mcuboot test plan

The current target for running the tests is the Freedom K64F board.

Basic sign support (RSA/EC/EC256)

For each supported signing algorithm, check that non-signed, and signed with wrong key images are not swapped to, and image signed with correct key is swapped to.

For the 3 algorithms supported, rsa, ec and ec256, two files are provided: key_.pem, key_2.pem. And a keys file with the C public key data for key.pem.

Build and load mcuboot:

  • newt build k64f_boot_<sign-algo>

  • newt load k64f_boot_<sign-algo>

Build and load good image in slot 0:

  • newt create-image k64f_blinky 1.0.1 key_<sign-algo>.pem

  • newt load k64f_blinky

NOTE: If testing RSA/PSS newt create-image needs to be passed in the extra flag --rsa-pss eg:

newt create-image k64f_blinky 1.0.1 key_rsa.pem --rsa-pss

Build and load image in slot 1 with no signing, signed with key_2.pem and signed with key.pem. Mark each one as test image and check that swap only happens for image signed with key_.pem. Both others should be erased.

  • newt create-image k64f_blinky2 1.0.2 <one-of-the-sign-keys-or-none>

  • newtmgr image upload k64f_blinky2

  • newtmgr image list

  • newtmgr image test <hash of slot 1>

Image signed with more than one key

FIXME: this is currently not functional, skip this section!

Build and load mcuboot:

  • newt build k64f_boot_rsa_ec

  • newt load k64f_boot_rsa_ec

Build and load good image in slot 0:

  • newt create-image k64f_blinky 1.0.1 key_rsa.pem

  • newt load k64f_blinky

Build and load image in slot 1 with no signing, signed with key_2.pem and signed with key.pem. Mark each one as test image and check that swap only happens for image signed with key_.pem. Both others should be erased.

Use all of this options:

  • newt create-image k64f_blinky2 1.0.2

And load

  • newtmgr image upload k64f_blinky2

  • newtmgr image list

  • newtmgr image test <hash of slot 1>

Overwrite only functionality

Build/load mcuboot:

  • newt build k64f_boot_rsa_noswap

  • newt load k64f_boot_rsa_noswap

Build/load blinky to slot 0:

  • newt create-image k64f_blinky 1.0.1 key_rsa.pem

  • newt load k64f_blinky

Build/load blinky2 both with bad and good key, followed by a permanent swap request:

  • newt create-image k64f_blinky2 1.0.2 <bad and good rsa keys>.pem

  • newtmgr image upload k64f_blinky2

  • newtmgr image list

  • newtmgr image confirm <hash of slot 1>

This should not swap and delete the image in slot 1 when signed with the wrong key, otherwise the image in slot 1 should be moved to slot 0 and slot 1 should be empty.

Validate slot 0 option

Build/load mcuboot:

  • newt build k64f_boot_rsa_validate0

  • newt load k64f_boot_rsa_validate0

Build non-signed image:

  • newt create-image k64f_blinky 1.0.1

  • newt load k64f_blinky

  • Reset and no image should be run

Build signed image with invalid key:

  • newt create-image k64f_blinky 1.0.1 key_rsa_2.pem

  • newt load k64f_blinky

  • Reset and no image should be run

Build signed image with valid key:

  • newt create-image k64f_blinky 1.0.1 key_rsa.pem

  • newt load k64f_blinky

  • Reset and image should run

Swap with random failures

DISCLAIMER: be careful with copy/paste of commands, this test uses another target/app!

Build/load mcuboot:

  • newt build k64f_boot_rsa

  • newt load k64f_boot_rsa

Build/load slinky to slot 0:

  • newt create-image k64f_slinky 1.0.1 key_rsa.pem

  • newt load k64f_slinky

Build/load slinky2 to slot 1:

  • newt create-image k64f_slinky2 1.0.2 key_rsa.pem

  • newtmgr image upload k64f_slinky2

Confirm that both images are installed, request a permanent request to the image in slot 1 and check that it works.

  • newtmgr image list

  • newtmgr image confirm <hash of slot 1>

If everything works, now proceed with requests for permanent swap to the image in slot 1 and do random swaps (as much as you like!). When the swap finishes confirm that the swap was finished with the previous slot 1 image now in slot 0 and vice-versa.


  • Mass erase MCU

      $ pyocd erase --chip
  • Flashing image in slot 1:

      $ pyocd flash -e sector -a 0x80000 ${IMG_FILE} bin