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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oCantfs_beacon_status_byte1_tANT-FS beacon status
oCantfs_dir_header_tANT-FS directory header
oCantfs_dir_struct_tANT-FS directory entry
oCantfs_event_return_tANT-FS <-> application event communication object
oCantfs_params_tANT-FS parameters
oCantfs_request_info_tANT-FS download/upload request context
oCantplus_event_return_tBicycle Power profile to application communication object
oCapp_button_cfg_tButton configuration structure
oCapp_fifo_tA FIFO instance structure. Keeps track of which bytes to read and write next. Also it keeps the information about which memory is allocated for the buffer and its size. This needs to be initialized by app_fifo_init() before use
oCapp_uart_buffers_tUART buffer for transmitting/receiving data
oCapp_uart_comm_params_tUART communication structure holding configuration settings for the peripheral
oCapp_uart_evt_tStruct containing events from the UART module
oCble_advdata_conn_int_tConnection interval range structure
oCble_advdata_manuf_data_tManufacturer specific data structure
oCble_advdata_service_data_tService data structure
oCble_advdata_tAdvertising data structure. This contains all options and data needed for encoding and setting the advertising data
oCble_advdata_uuid_list_tUUID list type
oCble_ans_alert_notification_tAlert Notification structure
oCble_ans_alert_settings_tAlert Notification Setting structure containing the supported alerts in the service
oCble_ans_c_evt_tAlert Notification Event structure
oCble_ans_c_init_tAlert Notification init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the client
oCble_ans_c_sAlert Notification structure. This contains various status information for the client
oCble_ans_control_point_tAlert Notification Control Point structure
oCble_bas_evt_tBattery Service event
oCble_bas_init_tBattery Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_bas_sBattery Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_bondmngr_evt_tBond Manager Module event
oCble_bondmngr_init_tBond Manager Module init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the Bond Manager module
oCble_bps_evt_tBlood Pressure Service event
oCble_bps_init_tBlood Pressure Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_bps_meas_sBlood Pressure Service measurement structure. This contains a Blood Pressure measurement
oCble_bps_sBlood Pressure Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_common_evt_tEvent structure for events not associated with a specific function module
oCble_conn_params_evt_tConnection Parameters Module event
oCble_conn_params_init_tConnection Parameters Module init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the connection parameters negotiation module
oCble_cs_ctrlpt_init_tSpeed and Cadence Control Point init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the Speed and Cadence Control Point module
oCble_cscs_evt_tCycling Speed and Cadence Service event
oCble_cscs_init_tCycling Speed and Cadence Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_cscs_meas_sCycling Speed and Cadence Service measurement structure. This contains a Cycling Speed and Cadence Service measurement
oCble_cscs_sCycling Speed and Cadence Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_date_time_tDate and Time structure
oCble_dfu_evt_tDFU Event structure
oCble_dfu_init_tDFU service initialization structure
oCble_dfu_pkt_write_tDFU Packet structure
oCble_dfu_sDFU service structure
oCble_dis_init_tDevice Information Service init structure. This contains all possible characteristics needed for initialization of the service
oCble_dis_pnp_id_tPnP ID parameters
oCble_dis_reg_cert_data_list_tIEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List Structure
oCble_dis_sys_id_tSystem ID parameters
oCble_error_log_data_tError Log Data structure
oCble_evt_hdr_tBLE Event header
oCble_evt_tCommon BLE Event type, wrapping the module specific event reports
oCble_evt_tx_complete_tTX complete event
oCble_gap_addr_tBluetooth Low Energy address
oCble_gap_adv_params_tGAP advertising parameters
oCble_gap_conn_params_tGAP connection parameters
oCble_gap_conn_sec_mode_tGAP link requirements
oCble_gap_conn_sec_tGAP connection security status
oCble_gap_enc_info_tGAP Encryption Information
oCble_gap_evt_auth_key_request_tEvent data for authentication key request event
oCble_gap_evt_auth_status_tEvent data for authentication status event
oCble_gap_evt_conn_param_update_tEvent data for connection parameter update event
oCble_gap_evt_conn_sec_update_tEvent data for connection security update event
oCble_gap_evt_connected_tEvent data for connected event
oCble_gap_evt_disconnected_tEvent data for disconnected event
