.. zephyr:code-sample:: sys-heap :name: System heap Print system heap usage to the console. Overview ******** A simple sample that can be used with any :ref:`supported board ` and prints system heap usage to the console. Building ******** This application can be built on :ref:`native_sim ` as follows: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/basic/sys_heap :host-os: unix :board: native_sim :goals: build :compact: To build for another board, change "native_sim" above to that board's name. Running ******* Run build/zephyr/zephyr.exe Sample Output ************* .. code-block:: console System heap sample allocated 0, free 196, max allocated 0, heap size 256 allocated 156, free 36, max allocated 156, heap size 256 allocated 100, free 92, max allocated 156, heap size 256 allocated 0, free 196, max allocated 156, heap size 256