ANTI_SPOOFING_KEY=AbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbA=. Make sure to replace 0xFFFFFF and AbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbAbA= with values obtained for your device. See Providing CMake options for more information about defining CMake options.

Performing prerequisite operations

You must enable the CONFIG_BT_FAST_PAIR Kconfig option to support the Google Fast Pair standard in your project.

An application can communicate with the Fast Pair subsystem using API calls and registered callbacks. The Fast Pair subsystem uses the registered callbacks to inform the application about the Fast Pair related events.

The application must register the callbacks before it enables the Fast Pair subsystem and starts to operate as the Fast Pair Provider and advertise Bluetooth LE packets. To identify the callback registration functions in the Fast Pair API, look for the _register suffix. Set your application-specific callback functions in the callback structure that is the input parameter for the ..._register API function. The callback structure must persist in the application memory (static declaration), as during the registration, the Fast Pair module stores only the memory pointer to it.

The standard Fast Pair API (without extensions) currently supports the bt_fast_pair_info_cb_register() function (optional) for registering application callbacks.

The standard Fast Pair (without extensions) does not require registration of any callback type, meaning all callbacks are optional.

After the callback registration, the Fast Pair subsystem must be enabled with the bt_fast_pair_enable() function. Before performing the bt_fast_pair_enable() operation, you must enable Bluetooth with the bt_enable() function and load Zephyr’s Settings with the settings_load() function. The Fast Pair subsystem readiness can be checked with the bt_fast_pair_is_ready() function. The Fast Pair subsystem can be disabled with the bt_fast_pair_disable() function. In the Fast Pair subsystem disabled state, most of the Fast Pair APIs are not available.

Apart from the callback registration and enabling the Fast Pair subsystem, no additional operations are needed to integrate the standard Fast Pair implementation.

Personalized Name extension

To support the Personalized Name extension, ensure that the CONFIG_BT_FAST_PAIR_EXT_PN Kconfig option is enabled in your project. This extension is enabled by default.

Setting up Bluetooth LE advertising

The Fast Pair Provider must include Fast Pair service advertising data in the advertising payload. The Fast Pair Seeker must also know the Provider’s transmit power to determine proximity.

Advertising data and parameters

The Fast Pair service implementation provides API to generate the advertising data for both discoverable and not discoverable advertising:

bt_fast_pair_adv_data_size(), bt_fast_pair_adv_data_fill()

These functions are used to check the buffer size required for the advertising data and fill the buffer with data. Managing memory used for the advertising packets is a responsibility of the application. Make sure that these functions are called by the application from the cooperative context to ensure that not discoverable advertising data generation is not preempted by an Account Key write operation from a connected Fast Pair Seeker. Account Keys are used to generate not discoverable advertising data.


This function is to be used to set pairing mode before the advertising is started.

Since you control the advertising, make sure to use advertising parameters consistent with the specification. The Bluetooth privacy is selected by the Fast Pair service, but you must make sure that the following requirements are met:

  • The Resolvable Private Address (RPA) rotation is synchronized with the advertising payload update during the not discoverable advertising.

  • The Resolvable Private Address (RPA) address is not rotated during discoverable advertising session.

See the official Fast Pair Advertising documentation for detailed information about the requirements related to discoverable and not discoverable advertising.

Fast Pair advertising data provider

The Fast Pair advertising data provider (CONFIG_BT_ADV_PROV_FAST_PAIR) can be used to manage the Fast Pair advertising data. See Bluetooth: Fast Pair input device for an example of using the provider in a sample. See subsys/bluetooth/adv_prov/providers/fast_pair.c for provider implementation.

Advertising TX power

The Fast Pair Seeker must know the TX power of the Provider to determine proximity. The TX power can be provided in one of the following ways:

  • Defined during model registration

  • Included in the advertising payload

See the Fast Pair TX power documentation for more information.

Advertising data provider

If your application uses Bluetooth LE advertising providers, you can use the TX power advertising data provider (CONFIG_BT_ADV_PROV_TX_POWER) to read the advertising TX power from Bluetooth controller and add it to the generated advertising data. The CONFIG_BT_ADV_PROV_TX_POWER_CORRECTION_VAL option can be used to define a TX power correction value that is added to the TX power readout included in the advertising data. The option can be used to take into account hardware configuration, for example, used antenna and device casing. See Bluetooth: Fast Pair input device sample for an example of how to use the TX power advertising provider.

Multiprotocol Service Layer front-end module (MPSL FEM)

If your application uses MPSL Front-end module feature, you can use a front-end module power model. The power model allows you to control the TX power more accurately and compensate, for example, for external conditions. See the TX power split using models section of the Front-end module feature documentation for more details. See the MPSL FEM power model section in API documentation for API documentation.