oCble_gap_evt_passkey_display_tEvent data for passkey display event
oCble_gap_evt_rssi_changed_tEvent data for advertisement report event
oCble_gap_evt_sec_info_request_tEvent data for securito info request event
oCble_gap_evt_sec_params_request_tEvent data for security parameters request event
oCble_gap_evt_tGAP event callback event structure
oCble_gap_evt_timeout_tEvent data for timeout event
oCble_gap_id_info_tGAP Identity Information
oCble_gap_irk_tIdentity Resolving Key
oCble_gap_master_id_tGAP Master Identification
oCble_gap_scan_params_tGAP scanning parameters
oCble_gap_sec_keys_tKeys that have been exchanged
oCble_gap_sec_levels_tSecurity levels supported
oCble_gap_sec_params_tGAP security parameters
oCble_gap_sign_info_tGAP Signing Information
oCble_gap_whitelist_tWhite list structure
oCble_gatt_char_ext_props_tGATT Characteristic Extended Properties
oCble_gatt_char_props_tGATT Characteristic Properties
oCble_gattc_char_tGATT characteristic
oCble_gattc_desc_tGATT descriptor
oCble_gattc_evt_char_disc_rsp_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTC_EVT_CHAR_DISC_RSP
oCble_gattc_evt_char_val_by_uuid_read_rsp_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTC_EVT_CHAR_VAL_BY_UUID_READ_RSP
oCble_gattc_evt_char_vals_read_rsp_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTC_EVT_CHAR_VALS_READ_RSP
oCble_gattc_evt_desc_disc_rsp_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTC_EVT_DESC_DISC_RSP
oCble_gattc_evt_hvx_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTC_EVT_HVX
oCble_gattc_evt_prim_srvc_disc_rsp_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTC_EVT_PRIM_SRVC_DISC_RSP
oCble_gattc_evt_read_rsp_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTC_EVT_READ_RSP
oCble_gattc_evt_rel_disc_rsp_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTC_EVT_REL_DISC_RSP
oCble_gattc_evt_tGATTC event type
oCble_gattc_evt_timeout_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTC_EVT_TIMEOUT
oCble_gattc_evt_write_rsp_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTC_EVT_WRITE_RSP
oCble_gattc_handle_range_tOperation Handle Range
oCble_gattc_handle_value_tGATT read by UUID handle value pair
oCble_gattc_include_tGATT include
oCble_gattc_service_tGATT service
oCble_gattc_write_params_tWrite Parameters
oCble_gatts_attr_context_tGATT Attribute Context
oCble_gatts_attr_md_tAttribute metadata
oCble_gatts_attr_tGATT Attribute
oCble_gatts_char_handles_tGATT Characteristic Definition Handles
oCble_gatts_char_md_tGATT Characteristic metadata
oCble_gatts_char_pf_tGATT Characteristic Presentation Format
oCble_gatts_evt_hvc_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVC
oCble_gatts_evt_read_tEvent structure for authorize read request
oCble_gatts_evt_rw_authorize_request_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTS_EVT_RW_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST
oCble_gatts_evt_sys_attr_missing_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTS_EVT_SYS_ATTR_MISSING
oCble_gatts_evt_tGATT Server event callback event structure
oCble_gatts_evt_timeout_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTS_EVT_TIMEOUT
oCble_gatts_evt_write_tEvent structure for BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE
oCble_gatts_hvx_params_tGATT HVx parameters
oCble_gatts_read_authorize_params_tGATT Read Authorization parameters
oCble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply_params_tGATT Read or Write Authorize Reply parameters
oCble_gatts_write_authorize_params_tGATT Write Authorisation parameters
oCble_gls_evt_tGlucose Service event
oCble_gls_init_tGlucose Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_gls_meas_context_tGlucose measurement context structure
oCble_gls_meas_tGlucose Measurement structure. This contains glucose measurement value
oCble_gls_rec_tGlucose measurement record
oCble_gls_sGlucose Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_hids_char_id_tHID Service characteristic id
oCble_hids_evt_tHID Service event
oCble_hids_feature_rep_init_tHID Service Feature Report characteristic init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of one Feature Report characteristic
oCble_hids_hid_information_tHID Information characteristic value
oCble_hids_init_tHID Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_hids_inp_rep_init_tHID Service Input Report characteristic init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of one Input Report characteristic
oCble_hids_outp_rep_init_tHID Service Output Report characteristic init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of one Output Report characteristic
oCble_hids_rep_char_tHID Report characteristic structure
