.. _bbram_api: Battery Backed RAM (BBRAM) ########################## The BBRAM APIs allow interfacing with the unique properties of this memory region. The following common types of BBRAM properties are easily accessed via this API: - IBBR (invalid) state - check that the BBRAM is not corrupt. - VSBY (voltage standby) state - check if the BBRAM is using standby voltage. - VCC (active power) state - check if the BBRAM is on normal power. - Size - get the size (in bytes) of the BBRAM region. Along with these, the API provides a means for reading and writing to the memory region via :c:func:`bbram_read` and :c:func:`bbram_write` respectively. Both functions are expected to only succeed if the BBRAM is in a valid state and the operation is bounded to the memory region. API Reference ************* .. doxygengroup:: bbram_interface