Wi-Fi: Bluetooth LE coexistence

This sample demonstrates coexistence between Wi-Fi and Short Range (SR) radios in 2.4 GHz frequency. The sample documentation includes details of test setup used, build procedure, test procedure and the results obtained when the sample is run on the nRF7002 DK.


The sample supports the following development kit:

Hardware platforms


Board name

Build target

nRF7002 DK





The sample demonstrates how coexistence mechanism is implemented and enabled and disabled between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® LE radios in 2.4 GHz band using Wi-Fi client’s throughput and Bluetooth LE central’s throughput.


The following figure shows a reference test setup.

Wi-Fi Coex test setup

Wi-Fi coexistence reference test and evaluation setup

The reference test setup shows the connections between the following devices:

  • Device Under Test (DUT) (nRF7002 DK on which the coexistence sample runs)

  • Wi-Fi peer device (access point with test PC that runs iperf)

  • Bluetooth LE peer device (nRF5340 DK on which Bluetooth LE throughput sample runs)

This setup is kept in a shielded test enclosure box (for example, a Ramsey box). The following table provides more details on the sample or application that runs on DUT and peer devices:




nRF7002 DK

Bluetooth LE coex sample

The sample runs Wi-Fi throughputs, Bluetooth LE throughputs or a combination of both based on configuration selections in the prj.conf file.

Test PC

iperf application

Wi-Fi iperf UDP server is run on test PC, and this acts as peer device to Wi-Fi UDP client that runs on nRF7002 DK.

nRF5340 DK

Bluetooth LE throughput sample

Bluetooth LE throughput sample is run in peripheral mode on nRF5340 DK, and this acts as a peer device to Bluetooth LE central that runs on nRF7002 DK.

To trigger concurrent transmissions at RF level on both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, the sample runs traffic on separate threads, one for each. The sample uses standard Zephyr threads. The threads are configured with non-negative priority (pre-emptible thread). For details on threads and scheduling, refer to Threads.

Building and running

This sample can be found under samples/wifi/sr_coex in the nRF Connect SDK folder structure.

When built as firmware image for the _ns build target, the sample has Cortex-M Security Extensions (CMSE) enabled and separates the firmware between Non-Secure Processing Environment (NSPE) and Secure Processing Environment (SPE). Because of this, it automatically includes the Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M). To read more about CMSE, see Processing environments.

To build the sample with Visual Studio Code, follow the steps listed on the How to build an application page in the nRF Connect for VS Code extension documentation. See Building and programming an application for other building and programming scenarios and Testing and debugging an application for general information about testing and debugging in the nRF Connect SDK.

The sample can be built for the following configurations:

  • Wi-Fi throughput only

  • Bluetooth LE throughput only

  • Concurrent Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE throughput (with coexistence enabled and disabled mode)

To enable different test modes, set up the following configuration parameters in the prj.conf file:

  • Antenna configuration: Use the CONFIG_COEX_SEP_ANTENNAS Kconfig option to select the antenna configuration. Set it to y to enable separate antennas and n to enable shared antenna.

  • Test modes: Use the following Kconfig options to select the required test case:

    • CONFIG_TEST_TYPE_WLAN_ONLY for Wi-Fi only test

    • CONFIG_TEST_TYPE_BLE_ONLY for Bluetooth LE only test

    • CONFIG_TEST_TYPE_WLAN_BLE for concurrent Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE test.

    Based on the required test, set only one of these to y.

  • Test duration: Use the CONFIG_WIFI_TEST_DURATION Kconfig option to set the duration of the Wi-Fi test and CONFIG_BLE_TEST_DURATION for the Bluetooth LE test. The units are in milliseconds. For example, to set the tests for 20 seconds, set the respective values to 20000. For the concurrent Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE test, make sure that both are set to the same duration to ensure maximum overlap.

  • Bluetooth LE configuration: Set the Bluetooth LE connection interval limits using the CONFIG_INTERVAL_MIN and CONFIG_INTERVAL_MAX Kconfig options. The units are 1.25 milliseconds. For example, CONFIG_INTERVAL_MIN=80 corresponds to an interval of 100 ms (80 x 1.25).

  • Wi-Fi connection: Set the following options appropriately as per the credentials of the access point used for this testing:


menuconfig can also be used to enable the Key management option.

See Interactive Kconfig interfaces in the Zephyr documentation for instructions on how to run menuconfig.

To build for the nRF7002 DK, use the nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpuapp build target. The following are examples of the CLI commands:

  • Build with coexistence disabled:

west build -b nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -- -DCONFIG_MPSL_CX=n -Dhci_rpmsg_CONFIG_MPSL_CX=n

Use this command for Wi-Fi throughput only, Bluetooth LE throughput only, concurrent Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE throughput with coexistence disabled tests.

  • Build with coexistence enabled:

west build -b nrf7002dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -- -DCONFIG_MPSL_CX=y -Dhci_rpmsg_CONFIG_MPSL_CX=y

Use this command for concurrent Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE throughput with coexistence enabled test.

The generated HEX file to be used is sr_coex/build/zephyr/merged_domains.hex.

Use the Bluetooth throughput sample from the nrf/samples/bluetooth/throughput folder on the peer nRF5340 DK device.

  • Build for the nRF5340 DK:

west build -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp

The generated HEX file to be used is throughput/build/zephyr/merged_domains.hex.

Set up the following configuration parameters in the prj_nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp.conf file:

  • File or time-based throughput: Use CONFIG_BT_THROUGHPUT_FILE to select file or time-based throughput test. Set it to n to enable time-based throughput test only when running Bluetooth LE throughput in central role.

  • Test duration: Use CONFIG_BT_THROUGHPUT_DURATION to set the duration of the Bluetooth LE throughput test only when running Bluetooth LE throughput in central role. The units are in milliseconds.



Connecting to DKs

After the DKs are connected to the test PC through USB connectors and powered on, open a suitable terminal, and run the following command:

$ nrfjprog --com
1050043161         /dev/ttyACM0    VCOM0
1050043161         /dev/ttyACM1    VCOM1
1050724225         /dev/ttyACM2    VCOM0
1050724225         /dev/ttyACM3    VCOM1

In this example, 1050043161 is the device ID of the nRF5340 DK and 1050724225 is device ID of the nRF7002 DK.

While connecting to a particular board, use the ttyACMx corresponding to VCOM1. In the example, use ttyACM1 to connect to the board with device ID 1050043161. Similarly, use ttyACM3 connect to the board with device ID 1050724225.

$ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM1 -b 115200
$ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM3 -b 115200

Programming DKs

To program the nRF5340 DK, open a new terminal in the test PC, navigate to <ncs code>/nrf/samples/bluetooth/throughput/, and run the following command:

$ west flash --dev-id <device-id> --hex-file build/zephyr/merged_domains.hex

To program the nRF7002 DK, open a new terminal in the test PC, navigate to <ncs code>/nrf/samples/wifi/sr_coex/, and run the following command:

$ west flash --dev-id <device-id> --hex-file build/zephyr/merged_domains.hex


Running coexistence sample test cases require additional software such as the Wi-Fi iperf application. When the sample runs Wi-Fi UDP throughput in client mode, a peer device runs UDP throughput in server mode using the following command:

$ iperf -s -i 1 -u

Use iperf version 2.0.5. For more details, see Network Traffic Generator.

Test case


Test procedure

Wi-Fi only throughput


Run Wi-Fi iperf in server mode on test PC. Program coexistence sample application on nRF7002 DK.

Bluetooth LE only throughput


Program Bluetooth LE throughput application on nRF5340 DK and select role as peripheral. Program coexistence sample application on nRF7002 DK.

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE combined throughput

Disabled/ Enabled

Run Wi-Fi iperf in server mode on test PC. Program Bluetooth LE throughput application on nRF5340 DK and select role as peripheral. Program coexistence sample application on nRF7002 DK.

The Wi-Fi throughput result appears on the test PC terminal on which iperf server is run. The Bluetooth LE throughput result appears on the minicom terminal connected to the nRF5340 DK.


The following tables collect a summary of results obtained when coexistence tests are run for different Wi-Fi operating bands, antenna configurations and Wi-Fi modes. The tests are run with the test setup inside an RF shield box. Therefore, the results are representative and might change with adjustments in the test setup.

Wi-Fi in 2.4 GHz

Separate antennas, Wi-Fi in 802.11n mode:

Test case

Wi-Fi UDP Tx throughput in Mbps

Bluetooth LE throughput in kbps

Wi-Fi only, client (UDP Tx)



Bluetooth LE only, central



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence disabled



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence enabled



Shared antenna, Wi-Fi in 802.11n mode:

Test case

Wi-Fi UDP Tx throughput in Mbps

Bluetooth LE throughput in kbps

Wi-Fi only, client (UDP Tx)



Bluetooth LE only, central



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence disabled



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence enabled



Separate antennas, Wi-Fi in 802.11b mode:

Test case

Wi-Fi UDP Tx throughput in Mbps

Bluetooth LE throughput in kbps

Wi-Fi only, client (UDP Tx)



Bluetooth LE only, central



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence disabled



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence enabled



Shared antenna, Wi-Fi in 802.11b mode:

Test case

Wi-Fi UDP Tx throughput in Mbps

Bluetooth LE throughput in kbps

Wi-Fi only, client (UDP Tx)



Bluetooth LE only, central



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence disabled



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence enabled



Wi-Fi in 5 GHz

Separate antennas, Wi-Fi in 802.11n mode:

Test case

Wi-Fi UDP Tx throughput in Mbps

Bluetooth LE throughput in kbps

Wi-Fi only, client (UDP Tx)



Bluetooth LE only, central



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence disabled



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence enabled



Shared antenna, Wi-Fi in 802.11n mode:

Test case

Wi-Fi UDP Tx throughput in Mbps

Bluetooth LE throughput in kbps

Wi-Fi only, client (UDP Tx)



Bluetooth LE only, central



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence disabled



Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, coexistence enabled



Sample output

The following screenshots show coexistence test results obtained for separate antenna configuration with Wi-Fi mode set to 802.11n. These tests were run with WLAN connected to an AP in 2.4 GHz band. In the images, left-side result shows Wi-Fi throughput that appears on a test PC terminal in which Wi-Fi iperf server is run and right-side result shows Bluetooth LE throughput that appears on a minicom terminal in which the Bluetooth LE throughput sample is run.

Wi-Fi only throughput

Wi-Fi only throughput 10.2 Mbps

Bluetooth LE only throughput

Bluetooth LE only throughput: 1107 kbps

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE CD

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE throughput, coexistence disabled: Wi-Fi 9.9 Mbps and Bluetooth LE 145 kbps

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE CE

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE throughput, coexistence enabled: Wi-Fi 8.3 Mbps and Bluetooth LE 478 kbps

As is evident from the results of the sample execution, coexistence harmonizes air-time between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE rather than result in a higher combined throughput. This is consistent with the design intent.


This sample uses the following sdk-nrfxlib library: