Sipeed Longan Nano


The Sipeed Longan Nano and Longan Nano Lite is an simple and tiny development board with an GigaDevice GD32VF103 SoC that based on N200 RISC-V IP core by Nuclei system technology. More information can be found on:

Programming and debugging


Applications for the logan_nano board configuration can be built as usual (see Building an Application) using the corresponding board name:

west build -b logan_nano


In order to upload the application to the device, you’ll need OpenOCD with GD32V support. Download the tarball for your OS from the SiPEED longan nano download site and extract it.

The Zephyr SDK uses a bundled version of OpenOCD by default. You can overwrite that behavior by adding the -DOPENOCD=<path/to/riscv-openocd/bin/openocd> parameter when building:

west build -b longan_nano -- -DOPENOCD=<path/to/riscv-openocd/bin/openocd>

When using a custom toolchain it should be enough to have the downloaded version of the binary in your PATH.

Now you can flash the application as usual (see Building an Application and Run an Application for more details):

west flash


Refer to the detailed overview about Application Debugging.