Battery Notification extension

You can include special battery data in a not discoverable advertising packet using the Fast Pair Battery Notification extension. To use this extension, ensure the following:

  1. Call the bt_fast_pair_battery_set() function to provide battery information.

  2. Set bt_fast_pair_not_disc_adv_info.battery_mode in bt_fast_pair_adv_config to either BT_FAST_PAIR_ADV_BATTERY_MODE_SHOW_UI_IND or BT_FAST_PAIR_ADV_BATTERY_MODE_HIDE_UI_IND to include the battery notification in the generated advertising payload.

See the Fast Pair Battery Notification extension documentation for more details about this extension.

Interacting with GATT service

The Fast Pair GATT service is implemented by the Google Fast Pair Service (GFPS). The service implements functionalities required by the Fast Pair Procedure. The procedure is initiated by the Fast Pair Seeker after Bluetooth LE connection is established. No application interaction is required.

The Fast Pair GATT service is statically defined, so it is still present in the GATT database after the Fast Pair subsystem is disabled. In the Fast Pair subsystem disabled state, GATT operations on the Fast Pair service are rejected.

The Fast Pair GATT service modifies default values of related Kconfig options to follow Fast Pair requirements. The service also enables the needed functionalities using Kconfig select statement. For details, see the Google Fast Pair Service (GFPS) Bluetooth service documentation in the nRF Connect SDK.

Using the information callbacks

To register the information callbacks, use the bt_fast_pair_info_cb_register() function.

All Account Key writes are indicated by the bt_fast_pair_info_cb.account_key_written callback. This callback is optional to register and is triggered on a successful Account Key write operation over the Account Key characteristic.

The typical use case of this callback is to have a notification mechanism that informs you about any updates to the Account Key storage. You may decide to use the Fast Pair not discoverable advertising mode on the first Account Key write or update this type of advertising payload on subsequent Account Key writes. In the Fast Pair not discoverable advertising mode, the Provider informs the listening Seeker devices about all Account Keys that it has stored so far. You can also use the bt_fast_pair_has_account_key() function to check whether your Provider has any Account Keys. This API is especially useful after a system reboot when some Account Keys may already be stored in non-volatile memory.

Managing factory resets

The Fast Pair GATT service uses a non-volatile memory to store the Fast Pair user data such as Account Keys and the Personalized Name. This data can be cleared by calling the bt_fast_pair_factory_reset() function. Calling the bt_fast_pair_factory_reset() function does not affect the Fast Pair subsystem’s readiness. If the subsystem is enabled with the bt_fast_pair_enable() function, it stays enabled after calling the bt_fast_pair_factory_reset() function. The same applies for the Fast Pair subsystem disabled state. For details, see the bt_fast_pair_factory_reset() function documentation.

Custom user reset action

Use the CONFIG_BT_FAST_PAIR_STORAGE_USER_RESET_ACTION Kconfig option to enable a custom user reset action that executes together with the factory reset operation. To define the custom user reset action, you need to implement the bt_fast_pair_factory_reset_user_action_perform() function in your application code. Optionally, you can also define the bt_fast_pair_factory_reset_user_action_prepare() function if you want an earlier notification that the reset operation is due to begin. Both functions are defined as weak no-op functions. Ensure that your reset action implementation executes correctly in the following execution contexts:


If the factory reset operation constantly fails due to an error in the custom user reset action, the system may never be able to properly boot-up.

During the custom user reset action, you can safely delete additional non-volatile data that are not owned by the Fast Pair modules. A typical use case is to delete Bluetooth bonding information using either the bt_unpair() or the bt_id_reset() function.

Tailoring protocol for specific use case

The specific use case of the Google Fast Pair application is indicated by the chosen device type in the Google Nearby Devices console (see the Device type subsection). Different use cases may require implementation of additional guidelines for your accessory firmware or specific configuration of your device model in the Google Nearby Devices console. These requirements typically help to improve user experience or security properties for the chosen use case. To learn more, see the official Fast Pair documentation.

Applications and samples

The following application and sample use the Fast Pair integration in the nRF Connect SDK:

Library support

The following nRF Connect SDK libraries support the Fast Pair integration:

Required scripts

The Fast Pair provision script is required to generate the provisioning data for the device. The script is automatically invoked by the build system during application build when the CONFIG_BT_FAST_PAIR Kconfig option is enabled.

Terms and licensing

The use of Google Fast Pair may be subject to Google’s terms and licensing. Refer to the official Fast Pair documentation for development-related licensing information.


The following are the required dependencies for the Fast Pair integration: