.. zephyr:code-sample:: console_echo :name: Console echo :relevant-api: console_api Echo an input character back to the output using the Console API. Overview ******** This example shows how the :c:func:`console_getchar` and :c:func:`console_putchar` functions can be used to echo an input character back to the console. Requirements ************ UART console is required to run this sample. Building and Running ******************** Build and flash the sample as follows, changing ``nucleo_f401re`` for your board. Alternatively you can run this using QEMU, as described in :zephyr:code-sample:`console_getchar`. .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/subsys/console/echo :host-os: unix :board: nucleo_f401re :goals: build flash :compact: Following the initial prompt given by the firmware, start pressing keys on a keyboard, and they will be echoed back to the terminal program you are using. Sample Output ============= .. code-block:: console You should see another line with instructions below. If not, the (interrupt-driven) console device doesn't work as expected: Start typing characters to see them echoed back