Adapting nRF5340 Audio application for end products

This page describes the relevant configuration sources and lists the steps required for adapting the nRF5340 Audio application to end products.

Board configuration sources

The nRF5340 Audio application uses the following files as board configuration sources:

  • Devicetree Specification (DTS) files - These reflect the hardware configuration. See Devicetree Guide for more information about the DTS data structure.

  • Kconfig files - These reflect the hardware-related software configuration. See Kconfig - Tips and Best Practices for information about how to configure them.

  • Memory layout configuration files - These define the memory layout of the application.

You can see the zephyr/boards/arm/nrf5340_audio_dk_nrf5340 directory as an example of how these files are structured.

For information about differences between DTS and Kconfig, see Devicetree versus Kconfig. For detailed instructions for adding Zephyr support to a custom board, see Zephyr’s Board Porting Guide.

Application configuration sources

The application configuration source file defines a set of options used by the nRF5340 Audio application. This is a .conf file that modifies the default Kconfig values defined in the Kconfig files.

Only one .conf file is included at a time. The prj.conf file is the default configuration file and it implements the debug application version. For the release application version, you need to include the prj_release.conf configuration file. In the release application version no debug features should be enabled.

The nRF5340 Audio application also use several Kconfig.defaults files to change configuration defaults automatically, based on the different application versions and device types.

You need to edit prj.conf and prj_release.conf if you want to add new functionalities to your application, but editing these files when adding a new board is not required.

Adding a new board


The first three steps of the configuration procedure are identical to the steps described in Zephyr’s Board Porting Guide.

To use the nRF5340 Audio application with your custom board:

  1. Define the board files for your custom board:

    1. Create a new directory in the nrf/boards/arm/ directory with the name of the new board.

    2. Copy the nRF5340 Audio board files from the nrf5340_audio_dk_nrf5340 directory located in the zephyr/boards/arm/ folder to the newly created directory.

  2. Edit the DTS files to make sure they match the hardware configuration. Pay attention to the following elements:

    • Pins that are used.

    • Interrupt priority that might be different.

  3. Edit the board’s Kconfig files to make sure they match the required system configuration. For example, disable the drivers that will not be used by your device.

  4. Build the application by selecting the name of the new board (for example, new_audio_board_name) in your build system. For example, when building from the command line, add -b new_audio_board_name to your build command.

FOTA for end products

Do not use the default MCUboot key for end products. See Firmware updates and Signing Binaries for more information.

To create your own app that supports DFU, you can use the nRF Connect Device Manager libraries for Android and iOS.

Changing default values

Given the requirements for the Coordinated Set Identification Service (CSIS), make sure to change the Set Identity Resolving Key (SIRK) value when adapting the application.