.. _nfc_t4t_hl_procedure_readme: Type 4 Tag procedures ##################### .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 This module provides functions to perform the NDEF detection procedure, which is used to retrieve the NDEF message from the data of a tag. The full NDEF detection procedure consists of the following procedures: 1. NDEF tag application select. #. Capability container (CC) select. #. Capability container read. #. NDEF select. #. NDEF read or NDEF update. After a successful NDEF detection procedure, you can also write data to the NDEF file. To do this, you must perform an NDEF update procedure. This module uses three other modules: * :ref:`nfc_t4t_apdu_readme` for generating APDU commands * :ref:`nfc_t4t_cc_file_readme` for analyzing APDU responses payload and storing it within the structure that represents the Type 4 Tag content * :ref:`nfc_t4t_isodep_readme` for transferring data over ISO-DEP protocols API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/nfc/t4t/hl_procedure.h` | Source file: :file:`subsys/nfc/t4t/hl_procedure.c` .. doxygengroup:: nfc_t4t_hl_procedure :project: nrf :members: