.. _gptp_interface: generic Precision Time Protocol (gPTP) ###################################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Overview ******** This gPTP stack supports the protocol and procedures as defined in the `IEEE 802.1AS-2011 standard`_ (Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applications in Bridged Local Area Networks). Supported features ******************* The stack handles communications and state machines defined in the `IEEE 802.1AS-2011 standard`_. Mandatory requirements for a full-duplex point-to-point link endpoint, as defined in Annex A of the standard, are supported. The stack is in principle capable of handling communications on multiple network interfaces (also defined as "ports" in the standard) and thus act as a 802.1AS bridge. However, this mode of operation has not been validated on the Zephyr OS. Supported hardware ****************** Although the stack itself is hardware independent, Ethernet frame timestamping support must be enabled in ethernet drivers. Boards supported: - :ref:`frdm_k64f` - :ref:`nucleo_h743zi_board` - :ref:`nucleo_h745zi_q_board` - :ref:`nucleo_f767zi_board` - :ref:`sam_e70_xplained` - :ref:`native_sim` (only usable for simple testing, limited capabilities due to lack of hardware clock) - :ref:`qemu_x86` (emulated, limited capabilities due to lack of hardware clock) Enabling the stack ****************** The following configuration option must me enabled in :file:`prj.conf` file. - :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_NET_GPTP` Application interfaces ********************** Only two Application Interfaces as defined in section 9 of the standard are available: - ``ClockTargetPhaseDiscontinuity`` interface (:c:func:`gptp_register_phase_dis_cb`) - ``ClockTargetEventCapture`` interface (:c:func:`gptp_event_capture`) Testing ******* The stack has been informally tested using the `OpenAVnu gPTP `_ and `Linux ptp4l `_ daemons. The :zephyr:code-sample:`gPTP sample application ` from the Zephyr source distribution can be used for testing. .. _IEEE 802.1AS-2011 standard: https://standards.ieee.org/findstds/standard/802.1AS-2011.html API Reference ************* .. doxygengroup:: gptp