nRF51 SDK - S210 SoftDevice
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCant_evt_tANT stack event type
oCantfs_beacon_status_byte1_tANT-FS beacon status
oCantfs_dir_header_tANT-FS directory header
oCantfs_dir_struct_tANT-FS directory entry
oCantfs_event_return_tANT-FS <-> application event communication object
oCantfs_params_tANT-FS parameters
oCantfs_request_info_tANT-FS download/upload request context
oCantplus_event_return_tBicycle Power profile to application communication object
oCapp_button_cfg_tButton configuration structure
oCapp_fifo_tA FIFO instance structure. Keeps track of which bytes to read and write next. Also it keeps the information about which memory is allocated for the buffer and its size. This needs to be initialized by app_fifo_init() before use
oCapp_uart_buffers_tUART buffer for transmitting/receiving data
oCapp_uart_comm_params_tUART communication structure holding configuration settings for the peripheral
oCapp_uart_evt_tStruct containing events from the UART module
oCbp_page16_data_tBicycle Power page 16 data structure
oCbp_page17_data_tBicycle Power page 17 data structure
oCbp_page18_data_tBicycle Power page 18 data structure
oCbp_page1_response_data_tBicycle Power page 1 general calibration response data structure
oCbp_page32_data_tBicycle Power page 32 data structure
oChci_slip_evt_tStructure containing an event from the SLIP layer
oChci_transport_evt_tStruct containing events from the Transport layer
oChrm_page0_data_tData structure for HRM data page 0
oChrm_page1_data_tData structure for HRM data page 1
oChrm_page2_data_tData structure for HRM data page 2
oChrm_page3_data_tData structure for HRM data page 3
oChrm_page4_data_tData structure for HRM data page 4
oCnrf_ecb_hal_data_tAES ECB data structure
oCpage80_data_tCommon page 80 data structure
oCpage81_data_tCommon page 81 data structure
oCpin_transition_tPin transition direction struct
oCspi_master_config_tA structure containing configuration parameters of the SPI master driver
oCspi_master_evt_tStruct containing parameters of the SPI MASTER event
oCspi_slave_config_tSPI peripheral device configuration data
oCspi_slave_evt_tStruct containing event context from the SPI slave driver
oCuint8_array_tByte array type
oCulong_union_tUint32_t type presentation as an union
\Cushort_union_tUint16_t type presentation as an union