Light xyL models

The xyL models represent a light source based on a modified CIE xyY color space, one of the CIE1931 color spaces. The CIE1931 color spaces are the first defined quantitative links between distributions of wavelengths in the electromagnetic visible spectrum, and physiologically perceived colors in human color vision. The CIE1931 color space chart is utilized by the models to determine the color light emitted by an element. The xyL models allow remote control and configuration of a light device with x and y chromaticity coordinates support in a mesh network.

CIE1931 color space chromaticity diagram

The Light xyL models can represent the lightness states on a linear or preceptually uniform lightness scale. See Light Lightness models for details.

The Light xyL models also feature their own common types, listed below. For types common to all models, see Bluetooth mesh models.

Common types

This section lists the types common to the Light xyL mesh models.

Header file: include/bluetooth/mesh/light_xyl.h
group bt_mesh_light_xyl

API for the Light xyL models.

struct bt_mesh_light_xy
#include <light_xyl.h>

Light xy parameters.

Public Members

uint16_t x

xyL x value

uint16_t y

xyL y value

struct bt_mesh_light_xyl
#include <light_xyl.h>

Common light xyL message parameters.

Public Members

uint16_t lightness

Lightness value

struct bt_mesh_light_xy xy

xy parmeters

struct bt_mesh_light_xyl_set_params
#include <light_xyl.h>

Light xyL set message parameters.

Public Members

struct bt_mesh_light_xyl params

xyL set parameters

struct bt_mesh_model_transition *transition

Transition time parameters for the state change, or NULL.

When sending, setting the transition to NULL makes the receiver use its default transition time parameters, or 0 if no default transition time is set.

struct bt_mesh_light_xyl_rsp
#include <light_xyl.h>

Light xyL set response message parameters.

Public Members

struct bt_mesh_light_xyl current

Current xyL parameters

struct bt_mesh_light_xyl target

Target xyL parameters

int32_t remaining_time

Remaining time for the state change (ms).

struct bt_mesh_light_xyl_status
#include <light_xyl.h>

Light xyL status message parameters.

Public Members

struct bt_mesh_light_xyl params

Status parameters

int32_t remaining_time

Remaining time for the state change (ms).

struct bt_mesh_light_xy_range
#include <light_xyl.h>

Light xy range parameters.

Public Members

struct bt_mesh_light_xy min

Maximal xy range

struct bt_mesh_light_xy max

Maximal xy range

struct bt_mesh_light_xyl_range_status
#include <light_xyl.h>

Light xyL range status message parameters.

Public Members

enum bt_mesh_model_status status_code

Range status code

struct bt_mesh_light_xy_range range

Range status parameters