.. _at_monitor_sample: Cellular: AT monitor #################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 The AT monitor sample demonstrates how to use the :ref:`at_monitor_readme` library and define AT monitors to receive AT notifications from the :ref:`nrfxlib:nrf_modem`. Requirements ************ The sample supports the following development kits: .. table-from-sample-yaml:: .. include:: /includes/tfm.txt Overview ******** The sample defines two AT monitors, one for network status notifications (``+CEREG``) and one for received signal quality parameters notifications (``+CESQ``) through the :c:func:`AT_MONITOR` macro. The sample then subscribes to both notifications and switches the modem to function mode one to register to the network. While the device is registering to the network, the sample uses one of the AT monitors to determine if the registration is complete and monitors the signal quality using the other monitor. Once the device registers with the network, the sample reads the modem PSM mode status, enables it, and reads the PSM mode status again. .. include:: /libraries/modem/nrf_modem_lib/nrf_modem_lib_trace.rst :start-after: modem_lib_sending_traces_UART_start :end-before: modem_lib_sending_traces_UART_end Building and running ******************** .. |sample path| replace:: :file:`samples/cellular/at_monitor` .. include:: /includes/build_and_run_ns.txt Testing ======= |test_sample| #. |connect_kit| #. |connect_terminal| #. Power on or reset your nRF91 Series DK. #. Observe that the sample starts and connects to the LTE network, while displaying both the network registration status and signal quality during the process. #. Observe that the sample displays the PSM status twice on the terminal, once when it is disabled, and once when it is enabled. #. Observe that the sample completes with a message on the terminal. Sample Output ============= The sample shows the following output: .. code-block:: console AT Monitor sample started Subscribing to notifications Connecting to network Resuming link quality monitor for AT notifications Waiting for network Link quality: -61 dBm Network registration status: searching Link quality: -59 dBm Network registration status: home Network connection ready Pausing link quality monitor for AT notifications Reading PSM info... PSM: disabled Enabling PSM Reading PSM info... PSM: enabled Periodic TAU string: 00000110 Active time string: 00100001 Modem response: +CEREG: 1,1 OK Shutting down modem Network registration status: no network Bye Dependencies ************ This sample uses the following |NCS| libraries: * :ref:`at_monitor_readme` It uses the following `sdk-nrfxlib`_ library: * :ref:`nrfxlib:nrf_modem` In addition, it uses the following secure firmware component: * :ref:`Trusted Firmware-M `