oCble_hids_rep_map_init_tHID Service Report Map characteristic init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the Report Map characteristic
oCble_hids_sHID Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_hrs_evt_tHeart Rate Service event
oCble_hrs_init_tHeart Rate Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_hrs_sHeart Rate Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_hts_evt_tHealth Thermometer Service event
oCble_hts_init_tHealth Thermometer Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_hts_meas_sHealth Thermometer Service measurement structure. This contains a Health Thermometer measurement
oCble_hts_sHealth Thermometer Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_ias_c_evt_tImmediate Alert Service client event
oCble_ias_c_init_tIAS Client init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the client
oCble_ias_c_sIAS Client structure. This contains various status information for the client
oCble_ias_evt_tImmediate Alert Service event
oCble_ias_init_tImmediate Alert Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_ias_sImmediate Alert Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_l2cap_evt_rx_tL2CAP Received packet event report
oCble_l2cap_evt_tL2CAP event callback event structure
oCble_l2cap_header_tPacket header format for L2CAP transmission
oCble_lls_evt_tLink Loss Service event
oCble_lls_init_tLink Loss Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_lls_sLink Loss Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_pkt_rcpt_notif_req_tPacket receipt notification request structure
oCble_racp_value_tRecord Access Control Point value structure
oCble_rscs_evt_tRunning Speed and Cadence Service event
oCble_rscs_init_tRunning Speed and Cadence Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_rscs_meas_sRunning Speed and Cadence Service measurement structure. This contains a Running Speed and Cadence measurement
oCble_rscs_sRunning Speed and Cadence Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_sc_ctrlpt_evt_tSpeed and Cadence Control point event
oCble_sc_ctrlpt_resp_tSpeed and Cadence Control Point response indication structure
oCble_sc_ctrlpt_sSpeed and Cadence Control Point structure. This contains various status information for the Speed and Cadence Control Point behavior
oCble_sensorsim_cfg_tTriangular waveform sensor simulator configuration
oCble_sensorsim_state_tTriangular waveform sensor simulator state
oCble_srv_cccd_security_mode_tSecurity settings structure
oCble_srv_report_ref_tValue of a Report Reference descriptor
oCble_srv_security_mode_tSecurity settings structure
oCble_srv_utf8_str_tUTF-8 string data type
oCble_tps_init_tTX Power Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_tps_tTX Power Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_uuid128_t128 bit UUID values
oCble_uuid_tBluetooth Low Energy UUID type, encapsulates both 16-bit and 128-bit UUIDs
oCble_version_tVersion Information
oCbootloader_settings_tStructure holding bootloader settings for application and bank data
oCbp_page16_data_tBicycle Power page 16 data structure
oCbp_page17_data_tBicycle Power page 17 data structure
oCbp_page18_data_tBicycle Power page 18 data structure
oCbp_page1_response_data_tBicycle Power page 1 general calibration response data structure
oCbp_page32_data_tBicycle Power page 32 data structure
oCcmd_response_tCommand response type
oCdeb_tDebouncer state
oCdfu_update_packet_tStructure holding a bootloader packet received on the UART
oCdfu_update_status_tStructure holding DFU complete event
oChci_slip_evt_tStructure containing an event from the SLIP layer
oChci_transport_evt_tStruct containing events from the Transport layer
oChrm_page0_data_tData structure for HRM data page 0
oChrm_page1_data_tData structure for HRM data page 1
oChrm_page2_data_tData structure for HRM data page 2
oChrm_page3_data_tData structure for HRM data page 3
oChrm_page4_data_tData structure for HRM data page 4
oCieee_float16_tSFLOAT format (IEEE-11073 16-bit FLOAT, defined as a 16-bit vlue with 12-bit mantissa and 4-bit exponent
oCieee_float32_tFLOAT format (IEEE-11073 32-bit FLOAT, defined as a 32-bit value with a 24-bit mantissa and an 8-bit exponent
oCnrf_ecb_hal_data_tAES ECB data structure
oCnrf_gzll_device_tx_info_tData structure containing information about the last packet transmission
oCnrf_gzll_host_rx_info_tData structure containing information about the last packet received
oCpage80_data_tCommon page 80 data structure
oCpage81_data_tCommon page 81 data structure
oCsfloat_tSFLOAT format (IEEE-11073 16-bit FLOAT, meaning 4 bits for exponent (base 10) and 12 bits mantissa)
oCuint8_array_tByte array type
oCulong_union_tUint32_t type presentation as an union
\Cushort_union_tUint16_t type presentation as an union