.. _nfc_ndef_le_oob: Bluetooth LE OOB records ######################## .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 A Bluetooth® LE device that has an NFC interface (a tag or a polling device) can use NFC to send or receive data required for connecting and pairing in the Bluetooth domain. This data should be presented in the form of a Bluetooth LE pairing message. A Bluetooth LE pairing message that works with Android devices contains one Bluetooth LE OOB record. This record contains the Bluetooth LE advertising data structure with information that is used to establish the connection and pair. The following Bluetooth LE pairing methods can be used in combination with this module: Legacy and LE Secure Connections Just Works pairing The NDEF record contains basic advertising data such as device name, address, and role. In this case, pairing over NFC does not provide MITM protection - the only advantage is automation of pairing through NFC touch. LE Secure Connections pairing with OOB data The NDEF record contains two additional data types that are used for OOB authentication: Confirmation Value and Random Value. In this case, pairing MITM protection is considered as strong as the MITM protection of NFC. For more information about NFC Connection Handover pairing methods, refer to `Bluetooth Secure Simple Pairing Using NFC`_ and the `Bluetooth Core Specification`_ Volume 3 Part H Chapter 2. The Bluetooth LE OOB record is used in the :ref:`peripheral_hids_keyboard` sample. API documentation ***************** | Header file: :file:`include/nfc/ndef/le_oob_rec.h` | Source file: :file:`subsys/nfc/ndef/le_oob_rec.c` .. _nfc_ndef_le_oob_rec: .. doxygengroup:: nfc_ndef_le_oob_rec :project: nrf :members: