Bluetooth: Broadcast Audio Profile Scan Delegator ################################################# This document describes how to run the Scan Delegator functionality, Note that in the examples below, some lines of debug have been removed to make this shorter and provide a better overview. The Scan Delegator may optionally support the periodic advertisements synchronization transfer (PAST) protocol. The Scan Delegator server typically resides on devices that have inputs or outputs. It is necessary to have :code:`BT_DEBUG_BAP_SCAN_DELEGATOR` enabled for using the Scan Delegator interactively. The Scan Delegator can currently only set the sync state of a receive state, but does not actually support syncing with periodic advertisements yet. .. code-block:: console bap_scan_delegator --help bap_scan_delegator - Bluetooth BAP Scan Delegator shell commands Subcommands: init :Initialize the service and register callbacks synced :Set server scan state Example Usage ************* Setup ===== .. code-block:: console uart:~$ bt init uart:~$ bt advertise on Advertising started When connected ============== Set sync state for a source: .. code-block:: console uart:~$ bap_scan_delegator synced 0 1 3 0