Socket CAN
The socket CAN sample is a server/client application that sends and receives raw CAN frames using BSD socket API.
The application consists of these functions:
Setup function which creates a CAN socket, binds it to a CAN network interface, and then installs a CAN filter to the socket so that the application can receive CAN frames.
Receive function which starts to listen the CAN socket and prints information about the CAN frames.
Send function which starts to send raw CAN frames to the bus.
The source code for this sample application can be found at: samples/net/sockets/can.
You need a CANBUS enabled board like ST Nucleo L432KC or ST STM32F072B Discovery.
Building and Running
Build the socket CAN sample application like this:
west build -b <board to use> samples/net/sockets/can -- -DCONF_FILE=<config file to use>
Example building for the nucleo_l432kc:
west build -b nucleo_l432kc samples/net/sockets/can
west build -t run